Five-Peel Powder

Five-Peel PowderFormula Image

Five-Peel Powder
ChiefFu Ling Pi
    • sweet, bland, and neutral
    • effective for relieving edema by dispelling the water-dampness under the skin
DeputyDa Fu Pi
    • moves qi to relieve distention
    • promotes urination to relieve edema
DeputyJu Pi
    • rectifies qi and harmonizes the stomach
    • awakens the spleen and dispels dampness
AssistantSheng Jiang Pi
    • harmonizes the spleen
    • dissipates water
    • relieves edema
AssistantSang Bai Pi
    • clears and descends the lung qi
    • dredges and regulates water passages to promote urination and relieve edema

Five-Peel PowderPrescription Information

Five-Peel Powder
Chinese Name



Dampclearing formulas

Zingiberis Rhizoma Recens (Sheng Jiang Pi) 9g, Mori Cortex (Sang Bai Pi) 9g, Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium (Chen Pi) 9g, Arecae Pericarpium (Da Fu Pi) 9g, Poriae Cutis (Fu Ling Pi) 9g
Prepare as a decoction.
Promotes urination and relieves edema, rectifies qi and fortifies the spleen.
Wu Pi San is indicated for skin edema resulting from excessive dampness and spleen deficiency causing qi stagnation and water diffusion. The symptoms are general edema, heavy sensation of the body and limbs, fullness and distention of chest and abdomen, dyspnea, dysuria, and gestational edema. The tongue coating is white and greasy, and the pulse is deep and slow.
Skin edema is generally caused by excessive dampness overflowing into the skin. Water-damp diffusion leads to general edema. Dampness is heavy, sticky, and turbid. It therefore might cause a heavy sensation of the body and limbs. Dampness tends to block qi movement resulting in fullness and distention of chest and abdomen. Failure of the lung qi to descend leads to dyspnea. The therapeutic methods are to promote urination, remove edema, rectify qi, and fortify the spleen.
1. Essential pattern differentiation Wu Pi San, bland in nature, is the common formula for skin edema. The clinical pattern is marked by general edema, fullness and distention of chest and abdomen, dysuria. 2. Modern applications This formula may be used in the following biomedically defined disorders when the patient shows signs of excessive dampness accumulation in the spleen: nephritis edema, cardiac edema, and gestational edema.
《Central Treasury Classic》Hua Shi Zhong Cang Jing《華氏中藏經》

Five-Peel PowderFormulation composition herbal medicine

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