HomeTraditional Chinese Medicine FormulasGolden Lock Essence-Securing Pill

Golden Lock Essence-Securing Pill

Golden Lock Essence-Securing PillFormula Image

Golden Lock Essence-Securing Pill
ChiefSha Yuan Li Ji
    • supplements the kidney and consolidates essence
Together they make an important medicinal pair that supplements the kidney and consolidates essence.
DeputyQian Shi
    • supplements the kidney and consolidates essence
    • supplements spleen qi
Together they make an important medicinal pair that supplements the kidney and consolidates essence.
AssistantDuan Long Gu
    • suppresses fright
    • calms the mind
    • consolidates essence
Arrest enuresis and sperm emission with astringent flavor.
AssistantDuan Mu Li
    • astringes yin
    • subdues yang
    • consolidates essence
Arrest enuresis and sperm emission with astringent flavor.
AssistantLian Xu
    • arrests enuresis and sperm emission
    • rescues desertion with astringent flavor
Arrest enuresis and sperm emission with astringent flavor.
AssistantLian Zi Fen
    • supplements the kidney and consolidates essence
    • nourishes the heart and clears heart heat
    • restores interaction between the heart and the kidney

Golden Lock Essence-Securing PillPrescription Information

Golden Lock Essence-Securing Pill
Chinese Name



Astringent formulas

Astragali Complanati Semen (Sha Yuan Ji Li) 2 liang (60g), Euryales Semen (Qian Shi) 2 liang (60g), Nelumbinis Stamen (Lian Xu) 2 liang (60g), Draconis Os (Duan Long Gu calcined) 1 liang (30g), Ostreae Concha (Duan Mu Li calcined) 1 liang (30g)
Grind the above medicinals into a fine powder. Mix it together with lian zi powder and shape into pills. 9g of the pills constitutes a dose. One dose is swallowed with slightly salted water on an empty stomach 2-3 times per day. It can also be prepared as a decoction by adjusting the medicinal quantities based on the original ratios. Add a proper amount of lian zi into the decoction.
Astringes the essence and supplements the kidney.
This formula treats sperm emission due to kidney deficiency that fails to consolidate the essence. The symptoms include seminal emission, spontaneous seminal emission, premature ejaculation, mental fatigue, lack of strength, lumbar pain, and tinnitus. The tongue is pale with a white coating and the pulse is thready and weak.
The pattern that Jin Suo Gu Jing Wan treats is caused by kidney deficiency. The kidney is the domain of stored essence, of which is secured by an “essence gate”. When deficient, the gate will become weak and unable to contain the essence that it is storing. Leaking essence manifests as seminal emission, spontaneous emission, or premature ejaculation. The kidney is housed in the lumbar and the ears are the orifice of the kidney. When kidney deficiency causes essence to be consumed, symptoms such as lumbar pain and tinnitus may be observed. Essence deficiency further leads to qi deficiency with symptoms such as mental fatigue, weakness, a pale tongue body and a white coating, and a thready, weak pulse. The proper treatment is to supplement the kidney and consolidate essence.
1. Essential pattern differentiation Jin Suo Gu Jing Wan is commonly used to treat a weakened “essence gate” caused by kidney deficiency. This clinical pattern is marked by seminal emission, spontaneous seminal emission, premature ejaculation, lumbar pain, tinnitus, pale tongue body with white coating, thready and weak pulse. 2. Modern applications This formula may be used in the following biomedically defined disorders when the patient shows signs of kidney deficiency, essential qi insufficiency, and leaking essence: sexual neurological disorder, chyluria, chronic prostatitis, abnormal vaginal discharge and flooding and spotting.
《Medical Formulas Collected and Analyzed》Yi Fang Ji Jie《醫方集解》

Golden Lock Essence-Securing PillFormulation composition herbal medicine

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