Cassiabarktree Twig

Cassiabarktree Twig
Cassiabarktree Twig
Latin Pharmaceutical Name
Cinnamomi Ramulus
Chinese Name
Stems and woods

Cassiabarktree TwigMore Info

Production Regions
Primarily produced in the Chinese provinces of Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi.
Macroscopic Features
Long cylindrical, numerous branches, 30~75cm long, thick end is about 0.3~1cm in diameter. Externally reddish-brown to brown, with longitudinal crest lines, thin wrinkles and small spot-like scars of leaf, branch, and bud, spotted lenticels. Hard and brittle texture, easily broken. Slices are 2~4mm thick, fractured surface has reddish-brown cortex, yellowish-white to pale yellowish-brown xylem, slightly square pith. Distinctively aromatic odor, sweet and slightly acrid taste, which is relatively potent in the cortex.
Quality Requirements
Superior medicinal material has thin and even branches, brownish-yellow color and potent aromatic odor.
Acrid, sweet; warm
Promotes sweating, resolves the flesh, warms and frees the channels and vessels, assists yang in transforming qi, downbears qi. Apply to wind-cold type of common cold, abdominal cold pain, amenorrhea due to cold blood, joint impediment, phlegm and retained fluid, edema, palpitations, renal mass.
The dried tender branches of Cinnamomum cassia Presl (Lauraceae)

Cassiabarktree TwigHerbs in the formula

Immature Bitter Orange, Chinese Chive and Cinnamon Twig Decoction

Immature Bitter Orange, Chinese Chive and Cinnamon Twig Decoction

Action:Unblocks yang and dissipates masses, dispels phlegm and lowers qi.
Indication:Zhi Shi Xie Bai Gui Zhi Tang is indicated for chest bi caused by chest yang weakness, phlegm obstruction, and counterflow qi. The symptoms are fullness and pain in the chest, chest pain radiating to the back, panting, cough, spitting, shortness of breath, hypochondriac qi counterflowing upward to heart and chest. The coating is white and greasy, and the pulse is deep, wiry or tight.
Turtle Shell Decocted Pill

Turtle Shell Decocted Pill

Action:Moves qi, invigorates blood, dispels dampness, dissolves phlegm, softens hardness, and disperses concretions.
Indication:Bie Jia Jian Wan is indicated for chronic malaria with masses below the costal region and abdominal masses. Long-lasting malaria causes masses to gather underneath the costal region. It is called chronic malaria with masses. Symptoms include: Masses underneath the costal region that stay firm when pushed, abdominal pain, weak muscles, decreased appetite, occasional cold or fever, and inhibited menses.
Chinese Angelica Frigid Extremities Decoction

Chinese Angelica Frigid Extremities Decoction

Action:Warms the channels to expel cold, nourishes the blood and unblocks the channels.
Indication:Counterflow cold of the limbs due to blood deficiency is characterized by counterflow cold of hands and feet, pain in the waist, thighs, lower legs, feet, shoulders, and back, no thirst, a pale tongue body with a white coating, and a deep, thin pulse or thin, impalpable pulse.
Channel-Warming Decoction

Channel-Warming Decoction

Action:Warms the channels and dissipates cold, dispels stasis and nourishes blood.
Indication:Wen Jing Tang is indicated for deficiency-cold of the chong and ren mai, obstructive blood stasis marked by menstrual spotting or purple menses with blood clots. There may be irregular menstruation such as advanced, delayed, or prolonged periods, or having a period twice a month. There may also be inhibited menses, fever at night, vexatious heat in the palms, dry lips and mouth, distention and fullness of the lower abdomen, a dark red tongue, and a thready, choppy pulse. Infertility due to deficient cold of the uterus may also manifest.
Kidney Qi Pill

Kidney Qi Pill

Action:Supplements the kidney and assists yang.
Indication:Shen Qi Wan is indicated for patterns of kidney yang deficiency manifesting lumbar pain, flaccidity of the lower limbs, cold sensation of the body below the waist, spasm of the lesser abdomen, dysuria or abnormally severe profuse urination at night, impotence, premature ejaculation, a pale, swollen tongue, and a deficient, weak pulse that is deep and thin at the chi position. It is also applicable for patterns of phlegm-retention, edema, xiao ke, beriberi, bladder colic, and dysuria during pregnancy, and so on.
Ephedra Decoction

