HomeTraditional Chinese Medicine FormulasEngendering and Transforming Decoction

Engendering and Transforming Decoction

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Engendering and Transforming Decoction
ChiefQuan Dang Gui
    • nourishes the blood and invigorates blood
    • dissolves blood stasis and promotes regeneration
    • moves stagnation and relieves pain
DeputyChuan Xiong
    • invigorates blood and moves qi
This combination is commonly used to invigorate blood and break up blood stasis.
DeputyTao Ren
    • invigorates blood and breaks up blood stasis
This combination is commonly used to invigorate blood and break up blood stasis.
AssistantPao Jiang
    • reaches the blood level and dissipates cold
    • warms the channels and stanches bleeding
This combination is commonly used to dissipate cold, warm the channels, and stanch bleeding.
AssistantHuang Jiu
    • warms and unblocks the channels, increases the efficacy of the medicinals
This combination is commonly used to dissipate cold, warm the channels, and stanch bleeding.
EnvoyZhi Gan Cao
    • harmonizes the center and relieves acute pain
    • harmonizes the other medicinals

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Engendering and Transforming Decoction
Chinese Name



Blood-regulating formulas

Angelicae Sinensis Radix (Dang Gui) 8 qian (24g), Chuanxiong Rhizoma (Chuan Xiong) 3 qian (9g), Persicae Semen (Tao Ren) 14 pcs (6g), Zingiberis Rhizoma Praeparatum (Pao Jiang Jiang) 5 fen (2g), Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma Praeparata cum Melle (Zhi Gan Cao) 5 fen (2g)
Decoct the medicinals in equal amounts of yellow wine and infant’s urine. (Modern use: prepare Sheng Hua Tang as a decoction, or decoct with a moderate amount of yellow wine.)
Nourishes the blood and dissolves blood stasis, warms the channels and relieves pain.
Patterns of blood deficiency, congealed cold, and blood stasis marked by inhibited lochia after childbirth and cold pain in the lower abdomen.
The pathogenesis of this formula is blood deficiency, congealed cold, and blood stasis. Following delivery women are deficient in qi and blood and are vulnerable to external cold contraction, leading to congealed cold and blood stasis. In this case lochia becomes retained and blood stasis blocks the uterus, causing cold pain in the lower abdomen; for where there is obstruction, there is pain. The therapeutic method is to nourish the blood, dissolve blood stasis, warm the channels, and relieve pain.
1. Essential pattern differentiation Sheng Hua Tang is commonly used after childbirth. In some areas, it is a necessary formula to take after childbirth. Although this formula has its benefits, it is most suitable for those who have actual pattern of blood deficiency and obstruction from congealed cold. This clinical pattern is marked by retained lochia after childbirth, cold pain in the lower abdomen, loose stool, slightly yellow, greasy tongue coating, weak pulse. 2. Modern applications This formula may be used in the following biomedically defined disorders when the patient shows signs of blood deficiency and congealing cold, blood stasis stagnation: poor involution of uterus, postpartum painful uterine contraction, and retained placenta. 3. Cautions and contraindications This formula should be used with caution in patterns associating with blood heat. It is contraindicated for profuse lochia, continuous bleeding, sweating, and shortness of breath.
《Fu Qing-zhu’s [Treatise on] Gynecology》Fu Qing Zhu Nu Ke《傅青主女科》

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