HomeTraditional Chinese Medicine FormulasFive Substances Powder with Poria

Five Substances Powder with Poria

Five Substances Powder with PoriaFormula Image

Five Substances Powder with Poria
ChiefZe Xie
    • used in a large dose as the chief
    • directly enters the kidney and bladder because it is sweet and bland
    • promotes urination and percolates dampness
Drain and percolate dampness by sweet and bland medicinals as the primary function.
DeputyFu Ling
    • bland and draining
    • strengthen the ability to promote urination and percolate dampness
Drain and percolate dampness by sweet and bland medicinals as the primary function.
DeputyZhu Ling
    • bland and draining
    • strengthen the ability to promote urination and percolate dampness
Drain and percolate dampness by sweet and bland medicinals as the primary function.
AssistantBai Zhu
    • fortifies the spleen to promote transformation and transportation of water-dampness
Drain and percolate dampness by sweet and bland medicinals as the primary function.
AssistantFu Ling
    • fortifies the spleen to promote transformation and transportation of water-dampness
Drain and percolate dampness by sweet and bland medicinals as the primary function.
AssistantGui Zhi
    • warms yang and promotes qi transformation to improve the power of water-draining
    • releases the exterior and expels pathogens
Warms yang to promote qi transformation as the secondary function

Five Substances Powder with PoriaPrescription Information

Five Substances Powder with Poria
Chinese Name



Dampclearing formulas

Polyporus (Zhu Ling) 18 zhu (9g), Alismatis Rhizoma (Ze Xie) 1 liang and 6 zhu (15g), Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma (Bai Zhu) 18 zhu (9g), Poria (Fu Ling) 18 zhu (9g), Cinnamomi Ramulus (Gui Zhi) 0.5 liang (6g)
Grind the ingredients into powder and take 6-10g. It can also be prepared as a decoction. After ingestion, drink hot water to induce a light sweat.
Promotes urination and percolates dampness, warms yang and promotes qi transformation.
Wu Ling San is indicated for water amassment syndrome due to dysfunction of bladder qi transformation. The symptoms are dysuria, headache with mild fever, thirst and desire to drink, vomiting as soon as drinking, throbbing below the navel, spitting, dizziness, shortness of breath, cough, edema, and diarrhea. The tongue coating is white and the pulse is either floating or floating and rapid.
While the indications are various this pattern has the same pathogenesis of excessive internal water-dampness and dysfunction of bladder qi transformation. In the《Treatise on Cold Damage》, this formula is used for water amassment syndrome. It is caused by external pathogens in the taiyang entering the corresponding fu-organ along the channels that leads to a disease involving both the taiyang channel and its fu-organ. External pathogenic contraction in the taiyang gives rise to headache and mild fever. The failure of bladder qi transformation leads to dysuria. Retention of water blocks yang qi and results in qi failing to diffuse fluids. This in turn leads to the failure of fluid ascending into the mouth causing thirst with a desire to drink. Water stagnation in the lower jiao hinders the ability for fluids that are drunk to distribute. This causes water counterflow marked by vomiting as soon as drinking. It is also called water-up rushing pattern. Excessive water-dampness spills over the skin manifesting edema. When water-dampness descends into the large intestine, diarrhea is the result. When water-dampness accumulates in the stomach and intestine, a disharmony between the ascension and descending will result. In this case, a conflict between the clear and turbid will manifest vomiting and diarrhea. When water accumulates in the lower jiao, water and zheng qi conflict with each other and cause throbbing below the navel. When water up rushes and invades the upper jiao, lung qi is blocked. This causes shortness of breath and coughing. The therapeutic methods are to promote urination and percolate dampness; however, methods to warm yang and promote qi transformation are also used.
1. Essential pattern differentiation Wu Ling San is a common formula used to promote urination and qi transformation. This clinical pattern is marked by dysuria, white tongue coating, floating or slow pulse. 2. Modern applications This formula may be used in the following biomedically defined disorders when the patient shows signs of retention of water and dampness: edema in acute or chronic nephritis, ascites in liver cirrhosis, cardiac edema, acute enteritis, urinary retention, and hydrocephalus.
Additonal formulae
1. Si Ling San (Four Substances Powder with Poria 四苓散)
《Treatise on Cold Damage》Shang Han Lun《傷寒論》

Five Substances Powder with PoriaFormulation composition herbal medicine

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