Major Wind-Stabilizing Pill

Major Wind-Stabilizing PillFormula Image

Major Wind-Stabilizing Pill
ChiefJi Zi Huang
    • nourish yin fluid to extinguish deficient wind
When nourishing is assisted by subduing, its efficacy of extinguishing wind is strengthened.
Endowed with subduing, it restrains the floating genuine yang.
ChiefE Jiao
    • nourish yin fluid to extinguish deficient wind
When nourishing is assisted by subduing, its efficacy of extinguishing wind is strengthened.
Endowed with subduing, it restrains the floating genuine yang.
DeputyBai Shao
    • nourish yin and soften the liver
    • supplement water to nourish wood
When nourishing is assisted by subduing, its efficacy of extinguishing wind is strengthened.
Endowed with subduing, it restrains the floating genuine yang.
DeputySheng Di
    • nourish yin and soften the liver
    • supplement water to nourish wood
When nourishing is assisted by subduing, its efficacy of extinguishing wind is strengthened.
Endowed with subduing, it restrains the floating genuine yang.
DeputyMai Dong
    • nourish yin and soften the liver
    • supplement water to nourish wood
When nourishing is assisted by subduing, its efficacy of extinguishing wind is strengthened.
Endowed with subduing, it restrains the floating genuine yang.
AssistantGui Ban
    • nourish yin to subdue yang
When nourishing is assisted by subduing, its efficacy of extinguishing wind is strengthened.
Endowed with subduing, it restrains the floating genuine yang.
AssistantBie Jia
    • nourish yin to subdue yang
When nourishing is assisted by subduing, its efficacy of extinguishing wind is strengthened.
Endowed with subduing, it restrains the floating genuine yang.
AssistantMu Li
    • nourish yin to subdue yang
When nourishing is assisted by subduing, its efficacy of extinguishing wind is strengthened.
Endowed with subduing, it restrains the floating genuine yang.
AssistantMa Ren
    • nourishes yin to moisten dryness
AssistantWu Wei Zi
    • restrains genuine yin
EnvoyZhi Gan Cao
    • harmonizes the other medicinals
Sour bai shao and wu wei zi are combined with sweet zhi gan cao to generate yin.

Major Wind-Stabilizing PillPrescription Information

Major Wind-Stabilizing Pill
Chinese Name



Wind-calming formulas

Paeoniae Radix Alba (Sheng Bai Hao) 6 qian (18g), Asini Corii Colla (E Jiao) 3 qian (9g), Testudinis Plastrum (Sheng Gui Ban) 4 qian (12g), Rehmanniae Radix (Gan Di Huang) 6 qian (18g), Cannabis Fructus (Ma Ren) 2 qian (6g), Schisandrae Chinensis Fructus (Wu Wei Zi) 2 qian (6g), Ostreae Concha (Sheng Mu Li) 4 qian (12g), Ophiopogonis Radix (Mai Dong) 6 qian (18g), Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma Praeparata cum Melle (Zhi Gan Cao) 4 qian (12g), Egg Yolk (Ji Zi Huang) 2 yolks (2 yolks), Trionycis Carapax (Bie Jia) 4 qian (12g)
Prepare the ingredients, except e jiao and ji zi huang, as a decoction for oral use. Add e jiao by melting it into the decoction, and blend ji zi huang into the strained decoction while stirring equably.
Enriches yin and extinguishes wind.
Da Ding Feng Zhu is indicated for a pattern of stirring of wind due to yin deficiency. The symptoms are clonic convulsions of the extremities, weak physique, lassitude of the spirit, a deep red tongue body with a scanty tongue coating, and a weak pulse; patients have a strong tendency of desertion.
This is a pattern caused by the prolonged retention of pathogenic heat damaging the genuine yin in the late stage of warm disease; if sweating had been induced incorrectly or if purged incorrectly, yin-fluids would be damaged, which leads to wind stirring. When the liver and kidney yin-fluids are exhausted, water fails to nourish wood, which stirs up deficient wind; convulsive limbs may also result. Exhausting genuine yin results in yang having no place to adhere to. Therefore there is emaciation and lassitude, a crimson tongue with a scanty coating, a weak pulse, and the tendency of desertion. The fundamental feature of this pattern is that the pathogenic heat is nearly eliminated, but there is only a little genuine yin left and is on the edge of desertion. The therapeutic principles used to remedy this pattern are to nourish yin-fluids to supplement the exhausting genuine yin and calm and extinguish the internal stirring of deficient wind.
1. Essential pattern differentiation Da Ding Feng Zhu serves as the most common formula used for severe damage of kidney yin with internal stirring of deficient wind in the late stage of warm disease. This clinical pattern is marked by convulsions, lassitude, crimson colored tongue body. 2. Modern applications This formula may be used in the following biomedically defined disorders when the patient shows signs and symptoms of stirring of wind due to yin deficiency such as Japanese B encephalitis sequelae, stroke sequelae, hyperthyroidism and neuropathic vibrations. 3. Cautions and contraindications This formula is not applicable to patients with deficient yin-fluids and excessive pathogenic heat.
Additonal formulae
1. San Jia Fu Mai Tang (Three Shells Pulse-Restoring Decoction 三甲復脈湯)
1. Chinese soft-shelled turtle ( Trionyx sinensis / Pelodiscus sinensis ) is listed as "Vulnerable" in the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species. Also, it is protected by Hong Kong Wild Animals Protection Ordinance (Cap. 170). 2. Reeves' Terrapin ( Chinemys reevesii / Mauremys reevesii ) is listed as "Endangered" in the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species. Also, it is listed in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) Appendix III. Its trade is regional control and subject to permits or certificates of origin.
《Systematic Differentiation of Warm Diseases》Wen Bing Tiao Bian《溫病條辨》

Major Wind-Stabilizing PillFormulation composition herbal medicine

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