Largehead Atractylodes Rhizome

Largehead Atractylodes Rhizome

Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma
Functions:Fortifies the spleen, boosts qi, dries dampness, promotes urination, stops sweating, calms the fetus. Apply to deficiency-weakness of spleen, anorexia, and abdominal distension, and loose tools, dizziness induced by phlegm and retained fluids, edema, spontaneous perspiration, restless fetal movement.
Taiwan Angelica Root

Taiwan Angelica Root

Angelicae Dahuricae Radix
Functions:Removing rheumatism, activate blood, clearing pus, engendering skin, relieving pain. Apply to headache, toothache, persistent turbid nasal discharge, anal fistula due to intestine wind, red and white leucorrhea, ulcer and sore, skin itch.
Blackend Swallowwort Root and Rhizome

Blackend Swallowwort Root and Rhizome

Cynanchi Atrati Radix et Rhizoma
Functions:Clears heat, cools the blood, promotes urination, frees strangury, resolves toxin, treats sores. Apply to hurt of nutrious due to heat with fever, fever due to yin deficiency, hectic fever, deficient restlessness and hematic syncope postpartum, pyretic stranguria, bloody stranguria, ulcer and swelling toxic.
Chinese Pulsatilla Root

Chinese Pulsatilla Root

Pulsatillae Radix
Functions:Clears hear, resolves toxin, cools the blood, relieves dysentery, eliminating dampness and destroying parasites. Apply to heat dysentery, epistaxis, hemorrhoid hemorrhage, leucorrhea, pudendum itch, ulcer and carbuncle, struma.
White Peony Root

White Peony Root

Paeoniae Radix Alba
Functions:Nourishes the blood, regulates menstruation, calms the liver, relieve pain, astringes yin, stops sweating. Apply to thoracic, abdominal and costal pains, abdominal pain due to dysentery, spontaneous perspiration and night sweat, fever with yin deficiency, irregular menstrual periods, metrorrhagia and metrostaxis, leukorrhea.
Willowleaf Swallowwort Rhizome and Root

Willowleaf Swallowwort Rhizome and Root

Cynanchi Stauntonii Rhizoma et Radix
Functions:Downbears qi, disperses phlegm, relieves cough. Apply to cough, excessive phlegm, pulmonary deficiency. According to warm but not strongly dry, applied to disperse phlegm and downbears qi to relieve cough, whatever cold, heat, external, internal, acute or chronic condition.
Lalang Grass Rhizome

Lalang Grass Rhizome

Imperatae Rhizoma
Functions:Cools the blood, stops bleeding, clears heat, promotes urination. Applied to pyreticosis and dipsesis, hematemesis, non-traumatic hemorrhage, dyspnea and coughing due to lung-heat, vomiting and hiccups caused by gastric heat, stramgutia, and difficulty in micturition, edema, and jaundice.
Japanese Ampelopsis Root Tuber

Japanese Ampelopsis Root Tuber

Ampelopsis Radix
Functions:Clears heat, resolves toxin, dissipates binds, relieves pains, engenders flesh and astringes sores. Apply to burns and scalds and swelling, scrofula, scalding injuries, wet sores, pyrexial malaria, epilepsy, hematodiarrhoea, hemorrhoidal hemorrhage, prolapse of hemorrhoids, leucorrhea, and injuries from falls, traumatic hemorrhage.
Common Bletilla Tuber

Common Bletilla Tuber

Bletillae Rhizoma
Functions:Tonify the lung, stop bleeding, reduces swelling, engenders flesh, astringes core. Applied to empsyxis, non-traumatic hemorrhage, traumatic hemorrhage, anthracia and swelling caused by toxicity, pain due to ulcer, scalding and scorching injuries, rhagadia manus et pedis.
Giant Typhonium Tuber

Giant Typhonium Tuber

Typhonii Rhizoma
Functions:Drying dampness, relieve phlegm, expelling wind and relive convulsion, detoxicating, remove stasis, relive pain.
Japanese Stemona Root

Japanese Stemona Root

Stemonae Radix
Functions:Moistens the lung, downbears qi, relieve cough, and kills worms. Applied to Lingering cough, coughing due to tuberculosis, whooping cough, externally applied to take care of head lice, body lice, enterobiasis, pruritus vulvae.
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