Traditional Chinese Medicine Herbs
Traditional Chinese Medicine Formulas
Traditional Chinese Medicine Formulas
Silktree Albizia FlowerHerbs in the formula
Astringent formulas
Fortune Windmillpalm Petiole
Tatarian Aster Root and Rhizome
Cultivated Puple Perilla Fruit
Cultibated Purple Perilla Leaf
Cutivated Purple Perilla Stem
Redroot Gromwell
Abnorma Chinese Honeylocust Fruit
Coral Ardisia Root
Bamboo Shavings
Glabrous Scrcandra Herb
Common Gardenia Fruit
Immature Bitter Orange
Submature Bitter Orange
Common Anemarrhena
Chekiang Fritillary Bulb
Oriental Waterplantain Tuber
Hirsute Bugleweed Herb
Chinese Honeylocust Spine
Fragrant Solomonseal Rhizome
Broadleaf Globethistle Root
Heartleaf Houttuynia Herb
Dwarf Flowering Cherry Seed
Wenchow Turmeric Root Tuber
Emblic Leafflower Fruit
Chinese Rose Flower
Thinleaf Milkwort Willd.
Lilac Daphe Flower Bud
Sharpleaf Galangal Fruit
Ma - yuen Jobstears Seed
Short-horned Epimedium Herb
Ginkgo Leaf
Opium Poppy Peel
Capillary Wormwood Herb
Lanceolate Dichotomous Starwort Root
Common Motherwort Herb
Wild Dendranthema Flower
Yanhusuo Tuber
Hindu Datura Flower
Java Brucea Fruit
Dragon’s Blood
Asper - like Teasel Root
Paniculate Swallowwort Root or Herb
Figwort Root
Weathered Sodium Sulfate
Japanese Inula Flower
American Ginseng
Manchurian Wildginger Herb
Common St. Paulswort Herb|Glandulartalk St. Paulswort Herb
Red Orpiment
Biod Magnolia Bud
Saffon Crocus Style and Stigma
Longstamen Onion Bulb
Common Thistle|Field Thistle
Fennel Fruit
Common Vurculigo Rhizome
Hairyvein Agrimonia Herb
Medical Citron Fruit
Coralhead Plant Seed
Chinese Mosla Herb
Chinese Silkvine Root - bark
Nutgrass Galingale Rhizome
Common Selfheal Spike
Medicinal Evodia Immature Fruit
Combined Spicebush Root
Chinese Magnoliavine Fruit
Black Soake
Smoked Plum
SlenderstyleAcanthopanax Root - bark
Chinese Nut-gall
Chinese Clematis Root and Rhizome
Chinese Cinquefoil Herb
Cowherb Seed
Ark Shell
Chinese Dodder Seed
Elecampane Inula Root
Golden Larch Root - bark or Bark
Glabrous Greenbrier Rhizome
Ground Beetle
Paniculate Bolbostemma Bulb
Rice Paper Plant Pith
Pepperweed Seed
Henbane Seed
Snow Lotus Herb
Reddish Jackinthepulpit Tuber
Tall Gastrodiae
Muskroot - like Semiaquilegia Root
Snakegourd Root
Cochinchinese Asparagus Root Tuber
Peach Seed
Different Leaves Pseudostellaria
Songaria Cynomorium Herb
Sappan Wood
Spine Date Seed
Loofah, Towel Gourd Vegetable Sponge
Buffalo Horn
Prince's Feather Fruit
Blessed Thistle Fruit
Japanese Felt Fern
Rangooncreeper Fruit
Sea-ear Shell
Noble Dendrobium Stem Herb
Persimmon Calyx and Receptacle
Tatarinow Sweerflag Rhizome
Forest Musk|Abelmosk
Snake Slough
Japanese Clubmoss Herb
Skunk Bugbane Rhizome
Fresh Ginger
Blackberrglily Rhizome
Common Cnidium Fruit
Villous Amomum Fruit
Common Macrocarpium Fruit
Howthorn Leaf
Chinese Hawthorn Fruit
Wild Honeysuckle Flower Bud
Common Yam Rhizome
Galanga Resurrectionlily Rhizome
Hupeh Liriope Root Tuber
Indian Pokwees Roxb
Tonkin Sophora Root
Appendiculate Cremastra Pseudobulb
Common Burreed Tuber
Mulberry Twig
Mulberry Leaf
Mullberry Fruit
Mantis Egg-case
Chinese Taxillus Herb
White Mulberry Root - bark
Cassia Bark
Desertliving Cistanche Herb
