Supreme Jewel Elixir

Supreme Jewel ElixirFormula Image

Supreme Jewel Elixir
ChiefShe Xiang
    • aromatically opens the orifices and induces resuscitation
ChiefNiu Huang
    • eliminate phlegm and open the orifices
    • clear the heart
    • cool blood and resolve toxins
ChiefXi Jiao
    • eliminate phlegm and open the orifices
    • clear the heart
    • cool blood and resolve toxins
DeputyAn Xi Xiang
    • aromatically open the orifices
    • dispel filth and remove turbidity
Used with she xiang, this combination is essential for unconsciousness due to blocked orifices.
DeputyBing Pian
    • aromatically open the orifices
    • dispel filth and remove turbidity
Used with she xiang, this combination is essential for unconsciousness due to blocked orifices.
DeputyDai Mao
    • clears heat and resolves toxins
    • suppresses fright and calms the mind
Help niu huang and xi jiao to clear heat and resolve toxins.
AssistantXiong Huang
    • eliminates phlegm and resolves toxins
Used with she xiang, this combination treats the complex of phlegm, heat and blood stasis.
AssistantHu Po
    helps she xiang to:
    • dredge collaterals
    • dissolve blood stasis
    • remove blood stasis in the heart orifice
Used with she xiang, this combination treats the complex of phlegm, heat and blood stasis.
AssistantZhu Sha
    • tranquilizes the heart and calms the mind when used with hu po
AssistantJin Bo/Yin Bo
    • reinforce the effect of zhu sha and hu po
    • calm the mind as heavy sedatives

Supreme Jewel ElixirPrescription Information

Supreme Jewel Elixir
Chinese Name



Resuscitative formulas

Bubali Cornu (Shui Niu Jiao) 2.2 liang (65g), Cinnabaris (Zhu Sha) 1 liang (30g), Realgar (Xiong Huang) 1 liang (30g), Eretmochelydis Carapax (Sheng Dai Mao) 1 liang (30g), Succinum (Hu Po) 1 liang (30g), Bovis Calculus (Ma Huang) 1 fen (0.3g), Moschus (She Xiang) 1 fen (0.3g), Borneolum Syntheticum (Bing Pian) 1 fen (0.3g), Benzoinum (An Xi Xiang) 1.5 liang (45g)
First, grind dai mao, an xi xiang, and hu po into a fine powder. Grind zhu sha and xiong huang with water. Grind she xiang, niu huang, bing pian and shui niu jiao into powder. Second, mix all the powders, filter, and then prepare them into 3g pills using honey.
Removes turbidity, opens the orifices, clears heat and resolves toxins.
Zhi Bao Dan is indicated for phlegm-heat blocking the pericardium. The symptoms are unconsciousness, delirium, high fever, vexation, agitation, excessive phlegm, and panting. The tongue is red with a yellow, greasy coating and a slippery, rapid pulse. Zhi Bao Dan is also indicated for wind-strike, summerheat-strike, infantile syncope, and convulsions caused by internal phlegm-heat blockage.
This pattern is caused by phlegm-heat blocking the pericardium. Unconsciousness, vexation and agitation, delirium, and fever result from phlegm-heat disturbing the mind. Wheezing and panting result from phlegm-drool obstructing the airways. A red tongue body and a yellow, greasy coating are signs of internal phlegm-heat obstruction. Infantile convulsions and wind-strike share the same pathomechanism. The therapeutic method is to remove turbidity, open orifices, clear heat, and resolve toxins.
1. Essential pattern differentiation Zhi Bao Dan is commonly indicated for phlegm-heat blocking the pericardium.This clinical pattern is marked by unconsciousness and delirium, high fever, vexation and agitation, excessive phlegm and panting. 2. Modern applications This formula may be used in the following biomedically defined disorders when the patient shows signs of phlegm-heat blocking the pericardium: epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis, B encephalitis, toxic dysentery, uremia, cerebrovascular accident, hepatic coma, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, and epilepsy. 3. Cautions and contraindications This formula contains a lot of aromatic and pungent medicinals and may consume yin and body fluid. Therefore, it should not be applied to the patient with unconsciousness and delirium due to excessive yang and deficiency of yin. It is prohibited during pregnancy.
Additonal formulae
Xing Jun San (The March Powder 行軍散)
1. Forest Musk Deer ( Moschus berezovskii ) is listed as "Endangered" in the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species. Also, it is listed in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) Appendix II. Its trade is allowed but subject to licensing controls. (Except the populations of Afghanistan, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal and Pakistan, which are included in Appendix I) 2. Alpine Musk Deer ( Moschus sifanicus ) is listed as "Endangered" in the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species. Also, it is listed in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) Appendix II. Its trade is allowed but subject to licensing controls. (Except the populations of Afghanistan, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal and Pakistan, which are included in Appendix I) 3. Siberian Musk Deer ( Moschus moschiferus ) is listed as "Vulnerable" in the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species. Also, it is listed in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) Appendix II. Its trade is allowed but subject to licensing controls. (Except the populations of Afghanistan, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal and Pakistan, which are included in Appendix I) 4. All species of Rhino are threatened. They are listed as "Near threatened", "Vulnerable", "Endangered" or "Critically endangered" in the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species. Depend on their species and geographical range, they are listed in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) Appendix I or II. The speices listed in Appendix I are highly protected, and the wild specices for commercial trade purposes are banned; the trade of speices that listed in Appendix II are allowed but subject to licensing controls. 5. Hawksbill Turtle ( Eretmochelys imbricata ) is listed as "Critically endangered" in the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species. Also, it is listed in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) Appendix I. It is highly protected, and the wild specice for commercial trade purposes is banned.
《Fine Formulas of Su and Shen》Su Shen Liang Fang《蘇沈良方》

Supreme Jewel ElixirFormulation composition herbal medicine

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