Convulsion-Settling Pill

Convulsion-Settling PillFormula Image

Convulsion-Settling Pill
ChiefZhu Li
    • clears heat and dissolves phlegm
    • suppresses fright
ChiefBei Mu
    • clears heat and dissolves phlegm
    • dissipates masses
ChiefDan Nan Xing
    • extinguishes wind and arrests convulsions
DeputyBan Xia
    • dissolve phlegm, rectify qi, and harmonize the center
DeputyChen Pi
    • dissolve phlegm, rectify qi, and harmonize the center
DeputyFu Ling
    • dissolve phlegm, rectify qi, and harmonize the center
DeputyTian Ma
    • calm the liver
    • extinguish wind and arrest convulsions
DeputyJiang Can
    • calm the liver
    • extinguish wind and arrest convulsions
DeputyQuan Xie
    • calm the liver
    • extinguish wind and arrest convulsions
AssistantYuan Zhi
    • dispel phlegm
    • open the orifices
    • calm the heart and mind
AssistantShi Chang Pu
    • dispel phlegm
    • open the orifices
    • calm the heart and mind
AssistantFu Shen
    • dispel phlegm
    • open the orifices
    • calm the heart and mind
AssistantDan Shen
    • clear heart heat
AssistantMai Dong
    • clear heart heat
Mai dong moistens dryness and prevents the acrid-warm and drying medicinals from damaging yin.
AssistantHu Po
    • tranquilize the heart and calm the mind
AssistantChen Sha
    • tranquilize the heart and calm the mind
EnvoyGan Cao
    • harmonizes all medicinals in the formula
EnvoyJiang Zhi
    • dissolves phlegm to open the orifices (resuscitate)

Convulsion-Settling PillPrescription Information

Convulsion-Settling Pill
Chinese Name



Phlegm-expelling formulas

Gastrodiae Rhizoma (Ming Tian Ma) 1 liang (30g), Bombyx Batryticatus (Jiang Can) 5 qian (15g), Fritillariae Cirrhosae Bulbus (Chuan Bei Mu) 1 liang (30g), Scorpio (Quan Xie) 5 qian (15g), Pinelliae Rhizoma (Ban Xia) 1 liang (30g), Poria (Fu Ling) 1 liang (30g), Poriae (Fu Shen) 1 liang (30g), Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium (Chen Pi) 7 qian (20g), Polygalae Radix (Yuan Zhi) 7 qian (20g), Acori Tatarinowii Rhizoma (Shi Chang Pu) 5 qian (15g), Arisaema cum Bile (Dan Nan Xing) 5 qian (15g), Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix et Rhizoma (Dan Shen) 2 liang (60g), Ophiopogonis Radix (Mai Dong) 2 liang (60g), Succinum (Hu Po) 5 qian (15g), Cinnabaris (Zhu Sha) 2 qian (9g)
Grind the above medicinals into thin powder and decoct them with 120g of gan cao to make into a paste. Add 100 ml of zhu li and 50 ml of sheng jiang juice in the paste and form pills. Take 9g each time.
Removes phlegm and extinguishes wind.
Ding Xian Wan is applicable to epilepsy caused by wind-phlegm-heat accumulation. The clinical manifestation include a sudden onset of epilepsy, dizziness, falling to the ground, losing consciousness, anoopsia, vomiting white foam, wheezing sound in the throat, yelling, convulsion of the limbs, a whitish-yellow and greasy tongue coating, and a wiry, slippery, and slightly rapid pulse. It can also be used to treat manic-depressive psychosis.
This pattern is caused by an accumulation of wind-phlegm-heat that obstructs the brain orifice. When the patient has been frightened or angry for a long time, or experienced bad emotions to a great extent, the qi movement will be badly influenced. As a result, the liver yang overacts to cause internal wind that stirs internal phlegm and binds with it to cause disease that manifests sudden seizures and unconsciousness. Eyes that are rolled up and spasms of the extremities indicate endogenous liver wind. Wheezing and foam-like drooling indicate excessive phlegm. The tongue and pulse characteristics indicate signs of wind-phlegm-heat. The treatment principle is to clear phlegm and extinguish wind, open the orifices and calm the mind.
1. Essential pattern differentiation Ding Xian Wan is commonly used for the treatment of epileptic seizures due to wind-phlegm-heat accumulation. This clinical pattern is marked by whitish-yellow and greasy tongue coating, wiry, slippery, and rapid pulse. 2. Modern applications It is commonly applied for patients with epileptic seizures caused by wind-phlegm-heat accumulation. 3. Cautions and contraindications The formula places emphasis on treating the branch, so it is focused on removing phlegm and extinguishing wind to address emergency conditions. Once the seizures are relieved the treatment should also aim to resolve phlegm and extinguish wind. It should also tonify the primordial qi and reinforce zheng qi. At the same time, the patient should maintain a healthy diet and good mood in order to consolidate the effect.
《Medical Revelations》Yi Xue Xin Wu《醫學心悟》

Convulsion-Settling PillFormulation composition herbal medicine

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