AllFortune Windmillpalm PetioleTatarian Aster Root and RhizomeCultivated Puple Perilla FruitCultibated Purple Perilla LeafCutivated Purple Perilla StemFluoritePyriteRedroot GromwellAbnorma Chinese Honeylocust FruitCoral Ardisia RootCinnabarBamboo ShavingsAgaricGlabrous Scrcandra HerbCommon Gardenia FruitImmature Bitter OrangeSubmature Bitter OrangeCommon AnemarrhenaHematiteNacreChekiang Fritillary BulbOriental Waterplantain TuberHirsute Bugleweed HerbChinese Honeylocust SpineFragrant Solomonseal RhizomeBroadleaf Globethistle RootHeartleaf Houttuynia HerbDwarf Flowering Cherry SeedWenchow Turmeric Root TuberEmblic Leafflower FruitChinese Rose FlowerThinleaf Milkwort Willd.Lilac Daphe Flower BudSharpleaf Galangal FruitMa - yuen Jobstears SeedShort-horned Epimedium HerbGinkgo LeafOpium Poppy PeelCapillary Wormwood HerbLanceolate Dichotomous Starwort RootCommon Motherwort HerbWild Dendranthema FlowerYanhusuo TuberHindu Datura FlowerJava Brucea FruitDragon’s BloodAsper - like Teasel RootPaniculate Swallowwort Root or HerbFigwort RootWeathered Sodium SulfateJapanese Inula FlowerAmerican GinsengManchurian Wildginger HerbCommon St. Paulswort Herb|Glandulartalk St. Paulswort HerbRed OrpimentBiod Magnolia BudSaffon Crocus Style and StigmaLongstamen Onion BulbCommon Thistle|Field ThistleFennel FruitCommon Vurculigo RhizomeHairyvein Agrimonia HerbMedical Citron FruitCoralhead Plant SeedChinese Mosla HerbChinese Silkvine Root - barkNutgrass Galingale RhizomeCommon Selfheal SpikeMedicinal Evodia Immature FruitCombined Spicebush RootChinese Magnoliavine FruitBlack SoakeSmoked PlumSlenderstyleAcanthopanax Root - barkCentipedeChinese Nut-gallChinese Clematis Root and RhizomeChinese Cinquefoil HerbCowherb SeedArk ShellChinese Dodder SeedElecampane Inula RootGolden Larch Root - bark or BarkGlabrous Greenbrier RhizomeGround BeetlePaniculate Bolbostemma BulbRice Paper Plant PithPepperweed SeedTabasheerHenbane SeedSnow Lotus HerbReddish Jackinthepulpit TuberTall GastrodiaeMuskroot - like Semiaquilegia RootSnakegourd RootCochinchinese Asparagus Root TuberPeach SeedSandalwoodDifferent Leaves PseudostellariaSongaria Cynomorium HerbSappan WoodSpine Date SeedLoofah, Towel Gourd Vegetable SpongeLeechBuffalo HornPrince's Feather FruitBlessed Thistle FruitJapanese Felt FernRangooncreeper FruitSea-ear ShellNoble Dendrobium Stem HerbGypsumPersimmon Calyx and ReceptacleTatarinow Sweerflag RhizomeForest Musk|AbelmoskSnake SloughJapanese Clubmoss HerbSkunk Bugbane RhizomeFresh GingerBlackberrglily RhizomeCommon Cnidium FruitVillous Amomum FruitCommon Macrocarpium FruitHowthorn LeafChinese Hawthorn FruitWild Honeysuckle Flower BudCommon Yam RhizomeGalanga Resurrectionlily RhizomeHupeh Liriope Root TuberIndian Pokwees RoxbTonkin Sophora RootAppendiculate Cremastra PseudobulbSanchiCommon Burreed TuberMulberry TwigMulberry LeafMullberry FruitMantis Egg-caseChinese Taxillus HerbWhite Mulberry Root - barkFrankincenseCassia BarkNutmegDesertliving Cistanche HerbGinseng RootJapanese Honeysuckle StemFringed Pink HerbScorpionBistort RhizomeLong-nosed Pit ViperAsh BarkLargeleaf Gentian RootFeather Cockscomb SeedImmature Tangerine FruitBiotite SchistSweet Wormwood HerbWhite Canarytree FruitOvientvine StemNatural IndigoGordon Euryale SeedLobedleaf Pharbitis SeedObscuteed Homalomena RhizomeCaper Euphorbia SeedWhiteflower Hogfennel Root|Common Hogfennel RootIncised Notopterygium Rhizome and RootIndian Madder RootCattail PollenMongolian Dandelion HerbLoquat LeafUssuri Fritillary Vulb Fortune’s Eupatorium HerbBoat - fruited Sterculia SeedGlossy Privet FruitCommon AchyranthesBezoarGreat Burdock FruitChinese Azalea FlowerOrange Magnoliavine FruitFourleaf Ladybell RootWild Carrot FruitCommon Baphicacanthus Rhizome and RootCommon Scouring RushCostusrootAkabia StemCommon Oyster ShellHempleaf Negundo Chastetree LeafIndian Trunpetflower SeedCommon Floweringquine FruitTree Peony Root - barkCochinchina Momordica SeedMyrrhMedicinal ChangiumMale Fern RhizomeSpingy Yam RhizomeRoseNux VomicaSinplelaef Shrub Chastetree FruitMirabilite|Glauber’s SaltBarley SproutDwarf Lilyturf Root TuberChinese Ephedrs HerbSlender Dutchmanspipe FruitBBChinese Pyrola HerbHairy Antler Pilose AntlerChinese Starasmine StemLohanguo Siraitia FruitDogbane LeafBeautiful Sweetgum FruitAloesReed RhizomeSmithsonite|CalamineCommon Swisscentaury RootDried Longan PulpChinese Gentian Root|Rough Gentian