Field Thistle Drink

Field Thistle DrinkFormula Image

Field Thistle Drink
ChiefXiao Ji
    • sweet and cool in nature, goes to the blood level
    • effectively clears heat, cools blood, and stanches bleeding
    • promotes urination and relieves strangury
    • suitable for the symptoms of blood strangury and bloody urine
This combination is often used to treat blood strangury and bloody urine.
They can cool blood, stanch bleeding, and dissolve stasis.
In addition they prevent the retention of stasis while stopping bleeding.
DeputySheng Di Huang
    • cools the blood and stanches bleeding
    • nourishes yin and clears heat
This combination is often used to treat blood strangury and bloody urine.
They can cool blood, stanch bleeding, and dissolve stasis.
In addition they prevent the retention of stasis while stopping bleeding.
DeputyPu Huang
    • help the chief medicinal to cool blood and stanch bleeding
    • dissolve stasis
This combination is often used to treat blood strangury and bloody urine.
They can cool blood, stanch bleeding, and dissolve stasis.
In addition they prevent the retention of stasis while stopping bleeding.
DeputyOu Jie
    • help the chief medicinal to cool blood and stanch bleeding
    • dissolve stasis
This combination is often used to treat blood strangury and bloody urine.
They can cool blood, stanch bleeding, and dissolve stasis.
In addition they prevent the retention of stasis while stopping bleeding.
AssistantHua Shi
    • clear heat
    • promote urination
    • relieve strangury
Together with sheng di and dang gui, they promote urination without damaging yin and blood, and prevent blood stasis from developing due to the use of cool and cold natured medicinals.
This combination is often used to improve the situation, conduct heat downward, and open a route for the release of the pathogens.
AssistantZhu Ye
    • clear heat
    • promote urination
    • relieve strangury
Together with sheng di and dang gui, they promote urination without damaging yin and blood, and prevent blood stasis from developing due to the use of cool and cold natured medicinals.
This combination is often used to improve the situation, conduct heat downward, and open a route for the release of the pathogens.
AssistantMu Tong
    • clear heat
    • promote urination
    • relieve strangury
Together with sheng di and dang gui, they promote urination without damaging yin and blood, and prevent blood stasis from developing due to the use of cool and cold natured medicinals.
This combination is often used to improve the situation, conduct heat downward, and open a route for the release of the pathogens.
AssistantZhi Zi
    • clears heat from the three jiao
    • conducts heat downward
Together with sheng di and dang gui, they promote urination without damaging yin and blood, and prevent blood stasis from developing due to the use of cool and cold natured medicinals.
This combination is often used to improve the situation, conduct heat downward, and open a route for the release of the pathogens.
AssistantDang Gui
    • nourishes blood
    • harmonizes blood
Together with sheng di and dang gui, they promote urination without damaging yin and blood, and prevent blood stasis from developing due to the use of cool and cold natured medicinals.
This combination is often used to improve the situation, conduct heat downward, and open a route for the release of the pathogens.
EnvoyGan Cao
    • relaxes tension and relieves pain
    • harmonizes the center
    • harmonizes the medicinals

Field Thistle DrinkPrescription Information

Field Thistle Drink
Chinese Name



Blood-regulating formulas

Rehmanniae Radix (Sheng Di) 9g, Cirsii Herba (Xiao Ji) 9g, Talcum (Hua Shi) 9g, Akebiae Caulis (Mu Tong) 9g, Typhae Pollen (Pu Huang) 9g, Nodus Nelumbinis Rhizomatis (Ou Jie) 9g, Lophatheri Herba (Dan Zhu Ye) 9g, Angelicae Sinensis Radix (Dang Gui) 9g, Gardeniae Fructus (Zhi Zi) 9g, Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma (Gan Cao) 9g
Cut the medicinals into small pieces, for every dose use a half liang (15g), take the decoction before meals. (Modern use: Prepare it as decoction, adjust the dose according to the state of disease.)
Cools blood and stanches bleeding, promotes urination and relieves strangury.
Blood strangury or bloody urine is due to the accumulation of heat in the lower jiao. This condition is marked by blood in the urine, and frequent painful urination that is hot with an unsmooth stream. The tongue is red and the pulse is rapid.
This pattern is caused by stagnant heat in the lower jiao that has damaged the blood collaterals of the bladder and affected qi transformation. Heat accumulated in the bladder damages blood collaterals. Bleeding occurs and the blood is discharged with the urine, so there is blood in the urine. Urination accompanied with pain is called blood strangury, or bloody urine. The heat caused by the stasis that has accumulated in the lower jiao affects the qi transformation of bladder, so there is frequent painful urination that is hot with an unsmooth stream that contains blood. The red tongue and rapid pulse are signs of heat accumulation. The treatment method is to cool blood, stanch bleeding, promote urination, and relieve strangury.
1. Essential pattern differentiation Xiao Ji Yin Zi is frequently used to treat patterns of blood strangury and bloody urine due to excessive heat. This clinical pattern is marked by blood-stained urine, frequent painful urination that is hot with an unsmooth stream that contains blood, red tongue, rapid pulse. 2. Modern applications This formula may be used in the following biomedically defined disorders when the patient shows signs of stagnant heat accumulating in the lower jiao: acute urinary system infection, urinary calculus, and nephrotuberculosis. 3. Cautions and contraindications The medicinals in this formula are mostly cold and cool, and lubricating and percolating in function. So they can only be indicated for patterns of excessive heat. It should not be used for chronic blood strangury and bloody urine with cold symptoms, yin deficiency with stirring fire, or qi deficiency that fails to control.
《Formulas to Aid the Living》recorded in《Essential Mechanism and Delicate Significance》Yu Ji Wei Yi《玉機微義》

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