Right-Restoring Pill

Right-Restoring PillFormula Image

Right-Restoring Pill
ChiefFu Zi
    • supplements fire and assists yang
The chief medicinals are used to supplement and foster original yang in the kidney, warm the interior, and dispel cold.
ChiefRou Gui
    • warms and unblocks yang qi
The chief medicinals are used to supplement and foster original yang in the kidney, warm the interior, and dispel cold.
ChiefLu Jiao Jiao
    • supplements kidney essence
The chief medicinals are used to supplement and foster original yang in the kidney, warm the interior, and dispel cold.
DeputyShu Di Huang
    • enriches yin and supplements the kidney
Used to “seek yang within yin” by combining yin-supplements in a large group of yang-supplementing medicinals.
DeputyShan Zhu Yu
    • nourishes liver and kidney, astringes essence and sweat
Used to “seek yang within yin” by combining yin-supplements in a large group of yang-supplementing medicinals.
DeputyShan Yao
    • supplements spleen yin, nourishes the kidney, and consolidates essence
Used to “seek yang within yin” by combining yin-supplements in a large group of yang-supplementing medicinals.
DeputyGou Qi Zi
    • supplements the kidney and liver, improves vision
Used to “seek yang within yin” by combining yin-supplements in a large group of yang-supplementing medicinals.
AssistantTu Si Zi
    • supplements kidney yang, boosts the kidney essence
These three are used to supplement the liver and kidney, strengthen the waist and knees, and nourish the essence and blood.
AssistantChuan Niu Xi
    • supplements the liver and kidney, strengthens the sinews and bones
These three are used to supplement the liver and kidney, strengthen the waist and knees, and nourish the essence and blood.
AssistantDang Gui
    • nourishes and harmonizes blood
These three are used to supplement the liver and kidney, strengthen the waist and knees, and nourish the essence and blood.

Right-Restoring PillPrescription Information

Right-Restoring Pill
Chinese Name



Tonic formulas

Rehmanniae Radix Praeparata (Shu Di Huang) 8 liang (240g), Dioscoreae Rhizoma (Shan Yao) 4 liang (120g), Corni Fructus (Shan Zhu Yu) 3 liang (90g), Lycii Fructus (Gou Qi Zi) 3 liang (90g), Cuscutae Semen (Tu Si Zi) 4 liang (120g), Cervi Cornus Colla (Lu Jiao Jiao) 4 liang (120g), Eucommiae Cortex (Du Zhong Zi) 4 liang (120g), Cinnamomi Cortex (Rou Gui) 2 liang (60g), Angelicae Sinensis Radix (Dang Gui) 3 liang (90g), Aconiti Lateralis Radix Praeparata (Zhi Fu Zi) 2-6 liang (60-180g)
First steam shu di huang until it becomes mushy. Then grind up all the medicinals with a pestle and add honey. Finally, form them into pills the size of a phoenix tree seed. Take one hundred pills at one time with boiled water or slightly salted water. Otherwise, the pill can be made larger into the size of a marble. Chew two or three of these pills and take with boiled water as a single dose. (Modern preparation: decoct the formula with the medicinals dosed according to the original proportions.)
Warms and supplements kidney yang, supplements essence, and boosts marrow.
You Gui Wan is intended for patterns of kidney yang insufficiency and ming men fire deficiency marked by mental fatigue and general weakness due to aging or chronic disease, fear of cold, hypothermic limbs, sore loins, impotence, spermatorrhea, infertility, decreased food intake, unformed stools, urinary incontinence, a pale tongue with a white coating, and a deep, delayed pulse.
The pattern treated with this formula is deficiency of both kidney yang and ming men fire. As the kidney is the viscus of water and fire, it stores ming men fire and is therefore regarded as the root of the original yang. Kidney yang deficiency and the decline of the ming men fire fail to warm the earth (spleen) affecting the spleen-stomach function. Thereby, the patient presents with mental fatigue, general weakness, sore and cold loins, decreased appetite, and unformed stools. The kidney dominates tian gui (reproduction-stimulating essence, corresponds with the tenth heavenly stem, 天癸) and stores the essence. Therefore, kidney yang deficiency results in the decline of tian gui and reproductive dysfunction manifesting impotence, spermatorrhea, infertility, and urinary incontinence. The treatment principle, as recorded in The Complete Works of [Zhang] Jing-yue, is to boost the source of the fire, namely, the original yang stored in the right kidney.
1. Essential pattern differentiation You Gui Wan is often used to treat kidney yang deficiency and decline of ming men fire. This clinical pattern is marked by mental fatigue and general weakness, fear of cold, cold limbs, sore loins and weak knees, impotence, deep, slow pulse. 2. Modern applications Modified You Gui Wan can be used to treat the following diseases identified as patterns of kidney yang deficiency: nephrotic syndrome, senile osteoporosis, infertility, oligospermatism, anemia, and leucopenia. 3. Cautions and contraindications You Gui Wan is intended for patterns of pure deficiency only. Therefore, it is inappropriate to prescribe for those with kidney deficiency complicated with dampness accumulation, for it does not include medicinals that drain.
Additonal formulae
You Gui Yin (Right-Restoring Beverage 右歸飲)
《The Complete Works of [Zhang] Jing-yue》Jing Yue Quan Shu《景嶽全書》

Right-Restoring PillFormulation composition herbal medicine

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