Beijing Tongrentang Honeysuckle 40g
【JD】Beijing Tongrentang Honeysuckle 40g
High-quality Honeysuckle from Shandong, China. No additives, pollution-free, plump flower buds, suitable for direct infusion in water or making tea.
He Chengtang Yuganzi Dried Fruit 250g
【JD】He Chengtang Yuganzi Dried Fruit 250g
Carefully selected dried jujube fruits, hand-picked, without smoking or sulfur.
Beijing Tongrentang Genkwa 500g
【JD】Beijing Tongrentang Genkwa 500g
Carefully selected for quality assurance, no sulfur fumigation, no coloring, shipped via SF Express.
Zexintang persimmon stem 500g
【JD】Zexintang persimmon stem 500g
Shanxi-origin persimmon calyxes, hand-picked, without smoking or sulfur, fresh seasonal produce.
Beijing Tongrentang Mountain Silver Flower 500g
【JD】Beijing Tongrentang Mountain Silver Flower 500g
Also known as Tuyin Flower or Turenhong, carefully selected by hand, naturally air-dried, suitable for bathing and brewing tea without smoking or sulfur.
Qingpingtang Big Green Leaf 500g
【JD】Qingpingtang Big Green Leaf 500g
Blue-plate root leaves, directly supplied from the place of origin, carefully selected, without smoking or sulfur.
Qingpingtang Reed Root 250g
【JD】Qingpingtang Reed Root 250g
Dried reed roots, directly supplied from the place of origin, carefully selected, without smoking or sulfur.
500 grams of Moyuan Siegesia herb
【JD】500 grams of Moyuan Siegesia herb
The Hebei-produced Xiqian grass, fresh dried goods, manually selected, without smoking or sulfur.
Nanjing Tongrentang Yuhe Baibao Liquorice Tablets 250g
【JD】Nanjing Tongrentang Yuhe Baibao Liquorice Tablets 250g
Sliced Licorice Roots from Bozhou, Anhui, with large red skin pieces, clean and sweet-flavored, manually harvested, and naturally air-dried.
Beijing Tongrentang Soft Purple Grass 250g
【JD】Beijing Tongrentang Soft Purple Grass 250g
Freshly harvested, carefully hand-selected, without smoking or sulfur. Can be directly decocted for internal use, or boiled into a paste for external application.
Qingpingtang Xiangfu 500g
【JD】Qingpingtang Xiangfu 500g
Directly supplied from the place of origin, carefully selected, without smoking or sulfur.
500g of Shiwei Grass in Huatuo Town
【JD】500g of Shiwei Grass in Huatuo Town
Carefully selected sulfur-free Rhubarb, manually chosen, naturally air-dried, and free from additives.
Guangfu Bencao Tang Chicken Bone Grass 500g
【JD】Guangfu Bencao Tang Chicken Bone Grass 500g
Wild chicken bone grass from Guangxi, manually selected, naturally sun-dried, no smoking, no sulfur, suitable for making soup.
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