Synthetic Borneol

Synthetic Borneol
Synthetic Borneol
Latin Pharmaceutical Name
Borneolum Syntheticum
Chinese Name

Synthetic BorneolMore Info

Production Regions
Primarily produced in Chinese provinces of Guangdong, Hunan, Jiangsu, Tianjin.
Macroscopic Features
Colorless transparent or white translucent flakes of loose, brittle crystals. Clear aroma; taste acrid and cool; volatile, emits dense smoke when burned and produced a bright flame. It easily dissolves in alcohol, chloroform or ether, rarely in water. Melting point is 205~210℃. Mei hua bing pian: Transclucent plum flower-like flakes or lump crystals, thus called ‘mei pian’. 0.1~0.7cm diameter, about 0.1cm thick, off-white to pale grayish-brown, clear aroma; taste is clean and cool, melts slowly when chewed. No black smoke or rare black smoke is emitted when burned.
Quality Requirements
Superior medicinal material is large, white, loose brittle, clear aroma odor.
Acrid, bitter; slightly cold.
Opens the orifices, arouses the spirit, clears heat and relives pain. Dizziness due to heat, syncope, wind stroke and phlegm syncope, stagnation of qi and irascible syncope, coma, red eye, aphtha, swelling throat and pain, purulent ear.
A processed product produced from the combination of turpentine and camphor.

Synthetic BorneolHerbs in the formula

Storax Pill

Storax Pill

Action:Aromatically opens the orifices, moves qi and relieves pain.
Indication:Su He Xiang Wan is indicated for cold blockage. The symptoms are sudden fainting and locked jaw, unconsciousness, a white tongue coating, and a slow pulse. It is also indicated for sudden pain in the heart and abdomen as well as syncope due to cold blockage.
Supreme Jewel Elixir

Supreme Jewel Elixir

Action:Removes turbidity, opens the orifices, clears heat and resolves toxins.
Indication:Zhi Bao Dan is indicated for phlegm-heat blocking the pericardium. The symptoms are unconsciousness, delirium, high fever, vexation, agitation, excessive phlegm, and panting. The tongue is red with a yellow, greasy coating and a slippery, rapid pulse. Zhi Bao Dan is also indicated for wind-strike, summerheat-strike, infantile syncope, and convulsions caused by internal phlegm-heat blockage.
Peaceful Palace Bovine Bezoar Pill

Peaceful Palace Bovine Bezoar Pill

Action:Clears heat and resolves toxins, opens the orifices and induces resuscitation.
Indication:An Gong Niu Huang Wan is indicated for a pattern of pathogenic heat invading the pericardium. The symptoms are high fever, vexation, unconsciousness, delirium, stiffness of the tongue and cold limbs. The tongue is red or crimson, and the pulse is rapid and forceful. It is also indicated for pathogenic heat causing internal block, wind strike, unconsciousness, and infantile convulsion.
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