Peach Seed

Peach Seed
Peach Seed
Latin Pharmaceutical Name
Persicae Semen
Chinese Name
Fruits and seeds

Peach SeedMore Info

Production Regions
Primarily produced in the Chinese provinces of Beijing, Hebei, Shaanxi.
Macroscopic Features
Flat oval or elliptical shape, one end is pointed, another end is blunt round and sloped, edge is relatively thin, 1.2~2cm long, 1~1.2cm wide, 3~5mm thick. Externally yellowish-brown or reddish-brown, with longitudinal veins and dense thin granular protrusions; near the pointed end there is a linear hilum that is 4~6mm long. Seed coat is thin, 2 cotyledons are fat and large, yellowish-white, oily. Slightly bitter taste.
Quality Requirements
Superior medicinal material has even kernels, reddish-brown color, full seed.
Bitter, sweet, neutral
Invigorates blood, dispels stasis, moistens intestines, frees stools, relieves cough, calms panting. Apply to amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, abdominal mass, injury from falls, and constipation due to dryness of intestines.
The dried mature seed of Prunus persica (L.) Batsch, Prunus davidiana (Carr.) Franch.(Rosaceae).

Peach SeedHerbs in the formula

Turtle Shell Decocted Pill

Turtle Shell Decocted Pill

Action:Moves qi, invigorates blood, dispels dampness, dissolves phlegm, softens hardness, and disperses concretions.
Indication:Bie Jia Jian Wan is indicated for chronic malaria with masses below the costal region and abdominal masses. Long-lasting malaria causes masses to gather underneath the costal region. It is called chronic malaria with masses. Symptoms include: Masses underneath the costal region that stay firm when pushed, abdominal pain, weak muscles, decreased appetite, occasional cold or fever, and inhibited menses.
Yang-Supplementing and Five-Returning Decoction

Yang-Supplementing and Five-Returning Decoction

Action:Supplements qi, invigorates blood, and unblocks the collaterals.
Indication:Bu Yang Huan Wu Tang is indicated for wind-strike due to qi deficiency and blood stasis marked by hemiplegia, deviation of the mouth and eye, sluggish speech, involuntary salivation from the mouth, frequent urination or enuresis, a dark tongue body with a white coating, and a slow, weak pulse.
Phragmites Stem Decoction

Phragmites Stem Decoction

Action:Clears lung heat, dissolves phlegm, expels stasis, and dissipates masses.
Indication:This formula is indicated for lung abscesses, and patterns of accumulation and obstruction of heat toxins, binding of phlegm, and blood stasis. The symptoms are coughing with profuse phlegm, coughing or spitting up of foul smelling pus and blood, dull pain in the chest, a red tongue with a greasy yellow coating, and a slippery, rapid pulse.
Original Qi-Restoring and Blood-Moving Decoction

Original Qi-Restoring and Blood-Moving Decoction

Action:Invigorates blood and dispels stasis, soothes liver and unblocks the collaterals.
Indication:Fu Yuan Huo Xue Tang is indicated for injuries from falls, fractures, contusions, and strains, as well as, patterns of blood stasis marked by unbearable hypochondriac pain due to obstructive stasis.
Peach Kernel Qi-Guiding Decoction

Peach Kernel Qi-Guiding Decoction

Action:Breaks up blood and expels stasis through purgation.
Indication:Tao He Cheng Qi Tang is indicated for patterns of blood amassment in the lower jiao. The symptoms are distension and spasmodic pain in the lower abdomen, normal urination, fever at night, menstrual block due to blood stasis, and painful menstruation; there may even be delirium, dysphoria, and mania. The pulse will be deep and excessive or choppy.
Cinnamon Twig and Poria Pill

Cinnamon Twig and Poria Pill

Action:Invigorates blood and dissolves stasis, gradually eliminates masses or lumps.
Indication:Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan is indicated for stasis obstructing the uterus; for instance, women who chronically have masses or lumps, menstrual spotting, restless fetus, dark purple menses, impalpable abdominal pain, painful amenorrhea, or lochiorrhea. The tongue is dark purple with petechia, and the pulse is deep and choppy.
Blood Stasis-Expelling Decoction

Blood Stasis-Expelling Decoction

Action:Invigorates blood, dissolves stasis, and moves qi to relieve pain.
Indication:Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang is indicated for blood stasis in the chest. Symptoms include chest pain, headache, and chronic stabbing pain at a fixed location, continual hiccups or choking when drinking water, nausea, internal heat, dizziness, severe palpitations, insomnia, dreaminess, impatience, irascibility, tidal fever at night, dark lips or eyes, a dark red tongue with ecchymosis or purple spots, and a choppy or wiry, tight pulse.
Engendering and Transforming Decoction

Engendering and Transforming Decoction

Action:Nourishes the blood and dissolves blood stasis, warms the channels and relieves pain.
Indication:Patterns of blood deficiency, congealed cold, and blood stasis marked by inhibited lochia after childbirth and cold pain in the lower abdomen.
Rhubarb and Cortex Moutan Decoction

Rhubarb and Cortex Moutan Decoction

Action:Drains heat, breaks up stasis, dissipates masses, and relieves swollen sores.
Indication:Da Huang Mu Dan Tang is indicated for the initial stage of intestinal abscess caused by the stagnation of dampness, heat, and blood stasis. The symptoms are pain which refuses pressure in the right lesser abdomen (lateral aspects of the lower abdomen), pain that can be as severe as strangury or even accompanied with swollen mass in the right lesser abdomen, bent right foot which cannot stretch otherwise the pain being worsened, normal urination, frequent fever, spontaneous sweating, and aversion to cold. The tongue coating is thin, greasy, and yellow. The pulse is slippery and rapid.
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