Cassia Bark

Cassia Bark
Cassia Bark
Latin Pharmaceutical Name
Cinnamomi Cortex
Chinese Name
Tree barks and root barks

Cassia BarkMore Info

Production Regions
Primarily produced in the Chinese provinces of Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Hainan.
Macroscopic Features
Qi bian gui: Long strip-like or groove-like shape, left and right side are rolled inward, rolling edge is half-tube-like, grooved center is slightly raised, outer skin is indented, about 43cm long, 4~6cm wide, outer skin is brownish-gray-white or brown, both ends have a 5mm brown cortex-shaved slope. Whole body has irregular horizontal lenticels and numerous slightly raised small verrucous protrusions. Occasionally has slightly raised horizontal lines and grayish-green patterns (scar of bryophytes). Inner surface is dark reddish-brown or brown, clean, dark brown oil line when scraped by a fingernail. Potent aromatic odor, sweet and spicy taste. Ban gui: Flake-like shape, two sides are slightly rolled inward, about 43cm long, 13~15cm wide, 0.6cm thick, outer skin is rough, grayish-brown; inner skin is dark purple, fractured surface oil layer is brown, outer layer is brownish-red, often has little oil but many dregs, relatively light odor and tastes sweet and spicy. Oil gui: One side is tube-like groove-shaped, two side are slightly sloped, 43cm long, outer surface is grayish-brown or brown, often has grayish-green spots (colorful skin), inner surface is dark brown, hard and brittle texture, at the fractured surface the inner oil layer is clearly condensed, slightly lustrous, black or brown, outer surface is purplish-red, potent aromatic odor, sweet and acrid taste. Gui tong: Double tube-like or round tube-like, 35cm long, 0.1~0.3cm thick, outer surface is grayish-brown, with thin wrinkles and small cracks, elliptical lenticels, occasionally has raised horizontal lines and gray pattern. Inner surface is dark brown, hard and brittle texture, fractured surface is purplish-red or brownish-red, aromatic odor, sweet and spicy taste. Also called ‘gui pi’, ‘gui er tong.’ Gui xin: Same features as gui tong, but the cortex of outer skin is shaved cleanly, inner and outer skin are all brownish-yellow. Gui sui: Irregular flakes or short rolls of uneven size, outer skin is grayish-brown, fractured surface and inner skin is brown, aromatic odor, sweet and spicy taste.
Quality Requirements
Superior medicinal material is intact, thick and heavy, with thin wrinkles at the outer surface, oily, with potent aromatic odor.
Acrid, sweet, very hot
Supplements fire, assists yang, conducts fire to return to its source, scatters cold, relieves pain, invigorates blood, frees channels. Warms spleen and stomach, eliminates cold accumulation, frees blood and veins. Apply to decline of vital gate-fire, cold limbs and weak pulse, yang exhaustion and general exhaustion, diarrhea and stomachache, cold hernia and renal mass, cold pain of waist and knees, menostasis and abdominal mass, dorsal furuncle, multiple abscesses, upward floating of yang in deficiency condition, upper heat and lower cold.
The dried tree bark of Cinnamomum cassia Presl.(Lauraceae)

Cassia BarkHerbs in the formula

Perilla Fruit Qi-Descending Decoction

Perilla Fruit Qi-Descending Decoction

Action:Directs qi downward, dispels phlegm, relieves cough and panting.
Indication:Su Zi Jiang Qi Tang is indicated for coughing or wheezing in patterns of upper excess and lower deficiency. The symptoms are phlegm-drool accumulation, chest and diaphragm fullness and oppression, coughing, panting, shortness of breath, and exhaling more than inhaling. It is accompanied by lumbago, weakness in the legs, fatigue, lassitude, or swollen limbs. The tongue coating is glossy, white or greasy, white, and the pulse is wiry and slippery.
Pubescent Angelica and Mistletoe Decoction

