Yellow Earth Decoction

Yellow Earth DecoctionFormula Image

Yellow Earth Decoction
ChiefZao Xin Tu
    • pungent, warm, and astringent in nature
    • warms the center and stanches bleeding
This combination is commonly used to warm yang, fortify the spleen, and stanch bleeding.
DeputyBai Zhu
    • warm yang and fortify the spleen
    • help the chief medicinal fortify the spleen in controlling the blood
This combination is commonly used to warm yang, fortify the spleen, and stanch bleeding.
DeputyFu Zi
    • warm yang and fortify the spleen
    • help the chief medicinal fortify the spleen in controlling the blood
This combination is commonly used to warm yang, fortify the spleen, and stanch bleeding.
AssistantSheng Di
    • enrich yin, nourish the blood, and stanch bleeding
This combination is commonly used to enrich the blood, inhibit warmness and dryness, nourish yin, and prevent harm to the normal function of the spleen and stomach.
AssistantE Jiao
    • enrich yin, nourish the blood, and stanch bleeding
This combination is commonly used to enrich the blood, inhibit warmness and dryness, nourish yin, and prevent harm to the normal function of the spleen and stomach.
AssistantHuang Qin
    • inhibits the warm dry nature of bai zhu and zhi fu zi
This combination is commonly used to enrich the blood, inhibit warmness and dryness, nourish yin, and prevent harm to the normal function of the spleen and stomach.
EnvoyGan Cao
    • harmonizes the center
    harmonizes the other ingredients
Increase the actions of scattering wind and relieving pain.
Treat headaches on several different channels.
This combination is often used to treat headaches caused by externally-contracted wind.

Yellow Earth DecoctionPrescription Information

Yellow Earth Decoction
Chinese Name



Blood-regulating formulas

Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma (Gan Cao) 3 liang (9g),Rehmanniae Radix (Sheng Di) 3 liang (9g), Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma (Bai Zhu) 3 liang (9g), Aconiti Lateralis Radix Praeparata (Fu Zi processed) 3 liang (9g),Asini Corii Colla (E Jiao) 3 liang (9g), Scutellariae Radix (Huang Qin) 3 liang (9g), Terra Flava Usta (Zao Xin Tu) 0.5 jin (30g)
Decoct the medicinals above with 8 sheng of water, till there is 3 sheng of water remaining. Take the warm decoction twice a day. (Modern use: decoct zao xin tu first, then use the decoction to decoct the other medicinals, and finally infuse e jiao by melting it into the decoction.)
Warms yang and fortifies the spleen, nourishes blood and stanches bleeding.
Huang Tu Tang is indicated for pattern of spleen yang insufficiency, and spleen failing to control the blood. The symptoms are bloody stool, in which the stool comes out first, spitting of blood, nosebleed, flooding and spotting (beng lou) of dark colored menstrual blood, cold four limbs, sallow complexion, a pale tongue with a white coating, and a deep, thin and weak pulse.
The pattern that this formula treats is spleen yang deficiency failing to control. Normally the spleen governs the blood, therefore when the spleen yang is deficient, it fails to control the blood and keep it contained inside the vessels. Blood can overflow from the upper jiao to cause bleeding such as spitting blood and nosebleeds. Also blood can overflow from the lower jiao to cause bloody stool and flooding and spotting (beng lou) in dark color, cold limbs, sallow complexion, a pale tongue body with a white coating, and a deep, thin and weak pulse. All of the symptoms above belong to a pattern of deficient cold in the middle jiao, as well as, yin and blood deficiency. The primary treatment method is to warm yang and stanch bleeding, which is assisted by fortifying the spleen and nourishing blood.
1. Essential pattern differentiation Huang Tu Tang serves as the most common formula used to treat bloody stool or flooding and spotting (beng lou) due to spleen yang deficiency. This clinical pattern is marked by light colored blood, pale tongue with white coating, deep, thready, and weak pulse. 2. Modern applications This formula may be used in the following biomedically defined disorders when the patient shows signs of spleen yang insufficiency: gastrointestinal bleeding and functional uterine bleeding. 3. Cautions and contraindications Huang Tu Tang should not be used for bleeding due to blood heat.
《Essentials from the Golden Cabinet》Jin Gui Yao Lue《金匱要略》

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