HomeTraditional Chinese Medicine FormulasPubescent Angelica and Mistletoe Decoction

Pubescent Angelica and Mistletoe Decoction

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Pubescent Angelica and Mistletoe Decoction
ChiefDu Huo
    • acrid, bitter and slightly warm in nature
    • effective to dispel hiding wind and relieve bi
    • descending in nature
    • used in a large dose to dispel wind-cold-dampness from the lower jiao, sinews, and bone
The combination of the chief and deputy dispel wind-cold-dampness.
DeputyXi Xin
    • enters the kidney channel of shaoyin
    • effective for searching out and dispelling wind-cold-dampness within the yin channels
    • effective for removing dampness in the channels and collaterals
The combination of the chief and deputy dispel wind-cold-dampness.
DeputyQin Jiao
    • dispels wind-dampness
    • relaxes tendons and soothes joints
The combination of the chief and deputy dispel wind-cold-dampness.
DeputyGui Xin
    • warms channels to dissipate cold
    • dredges channels and activates blood
The combination of the chief and deputy dispel wind-cold-dampness.
DeputyFang Feng
    • diffuses wind from the body to overcome dampness
The combination of the chief and deputy dispel wind-cold-dampness.
DeputySang Ji Sheng
    • dispels wind-dampness
DeputyDu Zhong
    • boost and supplement the liver and kidney
    • strengthen tendons and bones
DeputyNiu Xi
    • activates blood and dredges the joints and tendons
The combination of dang gui, chuan xiong, niu xi, and rou gui activate the blood, wind can be dispelled when blood moves smoothly.
Therefore, the treatment for wind is basically associated with activating the blood.
DeputyDang Gui
    • nourish and harmonize blood
The combination of dang gui, chuan xiong, niu xi, and rou gui activate the blood, wind can be dispelled when blood moves smoothly.
Therefore, the treatment for wind is basically associated with activating the blood.
DeputyDi Huang
    • nourish and harmonize blood
The combination of dang gui, chuan xiong, niu xi, and rou gui activate the blood, wind can be dispelled when blood moves smoothly.
Therefore, the treatment for wind is basically associated with activating the blood.
DeputyChuan Xiong
    • nourish and harmonize blood
The combination of dang gui, chuan xiong, niu xi, and rou gui activate the blood, wind can be dispelled when blood moves smoothly.
Therefore, the treatment for wind is basically associated with activating the blood.
DeputyBai Shao
    • nourish and harmonize blood
DeputyRen Shen
    • fortify the spleen and boost qi
DeputyFu Ling
    • fortify the spleen and boost qi
EnvoyGan Cao
    • harmonizes the medicinals in the formula

Pubescent Angelica and Mistletoe DecoctionPrescription Information

Pubescent Angelica and Mistletoe Decoction
Chinese Name



Dampclearing formulas

Angelicae Pubescentis Radix (Du Huo) 3 liang (9g), Taxilli Herba (Sang Ji Sheng) 2 liang (6g), Eucommiae Cortex (Du Zhong) 2 liang (6g), Achyranthis Bidentatae Radix (Niu Xi) 2 liang (6g), Asari Radix et Rhizoma (Xi Xin) 2 liang (6g), Gentianae Macrophyllae Radix (Qin Jiao) 2 liang (6g), Poria (Fu Ling) 2 liang (6g), Cinnamomi Cortex (Rou Gui) 2 liang (6g), Saposhnikoviae Radix (Fang Feng) 2 liang (6g), Chuanxiong Rhizoma (Chuan Xiong) 2 liang (6g), Ginseng Radix et Rhizoma (Ren Shen) 2 liang (6g), Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma (Gan Cao) 2 liang (6g), Angelicae Sinensis Radix (Dang Gui) 2 liang (6g), Paeoniae Radix Alba (Shao Yao) 2 liang (6g), Rehmanniae Radix (Di Huang) 2 liang (6g)
Prepare as a decoction.
Dispels wind-dampness, relieves pain, boosts the liver and kidney, supplements qi and blood.
This formula is indicated for long-term bi syndrome associated with deficiency of the liver and kidney and insufficiency of qi and blood. The symptoms include pain and flaccidity of the waist and knees, disorder of flexion and extension of the joints, numbness, fear of cold with a preference for warmth, palpitations, and shortness of breath. The tongue is pale with a white coating and the pulse is thready and weak.
Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang is a frequently used formula for long-term bi syndrome caused by liver and kidney deficiency, and qi and blood insufficiency. It is generally caused by the contraction of wind-cold-dampness which, over a long period of time, leads to bi syndrome. The liver and kidney are involved and there is consumption of qi and blood. Wind-cold-damp invasion in the limbs and joints leads to qi and blood blockage that cause pain of the waist and knee. Gradually, stiffness and numbness of the limbs and joints might be seen. It is said in the《Basic Questions》that bi in the bones results in heaviness, while bi in the channels results in numbness. Additionally, the kidney governs bone and the liver governs sinews. When pathogens invade the sinews and bone for a long time, the liver and kidney might be damaged with consumption of qi and blood. Consequently, weakness of the waist and knee occurs as the waist is the residence of the kidney and the knees are the residence of the tendons. Qi and blood consumption leads to palpitations and shortness of breath. It is said in《Basic Question》Su Wen that deficiency of ying qi gives rise to numbness, while deficiency of wei qi gives rise to flaccidity, and deficiency of both ying and wei qi give rise to numbness and flaccidity. Zheng qi deficiency and pathogenic excess are involved in this pattern; therefore, the therapeutic methods are to reinforce zheng qi and dispel pathogens. Expel wind-cold-dampness on the one hand and boost the liver and kidney and supplement qi and blood on the other hand.
1. Essential pattern differentiation Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang is a frequently used formula for long-term bi syndrome caused by liver-kidney deficiency and qi and blood insufficiency. This clinical pattern is marked by cold pain of the waist and knees, stiffness of the joint, palpatations, shortness of breath, thready and weak pulse. 2. Modern applications This formula may be used in the following biomedically defined disorders when the patient shows signs of long-term bi due to wind-cold-dampness with deficiency of zheng qi: chronic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatic sciatica, lumbar muscle strain, hyperostosis, and infantile paralysis. 3. Cautions and contraindications This formula is not applicable for patients with an excess pattern of bi caused by damp-heat.
Additonal formulae
San Bi Tang (Three Impediments Decoction 三痹湯)
Ginseng ( Panax ginseng ) is listed in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) Appendix II. Its trade is allowed but subject to licensing controls.
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