Jade Lady Decoction

Jade Lady DecoctionFormula Image

Jade Lady Decoction
ChiefShi Gao
    • clears and drains stomach fire
Clear fire and nourish yin.
Address both deficiency and excess.
DeputyShu Di
    • nourishes kidney yin
Clear fire and nourish yin.
Address both deficiency and excess.
AssistantZhi Mu
    • clears heat and nourishes yin with its bitter, cold, and moist property
AssistantMai Dong
    • nourishes yin and clears heat
    • promotes fluid production and quenches thirst
Assistant&EnvoyNiu Xi
    • directs heat downward
    • supplements the liver and kidney

Jade Lady DecoctionPrescription Information

Jade Lady Decoction
Chinese Name



Heat-clearing formulas

Gypsum Fibrosum (Shi Gao) 3-5 qian (9-15g), Rehmanniae Radix Praeparata (Shu Di Huang) 3-5 qian or 1 liang (9-15g or 30g), Ophiopogonis Radix (Mai Dong) 2 qian (6g), Anemarrhenae Rhizoma (Zhi Mu) 1.5 qian (5g), Achyranthis Bidentatae Radix (Niu Xi) 1.5 qian (5g)
Decoct one dose of the formula with 1.5 zhong of water, and boil it until the volume shrinks to about 70%. The decoction can be taken either warm or cool. (Modern use: use water to decoct the medicinals.)
Clears stomach heat and nourishes kidney yin.
This formula is indicated for stomach heat and yin deficiency. The symptoms are toothache, headache, loose teeth, gingival bleeding, vexing heat and thirst, a red tongue with a dry yellow coating, xiao ke, and swift digestion with rapid hungering.
This is a pattern of shaoyin deficiency and yangming excess. Since the yangming channels go upward to the head and face, excessive heat of yangming stomach attacks upward to the head and face causing toothaches and headaches. Heat burns the blood vessels along the stomach channel, which caused gingival bleeding. Kidney yin deficiency causes the teeth to become loose. The stomach governs the intake of food and drink, excessive stomach heat causes swift digestion with rapid hungering. Heat consumes yin and fluids, causing vexing heat, thirst, and a red tongue with a dry yellow coating. This pattern is caused by the interaction between excessive fire and yin deficiency, with stomach heat as the main cause. Therefore, the therapeutic method is to clear stomach heat as the primary focus, and nourish kidney yin as the supplementary focus.
1. Essential pattern differentiation Yu Nu Jian is a commonly used formula used to treat toothache, gingival bleeding, and xiao ke caused by stomach heat and yin deficiency. This clinical pattern is marked by loosening of the teeth, vexing heat and thirst, red tongue body with dry yellow coating. 2. Modern applications This formula may be used in the following biomedically defined disorders when the patient shows signs of stomach heat and yin deficiency: gingivitis, diabetes mellitus, acute stomatitis, and glossitis. 3. Cautions and contraindications Do not use the formula for patients with thin, unformed stool caused by deficiency of the spleen.
《The Complete Works of [Zhang] Jing-yue》Jing Yue Quan Shu《景嶽全書》

Jade Lady DecoctionFormulation composition herbal medicine

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