Oyster Shell Powder

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Oyster Shell Powder
ChiefDuan Mu Li
    • astringes yin and subdues yang
    • consolidates essence and arrests sweating
The two are frequently used together to improve the function to boost qi and consolidate the exterior and to astringe yin and subdue yang.
DeputySheng Huang Qi
    • boosts qi and reinforces wei qi
    • consolidates the exterior and arrests sweating
The two are frequently used together to improve the function to boost qi and consolidate the exterior and to astringe yin and subdue yang.
AssistantMa Huang Gen
    • special for arresting sweating with its astringent property
EnvoyXiao Mai
    • nourishes the qi and yin
    • clears deficient heat

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Oyster Shell Powder
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Astringent formulas

Astragali Radix (Huang Qi) 30g, Ephedrae Herba (Ma Huang Gen) 30g, Ostreae Concha (Duan Mu Li calcined) 30g, Tritici Fructus (Xiao Mai) 30g
Grind huang qi, ma huang gen, and duan mu li into a coarse powder. Mix 9g of the powder together with 30g of xiao mai to constitute one dose to be taken as a draft. The formula is prepared as a decoction. It is best to take the decoction warm. (Modern preparation: the dose of huang qi, ma huang gen, and duan mu li could be reduced according to the clinical presentation while maintaining the original ratios. Combine with 30g of xiao mai and decoct the medicinals in water.)
Astringes yin and arrests sweating, boosts qi and consolidates the exterior.
Mu Li San is indicated for spontaneous sweating or night sweat in those with a deficient constitution. Symptoms include constant spontaneous sweating that is worse at night, palpitations, easy to become frightened, shortness of breath, vexation, and fatigue. The tongue body is pale or light red and the pulse is thready and weak.
This pattern is caused by insufficient wei qi and damaged yin fluids. Insecurity of the wei qi and exterior deficiency allow yin fluids to leak and cause spontaneous sweating. Wei qi’s inability to secure the exterior worsens at night. As one falls into sleep, the wei yang descends into the body’s interior leaving the wei qi even more unable to secure the fleshy exterior. The natural abundance of yin during the night exacerbates the imbalance. Excessive sweating depletes the heart yin and causes heart yin deficiency. As a result, the heart yin fails to subdue yang, which results in night sweat. Sweat is the fluid of the heart and excessive sweating consumes heart yin and damages heart qi. Malnourishment of the heart causes palpitations, propensity to be frightened, shortness of breath, vexation, and fatigue. As seen above, Mu Li San treats sweating caused by various pathologies including:
1. Essential pattern differentiation Mu Li San is a common formula used to treat spontaneous sweating and night sweat caused by insecurity of the wei qi at the exterior due to qi deficiency, complicated with damaged yin fluids and heart yang hyperactivity. This clinical pattern is marked by sweating, palpitations, shortness of breath, pale tongue, thready and weak pulse. 2. Modern applications This formula is often used to treat various sweating problems such as spontaneous sweating and night sweat caused by tuberculosis, autonomic nerve dysfunction, debility after surgery, delivery, diseases caused by exterior qi insecurity due to general deficiency, and hyperactivity of deficient heart yang due to heart yin consumption.
《Formulas from the Imperial Pharmacy》Tai Ping Hui Min He Ji Ju Fang《太平惠民和劑局方》

Oyster Shell PowderFormulation composition herbal medicine

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