Peony Decoction

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Peony Decoction
ChiefHuang Qin
    • clear heat, resolve toxins, and dry dampness
ChiefHuang Lian
    • clear heat, resolve toxins, and dry dampness
DeputyBai Shao
    • nourishes blood and harmonizes ying
    • eases tension and relieves pain
Clinvigorate blood to relieve stool with pus.
Regulate and harmonize qi and blood.
DeputyDang Gui
    • nourishes and invigorates blood
Clinvigorate blood to relieve stool with pus.
Regulate and harmonize qi and blood.
DeputyMu Xiang
    • move qi and remove stagnation
Harmonize qi to relieve rectal heaviness.
Regulate and harmonize qi and blood.
DeputyBing Lang
    • move qi and remove stagnation
Harmonize qi to relieve rectal heaviness.
Regulate and harmonize qi and blood.
AssistantDa Huang
    • drains heat and removes stagnation
    • helps huang qin and huang lian clear heat and dry dampness
    • helps dang gui and bai shao invigorate blood and move qi
AssistantGuan Gui
    • prevents the bitter-cold medicinals from damaging yang
    • helps regulate and harmonize qi and blood
    • prevents nausea or vomiting after taking the decoction
    • an auxiliary medicinal and paradoxical assistant medicinal
Assistant&EnvoyZhi Gan Cao
    • harmonizes the center and all the medicinals in the formula
    • eases tension and relieves pain

Peony DecoctionPrescription Information

Peony Decoction
Chinese Name



Heat-clearing formulas

Paeoniae Radix Alba (Shao Yao) 1 liang (30g), Angelicae Sinensis Radix (Dang Gui) 0.5 liang (15g), Coptidis Rhizoma (Huang Lian) 0.5 liang (15g), Arecae Semen (Bing Lang) 2 qian (6g), Aucklandiae Radix (Mu Xiang) 2 qian (6g), Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma (Gan Cao dry-fried) 2 qian (6g), Rhei Radix et Rhizoma (Da Huang) 3 qian (9g), Scutellariae Radix (Huang Qin) 0.5 liang (15g), Cinnamomi Cortex (Rou Gui) 2.5 qian (5g)
Grind the medicinals into a crude powder. Decoct one dose of the formula (0.5 liang) with 2 zhan of water, and boil it until the volume shrinks to 1 zhan. Take the decoction warm after a meal. (Modern use: use water to decoct the medicinals.)
Clears heat in the large intestine, dries dampness, invigorates the blood, and moves qi.
This formula is indicated for damp-heat dysentery. The symptoms are dysentery with stool containing pus and blood, abdominal pain, abdominal urgency with rectal heaviness, burning sensation in the anus, scant dark urine, a greasy yellow tongue coating, and a wiry rapid pulse.
This is a pattern of dysentery caused by an accumulation and obstruction of damp-heat in the large intestine, and qi-blood disharmony. Damp-heat steams and burns the large intestine, the large intestine fails to conduct and transmit, the qi and blood accumulate and obstruct, and the blood vessels in the large intestine become damaged, which lead to dysentery with stool containing pus and blood. Since the large intestine is obstructed, the bowel qi fails to descend and there is abdominal pain and abdominal urgency with rectal heaviness. The burning sensation in the anus, scanty dark urine, greasy yellow tongue coating, and wiry, rapid pulse are signs of the internal accumulation of damp-heat. The characteristic feature of this pattern’s pathogenesis is the accumulation and obstruction of damp-heat, and qi-blood disharmony in the large intestine. The three major symptoms are abdominal pain, abdominal urgency with rectal heaviness, and dysentery with stool containing pus and blood. Given the pathogenesis and major symptoms of the pattern, the therapeutic method, as recorded in《Collection of Writings on the Mechanism of Disease, Suitability of Qi, and the Safeguarding of Life as Discussed in the ‘Basic Questions’》Su Wen Bing Ji Qi Yi Bao Ming Ji《素問病機氣宜保命集》, is to “invigorate the blood to relieve stool with pus and blood, and moving qi to relieve abdominal urgency with rectal heaviness”. Therefore, the therapeutic method is to invigorate the blood, move qi, clear heat, and dry dampness as the principle focus, and guide out food stagnation as the supplementary focus.
1. Essential pattern differentiation Shao yao Tang is a commonly used formula used for treating dysentery caused by damp-heat in the large intestine, and qi and blood disharmony. This clinical pattern is marked by dysentery with stool containing pus and blood, abdominal pain, abdominal urgency with rectal heaviness, greasy yellow tongue coating. 2. Modern applications This formula may be used in the following biomedically defined disorders when the patient shows signs of damp-heat in the large intestine, and qi and blood disharmony: bacillary dysentery, amebic dysentery, allergic colitis, and chordapsus. 3. Cautions and contraindications Do not use the formula for patients with dysentery coupled with an exterior pattern and deficiency cold dysentery.
Additonal formulae
Huang qin Tang (Scutellaria Decoction 黃芩湯)
Aucklandia lappa is listed in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) Appendix I. This speice is highly protected and the wild specice for commercial trade purposes is banned.
《Collection of Writings on the Mechanism of Disease, Suitability of Qi, and the Safeguarding of Life as Discussed in the ‘Basic Questions’》Su Wen Bing Ji Qi Yi Bao Ming Ji《素問病機氣宜保命集》

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