HomeTraditional Chinese Medicine FormulasTen Charred Substances Powder

Ten Charred Substances Powder

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Ten Charred Substances Powder
ChiefDa Ji
    • cool blood and stanch bleeding
    • dispel stasis
This medicinal pair works by mutual reinforcement and is often used to cool blood and stanch bleeding.
ChiefXiao Ji
    • cool blood and stanch bleeding
    • dispel stasis
This medicinal pair works by mutual reinforcement and is often used to cool blood and stanch bleeding.
DeputyHe Ye
    • cool blood and stanch bleeding
This combination is often used to cool blood in order to stop bleeding, and to induce astringency in order to stanch bleeding.
DeputyCe Bai Ye
    • cool blood and stanch bleeding
This combination is often used to cool blood in order to stop bleeding, and to induce astringency in order to stanch bleeding.
DeputyBai Mao Gen
    • cool blood and stanch bleeding
This combination is often used to cool blood in order to stop bleeding, and to induce astringency in order to stanch bleeding.
DeputyZong Lü Pi
    • induces astringency and stanches bleeding
This combination is often used to cool blood in order to stop bleeding, and to induce astringency in order to stanch bleeding.
AssistantZhi Zi
    • clear heat and drain fire
    • cool blood and dispel stasis
    • descend qi and fire, help to stop bleeding, prevent blood stasis
    • retention
This combination is often used to clear heat, drain fire, cool the blood, and dispel stasis.
AssistantDa Huang
    • clear heat and drain fire
    • cool blood and dispel stasis
    • descend qi and fire, help to stop bleeding, prevent blood stasis
    • retention
This combination is often used to clear heat, drain fire, cool the blood, and dispel stasis.
AssistantMu Dan Pi
    • clear heat and drain fire
    • cool blood and dispel stasis
    • descend qi and fire, help to stop bleeding, prevent blood stasis
    • retention
This combination is often used to clear heat, drain fire, cool the blood, and dispel stasis.
AssistantOu Zhi
    • according to the administration, use white lotus root juice or radish juice to grind Peking ink, lotus root juice can clear heat, cool blood and dispel stasis, radish juice can descend qi and clear heat to help stanch bleeding
    • Peking ink can induce astringency and stanch bleeding
This combination is often used to clear heat, drain fire, cool the blood, and dispel stasis.
AssistantLuo Bo Zhi
    • according to the administration, use white lotus root juice or radish juice to grind Peking ink, lotus root juice can clear heat, cool blood and dispel stasis, radish juice can descend qi and clear heat to help stanch bleeding
    • Peking ink can induce astringency and stanch bleeding
This combination is often used to clear heat, drain fire, cool the blood, and dispel stasis.
AssistantJing Mo
    • according to the administration, use white lotus root juice or radish juice to grind Peking ink, lotus root juice can clear heat, cool blood and dispel stasis, radish juice can descend qi and clear heat to help stanch bleeding
    • Peking ink can induce astringency and stanch bleeding
This combination is often used to clear heat, drain fire, cool the blood, and dispel stasis.

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Ten Charred Substances Powder
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Blood-regulating formulas

Cirsii Japonici Herba (Da Ji) 9g, Cirsii Herba (Xiao Ji) 9g, Nelumbinis Folium (He Ye) 9g, Platycladi Cacumen (Ce Bai Ye) 9g, Imperatae Rhizoma (Bai Mao Gen) 9g, Rubiae Radix et Rhizoma (Qiao Cao Gen) 9g, Gardeniae Fructus (Zhi Zi) 9g, Rhei Radix et Rhizoma (Da Huang) 9g, Moutan Cortex (Mu Dan Pi) 9g, Trachycarpi Petiolus(Zong Lu Pi) 9g
Char the medicinals, but take care to retain their medicinal properties. Grind them into a fine powder, wrap them with paper, cover them with a bowl on the ground for one night in order to get rid of the fire toxin, and use either white lotus root juice or radish juice to grind half bowl of Peking ink. Mix 5 qian of the powder, and take after meals. (Modern use: Char the medicinals, but take care to retain their medicinal properties. Grind them into a fine powder; use either white lotus root juice or radish juice to grind the right amount of Peking ink. Mix 9-15g of the powder and take it. Or make a decoction, adjusting the dosages according to the proportions of the original formula.)
Cools blood and stanches bleeding.
Shi Hui San is indicated for hemorrhages due to blood heat. Examples include vomiting of blood, spitting of blood, expectoration of blood, coughing of blood, nosebleed. If the color of the blood is bright red, the situation is acute and severe. The tongue body is red and the pulse is rapid.
This formula is indicated for all kinds of hemorrhages of the upper jiao. The cause of the hemorrhage is flaming heat moving upward and damaging the blood vessels, then blood travels out of the normal pathway. The treatment principle is to cool blood and stanch bleeding.
1. Essential pattern differentiation Shi Hui San is indicated for all kinds of hemorrhages in the upper jiao due to blood heat. This clinical pattern is marked by bright red blood, red tongue body with yellow coating, rapid pulse. 2. Modern applications This formula can be used in the following biomedically defined disorders when the patient shows signs of hemorrhage due to blood heat: upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage, bronchiectasis, and hemoptysis due to tuberculosis. 3. Cautions and contraindications This formula is used to treat the branch in acute circumstances. However, once the bleeding has been brought under control, the root of the problem should be identified in order to further increase efficacy of the treatment. Shi Hui San is not suitable for patterns of deficiency-cold. Since it is a powder, it can be used for either internal or external treatment. No matter how it is used, prepare it in advance and use it to decrease blood heat. Although these medicinals are to be charred, when doing so take care to make sure that their medicinal properties remain intact, otherwise the reliability of their medicinal effect will be uncertain.
Additonal formulae
Si Sheng Wan (Four Fresh Medicinals Pill 四生丸)
《Divine Book of Ten Medicinal Formulas》Shi Yao Shen Shu《十藥神書》

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