Ginseng Root
Japanese Honeysuckle Stem
Fringed Pink Herb
Bistort Rhizome
Long-nosed Pit Viper
Ash Bark
Largeleaf Gentian Root
Feather Cockscomb Seed
Immature Tangerine Fruit
Biotite Schist
Sweet Wormwood Herb
White Canarytree Fruit
Ovientvine Stem
Natural Indigo
Gordon Euryale Seed
Lobedleaf Pharbitis Seed
Obscuteed Homalomena Rhizome
Caper Euphorbia Seed
Whiteflower Hogfennel Root|Common Hogfennel Root
Incised Notopterygium Rhizome and Root
Indian Madder Root
Cattail Pollen
Mongolian Dandelion Herb
Loquat Leaf
Ussuri Fritillary Vulb
Fortune’s Eupatorium Herb
Boat - fruited Sterculia Seed
Glossy Privet Fruit
Common Achyranthes
Great Burdock Fruit
Chinese Azalea Flower
Orange Magnoliavine Fruit
Fourleaf Ladybell Root
Wild Carrot Fruit
Common Baphicacanthus Rhizome and Root
Common Scouring Rush
Akabia Stem
Common Oyster Shell
Hempleaf Negundo Chastetree Leaf
Indian Trunpetflower Seed
Common Floweringquine Fruit
Tree Peony Root - bark
Cochinchina Momordica Seed
Medicinal Changium
Male Fern Rhizome
Spingy Yam Rhizome
Nux Vomica
Sinplelaef Shrub Chastetree Fruit
Mirabilite|Glauber’s Salt
Barley Sprout
Dwarf Lilyturf Root Tuber
Chinese Ephedrs Herb
Slender Dutchmanspipe Fruit
Chinese Pyrola Herb
Hairy Antler Pilose Antler
Chinese Starasmine Stem
Lohanguo Siraitia Fruit
Dogbane Leaf
Beautiful Sweetgum Fruit
Reed Rhizome
Common Swisscentaury Root
Dried Longan Pulp
Chinese Gentian Root|Rough Gentian Root
Lucid Ganoderma
Antelope Hom
Chinese Trumpetcreeper
Lotus Plumule
Lotus Seed
Weeping Forsythia Fruit
Shinyleaf Pricklyash Root
Common Heron’s Bill Herb
Fischer Euphorbia Root
Winteersweet Flower Bud
Garden Radish Seed
Ansu Apricot Seed
Lightyellow Sophra Root
Chinaberry - Tree Bark
Common Coltsfoot Flower
Florists Dendranthema
Sickle Senna Seed
Tamarisklike Spikemoss Herb
Suberect Spatholobus Stem
Common Jasminorange Twig and Leaf|PaniculateJasminorangeTwig and Leaf
Tuber Onion Seed
Chinese Fevervine Herb and Root
Japanese Honysuckle Flower Bud
Cherokee Rose Fruit
Wild Buckwheat Rhizome
Christina Loosestrife Herb
Little Multibanded Krait
Mica Schist
Fineleaf Schizonepeta Herb
Peking Euphorbia Root
Chicken's Gizzard-membrane
Puncturevine Caltrap Fruit
Canton Abrus Herb
Cockscomb Flower
Indian Mustard Seed
Balloonflower Root
Mexican Frangipani Flower
Fiveleaf Gynostemma Herb or Root
Rosewood Heart Wood
Common Turmeric Rhizome
Stiff Silkworm
Giant Knotweed Root
Hemp Fruit
Common Fenugreek Seed
Colored Mistletoe Herb
Black Pepper Fruit
Figwortflower Picrorhiza Rhizome
Baikal Skullcap Root
Mongolian Milkvetch Root|Membranous Milkvetch Root
Chinese Goldthread Rhizome
Siberian Solomonseal Rhizome
Amur Corktree Bark
Tomentose Pummelo Peel
Bunge Pricklyath Pericarp
Japanese Pagodatree Fruit
Black Locust Flower
Officinal Magnolia Bark
Red Ginseng
Manyinflorecenced Sweetvetch
Kirilow Rhodiola Root and Rhizome
Galanga Galangal Fruit
Konxia Root
Medicine Terminalia
Hindu Lotus Leaf
Walnut Meat
Tuber Fleeceflower Root
Common Carpesium Fruit
Silktree Albizia Flower
Kellogg’s Seahorse
Japanese Climbing Fern Spore
Foxtail Millet Sprout
Fortune's Drynaria Rhizome
Buerger Pipewort Head
Cassiabarktree Twig
Tortose's Carapae and Plastron
Chinese Corktree Bark