Ephedra Decoction

Action:Induces sweating to release the exterior, diffuses the lung to calm labored breathing.
Indication:Ma Huang Tang is indicated for an externally contracted wind-cold exterior-excess pattern. The symptoms are aversion to cold, headache, generalized body pain, absence of sweating, and labored breathing. The tongue coating is thin and white, and the pulse is superficial and tight.
Mume Pill

Mume Pill

Action:Calms roundworms and relieves pain.
Indication:Wu Mei Wan is used for syncope due to roundworms. The symptoms include paroxysmal pain of the abdomen and stomach cavity, vexatious vomiting, vomiting after eating, vomiting roundworms, cold limbs, and chronic diarrhea or dysentery.
Peach Kernel Qi-Guiding Decoction

Peach Kernel Qi-Guiding Decoction

Action:Breaks up blood and expels stasis through purgation.
Indication:Tao He Cheng Qi Tang is indicated for patterns of blood amassment in the lower jiao. The symptoms are distension and spasmodic pain in the lower abdomen, normal urination, fever at night, menstrual block due to blood stasis, and painful menstruation; there may even be delirium, dysphoria, and mania. The pulse will be deep and excessive or choppy.
Cinnamon Twig and Poria Pill

Cinnamon Twig and Poria Pill

Action:Invigorates blood and dissolves stasis, gradually eliminates masses or lumps.
Indication:Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan is indicated for stasis obstructing the uterus; for instance, women who chronically have masses or lumps, menstrual spotting, restless fetus, dark purple menses, impalpable abdominal pain, painful amenorrhea, or lochiorrhea. The tongue is dark purple with petechia, and the pulse is deep and choppy.
Cinnamon Twig Decoction

Cinnamon Twig Decoction

Action:Releases the flesh and the exterior, harmonizes ying and wei levels.
Indication:Gui Zhi Tang is indicated for externally contracted wind-cold affecting those with an exterior deficiency constitution. The symptoms are aversion to wind, fever, perspiration, headache, congested and noisy nose, and dry retching. The tongue has a white coating, there is no thirst, and the pulse is either superficial and moderate or superficial and weak.
Poria, Cinnamon Twig, Atractylodes Macrocephala and Licorice Decoction

Poria, Cinnamon Twig, Atractylodes Macrocephala and Licorice Decoction

Action:Warms yang and dissolves rheum, fortifies the spleen and drains dampness.
Indication:Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang is indicated for phlegm-rheum due to deficiency of the middle-yang. The symptoms are distention and fullness of chest and rib-side, dizzy vision, palpitations, shortness of breath, and cough. The tongue coating is white and glossy. The pulse is either wiry and slippery or deep and tight.
Honey-Fried Licorice Decoction

Honey-Fried Licorice Decoction

Action:Boosts qi, enriches yin, unblocks yang, and restores the pulse.
Indication:1. Zhi Gan Cao Tang is indicated for patterns of yin-blood and yang-qi deficiency with malnutrition of the heart vessel. The symptoms are intermittent or knotted pulse, palpitations, weakness, emaciation, weak breathing, etc. The tongue is peeled with a scanty or dry and thin coating.
Five Substances Powder with Poria

Five Substances Powder with Poria

Action:Promotes urination and percolates dampness, warms yang and promotes qi transformation.
Indication:Wu Ling San is indicated for water amassment syndrome due to dysfunction of bladder qi transformation. The symptoms are dysuria, headache with mild fever, thirst and desire to drink, vomiting as soon as drinking, throbbing below the navel, spitting, dizziness, shortness of breath, cough, edema, and diarrhea. The tongue coating is white and the pulse is either floating or floating and rapid.
Minor Center-Fortifying Decoction

Minor Center-Fortifying Decoction

Action:Warms the center, supplements deficiency, harmonizes the interior, and relaxes spasms.
Indication:Deficiency-cold of the middle jiao, disharmony of the liver and spleen, characterized by abdominal spasms and pain which can be lessened by warmth and pressure, fatigue and lack of strength, shortness of breath, palpitations, dysphoria, pale complexion, or sore limbs, vexing heat in the palms, dry throat, a pale tongue with white coating, and a thready, wiry pulse.
Minor Green Dragon Decoction

Minor Green Dragon Decoction

Action:Releases the exterior, dissipates cold, warms the lung and dissolves rheum (fluid retention).
Indication:This formula is indicated for the pattern of exterior cold with interior fluid retention. The symptoms are aversion to cold, fever, absence of sweating, labored breathing, cough, copious clear and thin phlegm, stuffiness in chest, dry retching, difficulty in lying back in the supine position, general body aches, edema of the face and extremities. The tongue coating is white and glossy, and the pulse is superficial.
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