HomeTraditional Chinese Medicine FormulasMinor Channel-Activating Elixir

Minor Channel-Activating Elixir

Minor Channel-Activating ElixirFormula Image

Minor Channel-Activating Elixir
ChiefChuan Wu
    • dispel wind
    • dissipate cold
    • eliminate dampness
    • relieve pain
ChiefCao Wu
    • dispel wind
    • dissipate cold
    • eliminate dampness
    • relieve pain
DeputyTian Nan Xing
    • dispels wind
    • dries dampness
    • dissolves phlegm
AssistantRu Xiang
    • move qi
    • invigorate blood
    • dissolve stasis
    • unblock the collaterals
    • relieve pain
AssistantMo Yao
    • move qi
    • invigorate blood
    • dissolve stasis
    • unblock the collaterals
    • relieve pain
AssistantDi Long
    • unblocks the channels and collaterals
    • invigorates the blood and vessels
    • enhances the effects of other medicinal
    • guides the effects of other medicinals to specific locations of disease

Minor Channel-Activating ElixirPrescription Information

Minor Channel-Activating Elixir
Chinese Name



Wind-calming formulas

Aconiti Radix Cocta (Chuan Wu prepared) 6 liang (180g), Aconiti Kusnezoffii Radix Cocta (Cao Wu prepared) 6 liang (180g), Pheretima (Di Long) 6 liang (180g), Arisaematis Rhizoma Preparatum (Tian Nan Xing) 6 liang (180g), Olibanum (Ru Xiang) 2.2 liang (66g), Myrrha (Mo Xiang) 2.2 liang (66g)
Prepare as pills. Take orally 3g each time, 2 times per day with mellow liquor or warm boiled water. This formula may also be prepared as a decoction for oral use with an appropriate reduction in dosage. Chuan wu and cao wu should be cooked 30 minutes prior to the other medicinals.
Dispels wind and eliminates dampness, dissolves phlegm to unblock the collaterals, and invigorates blood to relieve pain.
1. Bi syndrome due to wind, cold, and dampness characterized by pain, numbness, and spasms of the limbs, body and sinews, dysfunction with bending and stretching the joints, wandering pain, a pale purple tongue body with a white tongue coating, and a deep, wiry or choppy pulse.
This formula treats the bi syndrome caused by wind-cold-dampness, static blood, and phlegm turbidity obstructing the channels. Wind-cold-dampness persistently obstructs the channels and collaterals. This leads to the obstruction of qi and blood, inhibition of ying and wei movement, fluids coagulating into phlegm, and blood blockage forming static blood. Wind-cold-dampness combines with phlegm and static blood to cause an obstruction of the channels and collaterals, resulting in painful numb spasms, whole body muscle and sinews tightness, flexion-extension dysfunction; persistent numbness due to wind-strike, heaviness of waist and legs or painful legs and arms. The treatment is to dispel wind and dissipate cold, and dissolve phlegm and invigorate blood.
The significance of making medicinals into pills: “Pills are gentle in nature.” The medicinals of a formula are made into pills in order to function gently. The enduring stagnation of heat, dampness, phlegm, and blood stasis in the channels and collaterals need to be hunted down and expelled by strong medicinals. However, these medicinals should not work too drastically; otherwise zheng qi might be damaged, which would make it more difficult to expel the pathogens. If the zheng qi is damaged, the pathogens become stronger. That is why in a case like this, gentle reducing works better. The theory behind using this formula as a pill “treats the pathogens with drastic medicinals, but does it in a gentle manner.” Although pills are the ideal preparation, this formula can also be made into decoction.
1. Essential pattern differentiation Xiao Huo Luo Dan serves as the common formula used to treat wind, dampness, obstinate phlegm, and blood stasis stagnating in channels and collaterals. This clinical pattern is marked by spasm and pain of the limbs and sinews, inability for the joints to stretch properly, pale, purple tongue body with white tongue coating. 2. Modern applications This formula may be used in the following biomedically defined disorders when the patient shows signs of wind-dampness, phlegm, and blood stasis stagnating in the channels and collaterals: chronic rheumatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, hyperostosis, sciatica, and scapulohumeral periarthritis. 3. Cautions and contraindications This formula is forbidden to use in patients with heat bi due to wind-dampness and heat due to yin deficiency. It should be used cautiously in the weak and the pregnant. Chuan wu and cao wu should not be used in large doses to prevent their toxins from harming the body.
Additonal formulae
Da Huo Luo Dan (Great Channel-Activating Elixir 大活络丹)
《Formulas from the Imperial Pharmacy》Tai Ping Hui Min He Ji Ju Fang《太平惠民和劑局方》

Minor Channel-Activating ElixirFormulation composition herbal medicine

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