Snowbellleaf Tickclover Herb
Cablin Potchouli Herb
Mongolian Snakegourd Fruit
Sharpleaf Uncaria Stem with Hools
Babury Wolfberry Fruit
East Asian Tree Fern
Chinese Holly Leaf
Clam Shell
Giant Gecko
Lobed Kudzuvine Root
Lesser Galangal Rhizome
Chinese Ligusticum Rhizome
Gansui Root|Kansui Root
Chinese Nardostachys Root and Rhizome
Dried Ginger
Liquorice Root
Prepared Common Monkshood Daughter Root
Palmleaf Raspberry Fruit
Indian Buead|Tuckahoe
Finger Citron Fruit
Hypoglaucous Yam Rhizome
Beautiful Steetgum Resin
Edible Kudzuvine Root
Grand Torreya
Sanna Leaf
Fourstamen Stephania Root
Divaricate Saposhnikovia
Blue Turmeric Rhizome
Cutch|Khair|Black Catechu
Ass-hide Gelatin
Eucommia ulmoides Oliv
Eucommia Bark
Doubleteeth Angelicae Root
Whitefruit Amomim Fruit
Cluster Mallow Fruit
Chinese Caterpillar Fungus
Longleaf Garden Burnet Root
Adhesive Rehmannia Root Tuber
Chinese Wolfberry Root - bark
Belvedere Fruit
Common Rush Pith or Herba
Common Jujube
Indigowoad Leaf
Rice - grain Sprout
Sword Jackbean Seed
Common Lophatherum Herb
Dan - shen Root
Pilose Asiabell Root
Chinese Angelica
Fermented Soybean
Japanese Thistle
Rhubarb|Tangute Rhubarb
Areca Peel
Manyprinckle Acanthopanax
Papermulberry Fruit
Heaven Ailanthus Root - bark or Bark
Stringy Stonecrop Herb
Szechwan Lovage Rhizome
Common Andrographis Herb
Common Monkshood Mother Root
Medicinal Cyathula officinalis Root
Common Vladimiria Root
Armand Clematis Stem
Szechwan Chinaberry Fruit
Tendrilleaf Fritillary Bulb
Common Motherwort Fruit
Chinese Manyleaf Paris Rhizome
Chinese Cera
Rice Bean
Red Paeoniae Trichocarpae
Asiatic Plantain Seed
Asiatic Plantain Herb
Tangerine Peel
Cicada Slough
Dried Toads Venom
Antifebrile Dichroa Root
Chinese Thorawax Root
Chinese Arborviae Twig and Leaf
Kusnezoff Monkshood Mother Root
Tsaoko Amomum Fruit
Katsumada Galangal Seed
Swordlike Atracylodes Rhizome
Siberian Cocklebur Fruit
Malaytea Scurfpea Fruit
Wild Mint Herb
Synthetic Borneol
Betelnutpalm Seed
Turtle Carapace
Long Pepper Fruit
Coastal Glehnia Root
Asiatic Moonseed Rhizome
Chinaroot Greenbrier Rhizome
Ternate Pinellia
Chinese Blistering Beetle
Indigowoad Root
Chinese Lobelia Herb
Medicinal Morinda Root
Truestar Anise
Chinese Arborvilae Seed
Largehead Atractylodes Rhizome
Taiwan Angelica Root
Denesefruit Pittany Root - bark
Blackend Swallowwort Root and Rhizome
Chinese Pulsatilla Root
White Peony Root
Willowleaf Swallowwort Rhizome and Root
Lalang Grass Rhizome
Japanese Ampelopsis Root Tuber
Common Bletilla Tuber
Spreading Hedyotis Herb
Greenish lily Bulb|Liy Bulb
Ginkgo Seed
Giant Typhonium Tuber
Japanese Stemona Root
White Hyacinth Bean
Purging Croton Seed
Chinese Asafoe tida|Sinkiang Ferula
Vermifuge formulas
Digestive formulas
Dryness-moistening formulas
Resuscitative formulas
Emetic formulas
Heat-clearing formulas
Sedative and tranquilizing formulas
Summer-heat clearing formulas
Warming interior formulas
Qi-regulating formulas
Harmonizing formulas
Wind-calming formulas
Purgative formulas
Blood-regulating formulas
Phlegm-expelling formulas
Dampclearing formulas
Exterior-releasing formulas
Astringent formulas
Tonic formulas
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