HomeTraditional Chinese Medicine FormulasCinnamon Twig and Poria Pill

Cinnamon Twig and Poria Pill

Cinnamon Twig and Poria PillFormula Image

Cinnamon Twig and Poria Pill
ChiefGui Zhi
    • warms the channels and removes stasis
DeputyTao Ren
    • invigorates blood and dissolves stasis
    • helps the chief medicinal dissolve stasis and masses
AssistantDan Pi
    • invigorate blood to dissipate stasis
    • cool blood to clear heat caused by stasis
    • shao yao can stop pain and relieve acute situations
AssistantShao Yao
    • invigorate blood to dissipate stasis
    • cool blood to clear heat caused by stasis
    • shao yao can stop pain and relieve acute situations
AssistantFu Ling
    • percolates dampness and dispels phlegm
    • fortifies the spleen and boosts the stomach
EnvoyHoney (in pills)
    • its sweet flavor and moderate, moist nature controls the drastic effects of the other medicinals

Cinnamon Twig and Poria PillPrescription Information

Cinnamon Twig and Poria Pill
Chinese Name



Blood-regulating formulas

Cinnamomi Ramulus (Gui Zhi) 9g, Poria (Fu Ling) 9g, Moutan Cortex (Mu Dan Pi) 9g, Persicae Semen (Tao Ren) 9g, Paeoniae Radix Alba (Shao Yao) 9g
Grind all five medicinals into a fine powder, add honey, and make them into pills the size of rabbit droppings. Take one pill (3g) before each meal, if it does not work, take three pills each time. (Modern use: take the honey pills 3-5g a day. It can also be prepared as a decoction by adjusting the medicinal quantities based on the original ratios.)
Invigorates blood and dissolves stasis, gradually eliminates masses or lumps.
Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan is indicated for stasis obstructing the uterus; for instance, women who chronically have masses or lumps, menstrual spotting, restless fetus, dark purple menses, impalpable abdominal pain, painful amenorrhea, or lochiorrhea. The tongue is dark purple with petechia, and the pulse is deep and choppy.
Originally, this formula is indicated for women who consistently have masses or lumps, with a restless fetus and lochiorrhea associated with stasis obstructing the uterus. Masses and lumps associated with blood stasis that remain in the uterus lead to chong and ren disorders and insecurity of the fetus, which leads to a restless fetus. Stasis that obstructs the uterus and blocks the channels causes the blood to circulate abnormally and blood to leave the vessels, which leads to menstrual spotting. Stasis obstructs the uterus and the blood circulation is unsmooth. Obstruction causes pain so there are symptoms like abdominal pain that aggravates when pressed. The proper treatment is to invigorate blood and dissolve stasis, gradually eliminating masses or lumps.
1. Essential pattern differentiation Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan is commonly used to treat a restless fetus and lochiorrhea due to the retention of blood stasis in the uterus. This clinical pattern is marked by masses in lower abdomen, dark purple menses with blood clots, pain in the lower abdomen that is worse when pressed. 2. Modern applications This formula may be used in the following biomedically defined disorders when the patient shows signs of blood stasis accumulation: uterine fibroids, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, accessories inflammation, chronic pelvic inflammatory disease, and irregular menstruation. 3. Cautions and contraindications When treating masses in pregnant women, the blood-invigorating and dissolves stasis-dissolving methods should be used cautiously. In the original formula description, there are rigid rules regarding the dosage and administration worth paying attention to.
《Essentials from the Golden Cabinet》Jin Gui Yao Lue《金匱要略》

Cinnamon Twig and Poria PillFormulation composition herbal medicine

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