HomeTraditional Chinese Medicine FormulasApricot Kernel and Perilla Powder

Apricot Kernel and Perilla Powder

Apricot Kernel and Perilla PowderFormula Image

Apricot Kernel and Perilla Powder
ChiefZi Su Ye
    • acrid and warm yet not dry in nature
    • releases the exterior and dispels pathogens
    • diffuses the lung qi
    • scatters cool-dryness from the exterior
Common combination of acrid, warm, and sweet medicinals that are moistening in nature.
ChiefXing Ren
    • bitter, warm and moistening in nature
    • diffuses the lung qi
    • relieves cough and dissolves phlegm
Common combination of acrid, warm, and sweet medicinals that are moistening in nature.
DeputyQian Hu
    • scatters and dissipates wind-cold
    • directs the lung qi downward and dissolves phlegm
    • helps xing ren and zi su ye dredge the exterior by light diffusion and dissolve phlegm
DeputyJie Geng
    • ascend and descend in combinationi
    • aid xing ren to diffuse the lung qi
Common combination used to diffuse and descend the lung qi.
DeputyZhi Qiao
    • ascend and descend in combinationi
    • aid xing ren to diffuse the lung qi
Common combination used to diffuse and descend the lung qi.
AssistantBan Xia
    • dry dampness and dissolve phlegm
    • regulate qi to move stagnation
Common combination to regulate qi and dissolve phlegm.
AssistantJu Pi
    • dry dampness and dissolve phlegm
    • regulate qi to move stagnation
Common combination to regulate qi and dissolve phlegm.
AssistantFu Ling
    • percolates dampness and fortifies the spleen to block the source of phlegm production
Common combination to regulate qi and dissolve phlegm.
AssistantSheng Jiang
    • harmonize ying and wei
Common combination to harmonize ying and wei.
AssistantDa Zao
    • harmonize ying and wei
Common combination to harmonize ying and wei.
EnvoyGan Cao
    • harmonizes the other medicinals
The combination of gan cao and jie geng is often used to diffuse the lung and improve the condition of throat.

Apricot Kernel and Perilla PowderPrescription Information

Apricot Kernel and Perilla Powder
Chinese Name



Dryness-moistening formulas

Perillae Folium (Zi Su Ye) 9g, Pinelliae Rhizoma (Ban Xia) 9g, Poria (Fu Ling) 9g, Peucedani Radix (Qian Hu) 9g, Platycodonis Radix (Jie Geng) 6g, Aurantii Fructus (Zhi Qiao) 6g, Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma (Gan Cao) 3g, Zingiberis Rhizoma Recens (Sheng Jiang) 3 slices, Jujubae Fructus (Da Zao) 3 pieces, Armeniacae Semen Amarum (Xing Ren) 9g, Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium (Ju Pi) 6g
Prepare the ingredients as a decoction to be ingested while warm.
Relieves cool-dryness by light diffusion, regulates lung function, and dissolves phlegm.
Xing Su San is indicated for patterns of externally-contracted cool-dryness. The symptoms are aversion to cold, mild headache, coughing with scanty sputum, stuffy nose, and a dry throat. The tongue coating is white, and the pulse is wiry.
This pattern is caused by cool-dryness attacking the exterior with failure of the lung qi to diffuse and internal obstruction of phlegm-dampness. The mild headache and chills without sweating indicate that cool-dryness has attacked the skin and hair. Headaches caused by cool-dryness are less severe than headaches due to cold damage syndrome. Cool-dryness may invade the lung and cause failure of the lung to diffuse and govern descent as well as failure of lung qi to distribute fluids. As a result, water accumulates and turns into phlegm causing symptoms such as coughing with thin sputum. Cool-dryness damages the lung to cause dysfunction of lung qi characterized by a stuffy nose and a dry throat. A white tongue coating and a wiry pulse prove the pattern of cool-dryness with sputum-dampness. The composition of this formula is based on the principle described within Basic Questions: “Dry pathogenic qi is treated internally with bitter and warm medicinals, and sweet and acrid medicinals are used adjunctively”. This disorder should be treated primarily via relieving cool-dryness by light diffusion and supported by regulating the function of the lung to dissolve phlegm.
1. Essential pattern differentiation Xing Su San is a characteristic formula commonly used to relieve cool-dryness by light diffusion, and a popular formula used to treat cough due to wind-cold. This clinical pattern is marked by aversion to cold, absence of perspiration, coughing with thin sputum, dry throat, white coating, wiry pulse. 2. Modern applications This formula may be used in the following biomedically defined disorders when the patient shows signs of externally-contracted cool-dryness or a mild pattern of externally-contracted wind-cold, failure of lung qi to diffuse, and internal obstruction of phlegm-dampness: upper respiratory tract infection, chronic bronchitis and emphysema. 3. Cautions and contraindications This formula is not applicable for patients diagnosed with the cool-dryness that has transformed into warm-dryness or wind-heat.
《Systematic Differentiation of Warm Diseases》Wen Bing Tiao Bian《溫病條辨》

Apricot Kernel and Perilla PowderFormulation composition herbal medicine

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