Jade Wind-Barrier Powder

Jade Wind-Barrier PowderFormula Image

Jade Wind-Barrier Powder
ChiefHuang Qi
    • powerfully supplements spleen-lung qi
    • consolidates the exterior and arrests sweating
DeputyBai Zhu
    • boosts the spleen qi which is the source for wei qi and ying qi
AssistantFang Feng
    • dispels wind to release the exterior
This formula is mainly used to supplement zheng qi with huang qi and bai zhu and secondarily to dispel pathogens.

Jade Wind-Barrier PowderPrescription Information

Jade Wind-Barrier Powder
Chinese Name



Tonic formulas

Saposhnikoviae Radix (Fang Feng) 1 liang (30g), Astragali Radix (Zhi Huang Qi honey-fried) 2 liang (60g), Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma (Bai Zhu) 2 liang (60g)
Cut the ingredients into small pieces and take three qian (9g) each time. Add one and a half zhan of water and a piece of da zao and decoct until thirty percent of the water vaporizes. Remove the dregs and take it when warm.
Boosts qi, consolidates the exterior, and arrests sweating.
Yu Ping Feng San is indicated for patterns of spontaneous sweating due to exterior deficiency. Sweating, aversion to wind, a pale complexion, a pale tongue with a thin and white coating, and a floating, deficient pulse mark the clinical manifestations. It is also used to treat patients with a deficient constitution and deficient wei qi that is vulnerable to external wind pathogens.
Yu Ping Feng San is used to treat patterns of wei qi deficiency that fails to consolidate the exterior. Wei qi deficiency means that the striae and interstices are loose and not consolidated which leaves the body vulnerable, easy to be attacked by pathogenic wind. So an aversion to wind develops and it becomes easy to catch a cold. When wei qi fails to consolidate the exterior, ying-yin leaks out to cause frequent spontaneous sweating. A pale complexion, a pale tongue, and a floating, deficient pulse all reflect qi deficiency. Hence the treatment is to boost qi, reinforce zheng qi, consolidate the exterior, and arrest sweating.
1. Essential pattern differentiation Yu Ping Feng San is commonly used to treat spontaneous sweating due to exterior deficiency. This clinical pattern is marked by spontaneous sweating, aversion to wind, pale complexion, acid swallowing, pale tongue, deficiency pulse. 2. Modern applications Yu Ping Feng San is currently used to treat patients with allergic rhinitis, upper respiratory tract infection, and glomerulonephritis when their condition is differentiated as a pattern of exterior deficiency. 3. Cautions and contraindications It is inappropriate for sweating due to external contraction or night sweat due to yin deficiency.
《Categorized Collection of Medical Formulas》Yi Fang Lei Ju《醫方類聚》

Jade Wind-Barrier PowderFormulation composition herbal medicine

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