Pubescent Angelica and Mistletoe Decoction

Action:Dispels wind-dampness, relieves pain, boosts the liver and kidney, supplements qi and blood.
Indication:This formula is indicated for long-term bi syndrome associated with deficiency of the liver and kidney and insufficiency of qi and blood. The symptoms include pain and flaccidity of the waist and knees, disorder of flexion and extension of the joints, numbness, fear of cold with a preference for warmth, palpitations, and shortness of breath. The tongue is pale with a white coating and the pulse is thready and weak.
Liver-Warming Decoction

Liver-Warming Decoction

Action:Warms and supplements the liver and kidney, moves qi and relieves pain.
Indication: Nuan Gan Jian is indicated for patterns of liver and kidney insufficiency with cold coagulation in the liver channel. Symptoms include cold pain in the testis, lower abdominal pain, fear of cold, and a preference for warmth. The tongue is pale with a white coating, and the pulse is deep and slow.
Harmonious Yang Decoction

Harmonious Yang Decoction

Action:Warms yang and reinforces blood, disperses cold and unblocks stagnation.
Indication:This formula is indicated for yin carbuncles. For example, a deep-rooted abscess attached to the bone (suppurative osteomyelitis), sloughing deep-rooted abscess (digital gangrene), multiple abscesses, phlegm nodules, and arthroncus of the knee due to patterns of yin-cold. The affected area will have diffuse swelling without discoloration of the skin, aching pain without fever, lack of thirst, a pale tongue body with a white coating, and a deep, thin pulse or slow, thin pulse.
Enlightened Master Viscera-Nourishing Decoction

Enlightened Master Viscera-Nourishing Decoction

Action:Astringes the intestines and rescues from desertion, warms and supplements the spleen and kidney.
Indication:This formula is used to treat chronic diarrhea or dysentery due to deficiency-cold of the spleen and kidney. Corresponding symptoms include fecal incontinence, excessive diarrhea or dysentery, abdominal pain that is relieved by pressure and warmth, fatigue, poor appetite or reduced food intake. Usually, the tongue is pale with a white coating. The pulse is deep and slow or slow and thready.
Cinnamon and Poria Sweet Dew Beverage

Cinnamon and Poria Sweet Dew Beverage

Action:Clears summerheat, resolves heat, transforms qi, and drains dampness.
Indication:This formula is indicated for summerheat-dampness. The symptoms are fever with headache, vexation and thirst, inhibited urination, cholera, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Peony Decoction

Peony Decoction

Action:Clears heat in the large intestine, dries dampness, invigorates the blood, and moves qi.
Indication:This formula is indicated for damp-heat dysentery. The symptoms are dysentery with stool containing pus and blood, abdominal pain, abdominal urgency with rectal heaviness, burning sensation in the anus, scant dark urine, a greasy yellow tongue coating, and a wiry rapid pulse.
Rehmannia Drink

Rehmannia Drink

Action:Nourishes kidney yin, supplements kidney yang, opens the orifices, and resolves phlegm.
Indication:Di Huang Yin Zi is indicated for yin fei syndrome (aphasia and apraxia) due to kidney qi deficiency and phlegm invading upward manifested as aphasia due to stiffness of the tongue, apraxia of the legs, thirst without a desire to drink, cold legs, and flushed face. The pulse is deep, thin, and weak.
Yang-Returning Emergency Decoction

Yang-Returning Emergency Decoction

Action:Restores yang to rescue from desertion, boosts qi and engenders pulse.
Indication:This formula treats pathogenic cold directly attacking the three yin channels, causing yang weakness. This pattern is characterized by reversal cold of the limbs, debilitated spirit, desire to sleep, aversion to cold, lying curled up, vomiting and diarrhea, stomach pain, no thirst, shivering, greenish-purple nails and lips, frothy saliva, a pale white tongue body with a white tongue coating, and a deep, feeble or barely perceivable pulse.
Right-Restoring Pill

Right-Restoring Pill

Action:Warms and supplements kidney yang, supplements essence, and boosts marrow.
Indication:You Gui Wan is intended for patterns of kidney yang insufficiency and ming men fire deficiency marked by mental fatigue and general weakness due to aging or chronic disease, fear of cold, hypothermic limbs, sore loins, impotence, spermatorrhea, infertility, decreased food intake, unformed stools, urinary incontinence, a pale tongue with a white coating, and a deep, delayed pulse.
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