Channel-Warming Decoction

Channel-Warming DecoctionFormula Image

Channel-Warming Decoction
ChiefWu Zhu Yu
    • dissipates cold
    • relieves pain
This combination is often used to warm the channels and dissipate cold.
ChiefGui Zhi
    • warms and unblocks the channels
This combination is often used to warm the channels and dissipate cold.
DeputyDang Gui
    • invigorate blood and dispel stasis
This combination is often used to invigorate blood, nourish blood, and regulate the menstruation.
DeputyChuan Xiong
    • invigorate blood and dispel stasis
This combination is often used to invigorate blood, nourish blood, and regulate the menstruation.
DeputyDan Pi
    • helps other medicinals to invigorate blood and dissipate stasis
    • clears the heat due to deficiency in the blood level
This combination is often used to invigorate blood, nourish blood, and regulate the menstruation.
AssistantE Jiao
    • nourishes blood and stanches bleeding
    • enriches yin and moistens dryness
This combination is often used to nourish blood, harmonize the liver, nourish yin, and moisten dryness.
AssistantBai Shao
    • nourishes blood and astringes yin
    • softens the liver and relieves pain
This combination is often used to nourish blood, harmonize the liver, nourish yin, and moisten dryness.
AssistantMai Dong
    • nourishes yin
    • clears heat
This combination is often used to nourish blood, harmonize the liver, nourish yin, and moisten dryness.
AssistantRen Shen
    • boost qi and fortify the spleen to supplement the source of generation and transformation
This combination is often used to boost qi, fortify the spleen, harmonize the stomach, and calm the center.
AssistantGan Cao
    • boost qi and fortify the spleen to supplement the source of generation and transformation
This combination is often used to boost qi, fortify the spleen, harmonize the stomach, and calm the center.
AssistantBan Xia
    • harmonizes the stomach qi and directs counterflow downward
    • harmonizes the stomach, calms the center and dissipates masses
This combination is often used to boost qi, fortify the spleen, harmonize the stomach, and calm the center.
AssistantSheng Jiang
    • warms the stomach and helps with generation and transformation
This combination is often used to boost qi, fortify the spleen, harmonize the stomach, and calm the center.
EnvoyGan Cao
    • harmonizes the other medicinals

Channel-Warming DecoctionPrescription Information

Channel-Warming Decoction
Chinese Name



Blood-regulating formulas

Euodiae Fructus (Wu Zhu Yu) 3 liang (9g), Angelicae Sinensis Radix (Dang Gui) 2 liang (6g), Paeoniae Radix Alba(Shao Yao) 2 liang (6g), Chuanxiong Rhizoma (Chuan Xiong) 2 liang (6g), Ginseng Radix et Rhizoma (Ren Shen) 2 liang (6g), Cinnamomi Ramulus (Gui Zhi) 2 liang (6g), Asini Corii Colla (E Jiao) 2 liang (6g), Moutan Cortex (Mu Dan Pi) 2 liang (6g), Zingiberis Rhizoma Recens (Sheng Jiang) 2 liang (6g), Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma (Gan Cao) 2 liang (6g), Pinelliae Rhizoma (Ban Xia) 0.5 sheng (6g),Ophiopogonis Radix (Mai Dong) 1 sheng (9g)
Decoct all of the medicinals with one dou of water, and boil down to three sheng. Take the warm decoction three times a day. (Modern use: prepare Wen Jing Tang as a decoction, and mix in e jiao to melt into the decoction.)
Warms the channels and dissipates cold, dispels stasis and nourishes blood.
Wen Jing Tang is indicated for deficiency-cold of the chong and ren mai, obstructive blood stasis marked by menstrual spotting or purple menses with blood clots. There may be irregular menstruation such as advanced, delayed, or prolonged periods, or having a period twice a month. There may also be inhibited menses, fever at night, vexatious heat in the palms, dry lips and mouth, distention and fullness of the lower abdomen, a dark red tongue, and a thready, choppy pulse. Infertility due to deficient cold of the uterus may also manifest.
The pattern that Wen Jing Tang treats is due to deficiency-cold of the chong and ren mai, and obstructive blood stasis. Chong is the sea of blood, and ren dominates pregnancy. They originate from the uterus, travel around the lower abdomen, and are closely related to menstruation and childbirth. Therefore, deficiency-cold of the chong and ren mai leads to obstructive blood stasis causing lower abdomen pain and fullness, irregular menstruation, or infertility. Obstructive blood stasis, blood leaving the vessels or chong and ren mai failing to astringe can lead to early, bimonthly, or flooding and spotting menstruation. Blood stasis due to cold accumulation can cause delayed or inhibited menses. Blood stasis blocking the generation of new blood leads to dry lips and mouth due to the lack of moisture. Fever at night and vexatious heat of the palms reflect internal heat generated from the consumption of blood. This pattern has multiple pathogenic factors including stasis, cold, deficiency, and heat; however, deficiency-cold of the chong and ren mai and blood stasis are the most prominent. The treatment is to warm the channels, dissipate cold, dispel stasis, nourish blood, and clear deficiency-heat.
1. Essential pattern differentiation Wen Jing Tang is a fundamental formula for regulating menstruation in gynecology. This clinical pattern is marked by irregular menstruation, cold pain in the lower abdomen, blood clots in the menses, occasional vexation and fever, dark red tongue, thready, choppy pulse. 2. Modern applications This formula may be used in the following biomedically defined disorders when the patient shows signs of deficiency-cold of the chong and ren mai and obstructive blood stasis: dysfunctional uterine bleeding, chronic pelvic inflammatory disease, irregular menstruation, uterine bleeding, dysmenorrhea, and infertility. 3. Cautions and contraindications This formula is not appropriate for irregular menstruation due to excessive heat or without blood stasis. Avoid raw or cold foods when taking this medication.
Additonal formulae
Wen Jing Tang (Channel-Warming Decoction 溫經湯)
Ginseng ( Panax ginseng ) is listed in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) Appendix II. Its trade is allowed but subject to licensing controls.
《Essentials from the Golden Cabinet》Jin Gui Yao Lue《金匱要略》

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