RootLucid GanodermaAntelope HomChinese TrumpetcreeperLotus PlumuleLotus SeedWeeping Forsythia FruitShinyleaf Pricklyash RootCommon Heron’s Bill HerbFischer Euphorbia RootWinteersweet Flower BudGarden Radish SeedAnsu Apricot SeedLightyellow Sophra RootKelpChinaberry - Tree BarkCommon Coltsfoot FlowerFlorists DendranthemaSickle Senna SeedTamarisklike Spikemoss HerbSuberect Spatholobus StemCommon Jasminorange Twig and Leaf|PaniculateJasminorangeTwig and LeafTuber Onion SeedChinese Fevervine Herb and RootJapanese Honysuckle Flower BudCherokee Rose FruitWild Buckwheat RhizomeChristina Loosestrife HerbLittle Multibanded KraitMica SchistFineleaf Schizonepeta HerbPeking Euphorbia RootChicken's Gizzard-membranePuncturevine Caltrap FruitCanton Abrus HerbCockscomb FlowerIndian Mustard SeedBalloonflower RootMexican Frangipani FlowerFiveleaf Gynostemma Herb or RootRosewood Heart WoodCommon Turmeric RhizomeStiff SilkwormGiant Knotweed RootHemp FruitCommon Fenugreek SeedColored Mistletoe HerbBlack Pepper FruitFigwortflower Picrorhiza RhizomeTalcBaikal Skullcap RootMongolian Milkvetch Root|Membranous Milkvetch RootChinese Goldthread RhizomeSiberian Solomonseal RhizomeAmur Corktree BarkTomentose Pummelo PeelBunge Pricklyath PericarpJapanese Pagodatree FruitBlack Locust FlowerOfficinal Magnolia BarkRed GinsengManyinflorecenced SweetvetchKirilow Rhodiola Root and RhizomeSafflowerGalanga Galangal FruitKonxia RootMedicine TerminaliaHindu Lotus LeafWalnut MeatTuber Fleeceflower RootCommon Carpesium FruitSilktree Albizia FlowerSeaweedCuttlebone|SepiumKellogg’s SeahorseJapanese Climbing Fern SporeFoxtail Millet SproutFortune's Drynaria RhizomeBuerger Pipewort HeadCassiabarktree TwigTortose's Carapae and PlastronChinese Corktree BarkSnowbellleaf Tickclover HerbCablin Potchouli HerbMongolian Snakegourd FruitSharpleaf Uncaria Stem with HoolsBabury Wolfberry FruitEast Asian Tree Fern Chinese Holly LeafClam ShellGiant GeckoLobed Kudzuvine RootLesser Galangal RhizomeChinese Ligusticum RhizomeGansui Root|Kansui RootChinese Nardostachys Root and RhizomeDried GingerLiquorice RootPrepared Common Monkshood Daughter RootPalmleaf Raspberry FruitIndian Buead|TuckahoeFinger Citron FruitHypoglaucous Yam RhizomeBeautiful Steetgum ResinEdible Kudzuvine RootGrand TorreyaSanna LeafFourstamen Stephania RootDivaricate SaposhnikoviaBlue Turmeric RhizomeCutch|Khair|Black CatechuAss-hide GelatinEucommia ulmoides OlivEucommia BarkDoubleteeth Angelicae RootWhitefruit Amomim FruitCluster Mallow Fruit Chinese Caterpillar FungusLongleaf Garden Burnet RootCloveEarthwormAdhesive Rehmannia Root TuberChinese Wolfberry Root - barkBelvedere FruitCommon Rush Pith or HerbaCommon JujubeSargenrgloryvineIndigowoad LeafRice - grain SproutSword Jackbean SeedCommon Lophatherum HerbDan - shen RootPilose Asiabell RootChinese AngelicaFermented SoybeanJapanese ThistleRhubarb|Tangute RhubarbAreca PeelManyprinckle AcanthopanaxMagnetitePapermulberry FruitHeaven Ailanthus Root - bark or BarkStringy Stonecrop HerbSzechwan Lovage RhizomeCommon Andrographis HerbCommon Monkshood Mother RootMedicinal Cyathula officinalis RootCommon Vladimiria RootArmand Clematis StemSzechwan Chinaberry FruitTendrilleaf Fritillary BulbCommon Motherwort FruitChinese Manyleaf Paris RhizomeChinese CeraRice BeanRed Paeoniae TrichocarpaeAsiatic Plantain SeedAsiatic Plantain HerbTambacTangerine PeelCicada SloughDried Toads VenomAntifebrile Dichroa RootChinese Thorawax RootChinese Arborviae Twig and LeafKusnezoff Monkshood Mother RootTsaoko Amomum FruitKatsumada Galangal SeedSwordlike Atracylodes RhizomeSiberian Cocklebur FruitMalaytea Scurfpea FruitWild Mint HerbSynthetic BorneolBetelnutpalm SeedCastorbean Turtle CarapaceLong Pepper FruitCoastal Glehnia RootAsiatic Moonseed RhizomeChinaroot Greenbrier RhizomeTernate PinelliaChinese Blistering BeetleIndigowoad RootChinese Lobelia HerbMedicinal Morinda RootTruestar AniseChinese Arborvilae SeedLargehead Atractylodes RhizomeTaiwan Angelica RootDenesefruit Pittany Root - barkBlackend Swallowwort Root and RhizomeChinese Pulsatilla RootWhite Peony RootWillowleaf Swallowwort Rhizome and RootLalang Grass RhizomeJapanese Ampelopsis Root TuberCommon Bletilla TuberSpreading Hedyotis HerbGreenish lily Bulb|Liy BulbGinkgo SeedGiant Typhonium TuberAlumJapanese Stemona RootWhite Hyacinth BeanPurging Croton SeedChinese Asafoe tida|Sinkiang Ferula
Spleen-Restoring Decoction

