Chinese Dodder Seed

Chinese Dodder Seed
Chinese Dodder Seed
Latin Pharmaceutical Name
Cuscutae Semen
Chinese Name
Fruits and seeds

Chinese Dodder SeedMore Info

Production Regions
Primarily produced in the Chinese provinces of Jiangsu, Hebei, Jilin.
Macroscopic Features
Sub-spherical, with obvious ventral ridge, two side are often indented, long diameter is 1.4~1.6mm, short diameter is 0.9~1.1mm. Externally grayish-brown or yellowish-brown, rough surface because of the intricate small raised spots, seed coat is firm, hard to break, after peeling off the seed coat, 3 rounds of spiral embryo can be seen at the center, endosperm is membranous and surrounds the embryo. faint odor, slightly bitter, astringent taste.
Quality Requirements
Superior medicinal material is full.
Sweet, warm
Supplements kidney, promotes essence, nourishes liver, brightens eyes, secures fetus, relieves diarrhea.
The dried mature seed of Cuscuta chinensis Lam.(Convolvulaceae)

Chinese Dodder SeedHerbs in the formula

Left-Restoring Pill

Left-Restoring Pill

Action:Enriches kidney yin, supplements essence, and boosts marrow.
Indication:Zuo Gui Wan is used to treat patterns of true yin deficiency marked by dizziness, blurred vision, soreness of the waist and knees, seminal emission, efflux diarrhea, spontaneous sweating, night sweat, a dry mouth and tongue, a red tongue with a scanty coating, and a thready pulse.
Right-Restoring Pill

Right-Restoring Pill

Action:Warms and supplements kidney yang, supplements essence, and boosts marrow.
Indication:You Gui Wan is intended for patterns of kidney yang insufficiency and ming men fire deficiency marked by mental fatigue and general weakness due to aging or chronic disease, fear of cold, hypothermic limbs, sore loins, impotence, spermatorrhea, infertility, decreased food intake, unformed stools, urinary incontinence, a pale tongue with a white coating, and a deep, delayed pulse.
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