HomeTraditional Chinese Medicine HerbsMongolian Milkvetch Root|Membranous Milkvetch Root

Mongolian Milkvetch Root|Membranous Milkvetch Root

Mongolian Milkvetch Root|Membranous Milkvetch Root
Mongolian Milkvetch Root|Membranous Milkvetch Root
Latin Pharmaceutical Name
Astragali Radix
Chinese Name
Roots and rhizomes

Mongolian Milkvetch Root|Membranous Milkvetch RootMore Info

Production Regions
Primarily produced in the Chinese provinces of Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Hebei.
Macroscopic Features
Straight root is cylindrical, some has branches, apex is relatively thick, 30~90cm long, 1~3.5cm diameter; externally longitudinally wrinkled, pale brownish-yellow or pale brown, with irregular longitudinal wrinkles or longitudinal grooves, hard, pliable and powdery; cortex is yellowish-white and relatively loose, xylem has chrysanthemum-like lines, bean-like flavor, slightly sweet taste. Old root center occasionally is rotten, black-brown or hollow. faint odor, slightly sweet taste, bean-like flavor when chewed.
Quality Requirements
Superior medicinal material has thick and long root, obvious ‘chrysanthemum center’, small hollow, lack of broken skin; hong qi has red and moisture skin, even root, firm texture, and powdery.
Sweet; warm.
Supplements qi, secures the exterior, promotes urination, outthrusts toxin, expels pus, closes sore, engenders flesh. Apply to deficiency of vital energy causing debilitation, anorexia and loose stools, collapse of middle-warmer energy, anal prolapse due to long term diarrhea, hemafecia, metrorrhagia and metrostaxis, continuous persipiration due to superficial deficiency, persistent superficial infection, persistent ulcers, wilting due to blood deficiency, internal heat dispersion-thirst.
Processed Form
Fried huang qi: Fried huang qi slices with brans, till dark yellow, sift brans out and cool. Enhance the effect of supplementing spleen and harmonizing stomach. Processed huang qi is also called honey-processed huang qi, honey huang qi. Stir huang qi slices with honey, fry till not sticky to hands, take out and cool. Enhance supplementing qi and moistening lung.
Technical Terms
'Golden cup and silver plate’: On the cut surface of huang qi, medicinal material, the woody portion is yellow and the cortex is white, exactly like the contrast of gold and silver.
The dried root of Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch.) Bge. var. mongholicus (Bge.) Hsiao or Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch.)(Fabaceae).

Mongolian Milkvetch Root|Membranous Milkvetch RootHerbs in the formula

Spleen-Restoring Decoction

Spleen-Restoring Decoction

Action:Boosts qi, supplements blood; fortifies the spleen, and nourishes the heart.
Indication:1. Qi and blood deficiency of the heart and spleen marked by palpitations, amnesia, insomnia, night sweat, deficiency-heat, tiredness, reduced food intake, withered-sallow complexion, a pale tongue with a thin, white coating, and thready, weak pulses.
Yang-Supplementing and Five-Returning Decoction

Yang-Supplementing and Five-Returning Decoction

Action:Supplements qi, invigorates blood, and unblocks the collaterals.
Indication:Bu Yang Huan Wu Tang is indicated for wind-strike due to qi deficiency and blood stasis marked by hemiplegia, deviation of the mouth and eye, sluggish speech, involuntary salivation from the mouth, frequent urination or enuresis, a dark tongue body with a white coating, and a slow, weak pulse.
Center-Supplementing and Qi-Boosting Decoction

Center-Supplementing and Qi-Boosting Decoction

Action:Supplements the center and boosts qi; raises yang and lifts the sunken.
Indication:Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang is indicated for two patterns. The first pattern is deficient or sunken spleen qi with reduced food intake, general sluggish sensation, weak breathing, lack of desire to speak, sallow-yellow facial complexion, and loose unformed stool. The tongue is pale and the pulse is deficient. It is also used for rectal prolapse, uterine prolapse, chronic diarrhea, and flooding and spotting (beng lou). The second pattern is objective or subjective fever due to qi deficiency manifested by a feverish sensation, spontaneous sweating, thirst with a desire for hot drinks, shortness of breath, and lack of strength. The tongue is pale and the pulse is deficient, big, and weak.
Chinese Angelica Blood-Supplementing Decoction

Chinese Angelica Blood-Supplementing Decoction

Action:Supplements qi and engenders blood.
Indication:Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang is used to treat fever caused by patterns of blood deficiency and floating yang. The symptoms are fever, a red complexion, vexing thirst, and a desire to drink. The pulses are surging, large, and deficient; however, forceless when one feels it with heavy pressure. It is also used to treat fever or headache that results from blood deficiency during pregnancy or after delivery or for ulcers that are slow or difficult to heal after breakout.
Chinese Angelica Six Yellow Decoction

Chinese Angelica Six Yellow Decoction

Action:Nourishes yin, drains fire, consolidates the exterior, and arrests sweating.
Indication:This formula is indicated for night sweating caused by yin deficiency and intense fire. The symptoms are night sweating with fever, red complexion, vexation, thirst and dry lips, dry stool, dark urine, a red tongue body with a yellow coating, and a rapid pulse.
Penetrating Vessel-Securing Decoction

Penetrating Vessel-Securing Decoction

Action:Boosts qi, fortifies spleen, and strengthens the chong mai to contain blood.
Indication:Gu Chong Tang is designed for the pattern of spleen and kidney deficiency with insecurity of the chong mai. Uterine bleeding may be profuse or it may routinely spot bleed in an irregular pattern. Profuse menstruation occurs with thin and pale menses, dizziness, cold extremities, palpitation, shortness of breath, mental fatigue, weakness, weak and aching waist and knees.
Stephania Root and Astragalus Decoction

Stephania Root and Astragalus Decoction

Action:Boosts qi and dispels wind, fortifies the spleen and promotes urination.
Indication:Fang Ji Huang Qi Tang is indicated for patterns of wind-water and wind-damp caused by an insecurity exterior due to exterior deficiency. The symptoms are sweating, aversion to wind, heavy body, slight swelling, pain of the limbs and joints, as well as dysuria. The tongue is pale with a white coating, and the pulse is floating.
Oyster Shell Powder

Oyster Shell Powder

Action:Astringes yin and arrests sweating, boosts qi and consolidates the exterior.
Indication:Mu Li San is indicated for spontaneous sweating or night sweat in those with a deficient constitution. Symptoms include constant spontaneous sweating that is worse at night, palpitations, easy to become frightened, shortness of breath, vexation, and fatigue. The tongue body is pale or light red and the pulse is thready and weak.
Jade Wind-Barrier Powder

Jade Wind-Barrier Powder

Action:Boosts qi, consolidates the exterior, and arrests sweating.
Indication:Yu Ping Feng San is indicated for patterns of spontaneous sweating due to exterior deficiency. Sweating, aversion to wind, a pale complexion, a pale tongue with a thin and white coating, and a floating, deficient pulse mark the clinical manifestations. It is also used to treat patients with a deficient constitution and deficient wei qi that is vulnerable to external wind pathogens.
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