Spleen-Restoring Decoction

Action:Boosts qi, supplements blood; fortifies the spleen, and nourishes the heart.
Indication:1. Qi and blood deficiency of the heart and spleen marked by palpitations, amnesia, insomnia, night sweat, deficiency-heat, tiredness, reduced food intake, withered-sallow complexion, a pale tongue with a thin, white coating, and thready, weak pulses.
Center-Supplementing and Qi-Boosting Decoction

Center-Supplementing and Qi-Boosting Decoction

Action:Supplements the center and boosts qi; raises yang and lifts the sunken.
Indication:Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang is indicated for two patterns. The first pattern is deficient or sunken spleen qi with reduced food intake, general sluggish sensation, weak breathing, lack of desire to speak, sallow-yellow facial complexion, and loose unformed stool. The tongue is pale and the pulse is deficient. It is also used for rectal prolapse, uterine prolapse, chronic diarrhea, and flooding and spotting (beng lou). The second pattern is objective or subjective fever due to qi deficiency manifested by a feverish sensation, spontaneous sweating, thirst with a desire for hot drinks, shortness of breath, and lack of strength. The tongue is pale and the pulse is deficient, big, and weak.
Ginseng, Poria and Atractylodes Macrocephala Powder

Ginseng, Poria and Atractylodes Macrocephala Powder

Action:Boosts qi and fortifies the spleen, drains dampness and arrests diarrhea.
Indication:Shen Ling Bai Zhu San is indicated for patterns of spleen deficiency with excessive dampness accumulation marked by epigastric bloating or stuffiness, borborygmus, diarrhea, lack of strength in the four limbs, thin body, and lusterless yellow facial complexion. The tongue is pale with a white, greasy coating and the pulse is moderate and deficient.
Honey-Fried Licorice Decoction

Honey-Fried Licorice Decoction

Action:Boosts qi, enriches yin, unblocks yang, and restores the pulse.
Indication:1. Zhi Gan Cao Tang is indicated for patterns of yin-blood and yang-qi deficiency with malnutrition of the heart vessel. The symptoms are intermittent or knotted pulse, palpitations, weakness, emaciation, weak breathing, etc. The tongue is peeled with a scanty or dry and thin coating.
Discharge-Ceasing Decoction

Discharge-Ceasing Decoction

Action:Fortifies the spleen and soothes the liver, removes dampness, and arrests vaginal discharge.
Indication:Wan Dai Tang is designed to treat disorders of vaginal discharge caused by liver constraint and spleen deficiency. This pattern is marked by thin, clear-white vaginal discharge (similar to clear nasal discharge), a pale complexion, general sluggishness, and thin, unformed stool. The tongue is pale with a white coating and the pulse is moderate or soggy and weak.
Four Gentlemen Decoction

Four Gentlemen Decoction

Action:Boosts qi and fortifies the spleen.
Indication:Si Jun Zi Tang is indicated for patterns of spleen-stomach qi deficiency. Clinical manifestations include a pale, lusterless facial complexion, a faint, low voice, shortness of breath, and thin, unformed stool. The tongue is pale with a white coating. The pulse is deficient and weak.
Eight-Gem Decoction

Eight-Gem Decoction

Action:Boosts qi and supplements blood.
Indication:Ba Zhen Tang is intended for a syndrome of qi and blood deficiency marked by pale or withered-yellow complexion, dizziness, auditory vertigo, lassitude of the four limbs, shortness of breath, reluctance to speak, palpitations, and decreased food intake. The tongue is pale with a thin, white coating and the pulse is thready, weak or deficient, big, and weak.
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