Thinleaf Milkwort Willd.

Thinleaf Milkwort Willd.
Thinleaf Milkwort Willd.
Latin Pharmaceutical Name
Polygalae Radix
Chinese Name
Roots and rhizomes

Thinleaf Milkwort Willd.More Info

Production Regions
Primarily produced in the Chinese provinces of Shaanxi, Shanxi, Jilin, Henan.
Macroscopic Features
Cylindrical shape, slightly curved, 3~15cm long, 0.3~0.8cm diameter. Externally grayish-yellow to grayish-brown, with relatively dense and deep transverse wrinkles, longitudinal wrinkles and crack lines, old roots have relatively dense and deep transverse wrinkles, with a jointed appearance. Hard and brittle texture, easily broken, brownish-yellow cortex at fractured surface, and yellowish-white xylem, cortex is easily peeled off from xylem. faint odor, bitter, slight acrid taste, irritating to the throat when chewed.
Quality Requirements
Superior medicinal material has thick cortex and thick strip.
Bitter, acrid, slightly warm.
Calms spirit, boosts mental faculties, dispels phlegm, disperses swelling. Apply to insomnia and dreaminess due to cardionephric disharmony, morbid forgetfulness and terror, absent-minded, uncomfortable expectoration, burns and scalds and swelling, mammary abscess and swelling pain.
Processed Form
Processed yuan zhi: Also called pao yuan zhi, qing yuanzhi. Clean yuan zhi soaked in boiled gan cao water; take out and sun-dry. Advanced in calming heart and spirit. Roast yuan zhi: also called honey yuan zhi. Clean yuan zhi processed by honey. Advanced in dispelling phlegm and relieving cough.
Technical Terms
'Bone’: This refers to the highly lignified woody portion of some medicinal materials. ‘Core’: this refers to the central portion of medicinal materials that have a different appearance and texture between the center and periphery. ‘Goose feather tube’: this refers to the cortex portion of relatively thick yuan zhi medicinal material that has had its woody core removed; the remaining cortex presents as a hollow cylinder or hollow long tube, which is similar in shape to hollow base of a goose’s feather.
The dried root of Polygala tenuifolia Willd., Polygala sibirica L.(Polygalaceae)

Thinleaf Milkwort Willd.Herbs in the formula

Spleen-Restoring Decoction

Spleen-Restoring Decoction

Action:Boosts qi, supplements blood; fortifies the spleen, and nourishes the heart.
Indication:1. Qi and blood deficiency of the heart and spleen marked by palpitations, amnesia, insomnia, night sweat, deficiency-heat, tiredness, reduced food intake, withered-sallow complexion, a pale tongue with a thin, white coating, and thready, weak pulses.
Mantis Egg Shell Powder

Mantis Egg Shell Powder

Action:Harmonizes and supplements the heart and the kidney, consolidates essence and arrests emission and urination.
Indication:Sang Piao Xiao San is indicated for a pattern of both heart and kidney deficiency. Signs and symptoms include frequent urination, turbid urine, enuresis, spontaneous seminal emission, absent-mindedness, poor memory, a pale tongue with white coating and a thready, thin pulse.
Convulsion-Settling Pill

Convulsion-Settling Pill

Action:Removes phlegm and extinguishes wind.
Indication:Ding Xian Wan is applicable to epilepsy caused by wind-phlegm-heat accumulation. The clinical manifestation include a sudden onset of epilepsy, dizziness, falling to the ground, losing consciousness, anoopsia, vomiting white foam, wheezing sound in the throat, yelling, convulsion of the limbs, a whitish-yellow and greasy tongue coating, and a wiry, slippery, and slightly rapid pulse. It can also be used to treat manic-depressive psychosis.
Rehmannia Drink

Rehmannia Drink

Action:Nourishes kidney yin, supplements kidney yang, opens the orifices, and resolves phlegm.
Indication:Di Huang Yin Zi is indicated for yin fei syndrome (aphasia and apraxia) due to kidney qi deficiency and phlegm invading upward manifested as aphasia due to stiffness of the tongue, apraxia of the legs, thirst without a desire to drink, cold legs, and flushed face. The pulse is deep, thin, and weak.
Celestial Emperor Heart-Supplementing Elixir

Celestial Emperor Heart-Supplementing Elixir

Action:Enriches yin and clears heat, nourishes blood and calms the mind.
Indication:Deficiency of yin and insufficiency of blood have lead to the disturbance of the mind. Symptoms include palpitations, vexation, insomnia, mental fatigue, forgetfulness, nocturnal emission, feverish feeling in palms and soles, aphtha, a sore mouth and tongue, and dry stool. The tongue is red with scanty coating, and the pulse is thin and rapid.
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