HomeTraditional Chinese Medicine Herbs
Fortune Windmillpalm Petiole

Fortune Windmillpalm Petiole

Trachycarpi Petiolus
Functions:Astringes to stop bleeding. Apply to hematemesis, non-traumatic hemorrhage, hematuria, hemafecia, metrorrhagia and metrostaxia.
Tatarian Aster Root and Rhizome

Tatarian Aster Root and Rhizome

Asteris Radix et Rhizoma
Functions:Moistens lung, downbears qi, transforms phlegm, relieves cough. Apply to cough and panting with excessive phlegm, acute and chronic cough, strained cough and hemoptysis.
Cultivated Puple Perilla Fruit

Cultivated Puple Perilla Fruit

Perillae Fructus
Functions:Downbears qi, transforms phlegm, calms panting, moistens intestines. Apply to adverse rising of qi due to stagnation of phlegm, dyspnea and cough, constipation induced by dryness of the intestine. Resolves exterior, disperse cold, moves qi, harmonizes stomach, apply to common cold of wind-cold, dyspnea and cough, hyperemesis gravidarum, threatened miscarriage, over indulgence of fish and crab.
Cultibated Purple Perilla Leaf

Cultibated Purple Perilla Leaf

Perillae Folium
Functions:Resolves exterior, disperses cold, moves qi, harmonizes ying. Apply to exterior syndrome due to wind-cold, fear of cold and fever, cough, headache without sweat, panting, chest and abdominal distention and fullness, vomit and diarrhea, obstruction in throat, hyperemesis gravidarum, threatened miscarriage, over indulgence of fish and crab.
Cutivated Purple Perilla Stem

Cutivated Purple Perilla Stem

Perillae Caulis
Functions:Moves qi, expands the center, relieves pain, calms fetus. Apply to chest and diaphragm distention and fullness, abdominal pain, belching and vomit, threatened miscarriage.


Functions:Calms heart, calms spirit, downbears counterflow, warms uterus. Apply to strained deficiency and fright, cough with dyspnea, deficiency and cold of blood and sterility.


Functions:Disperses stasis, joins bone, relieves pain. Apply to pain and swelling from injury, fractured sinew and bone. Often processed in pill and powder, mash into powder to apply.
Redroot Gromwell

Redroot Gromwell

Arnebiae Radix
Functions:Cools blood, invigorates blood, resolved toxin, outthrusts measles. Apply to heat and toxins in blood, purple dark macular eruptions, and measles without adequate eruptions, burns and scalds, and eczema, burns caused by hot liquids or fires. Clears heat, cools blood, apply to measles, maculopapular eruptions in warm disease, eczema, hematuria, blood strangury, sore, erysipelas, burn, constipation due to heat.
Abnorma Chinese Honeylocust Fruit

Abnorma Chinese Honeylocust Fruit

Gleditsiae Fructus Abnormalis
Functions:Opens orifices, transforms phlegm, dispels wind, kills worms. Apply to apoplexy and lockjaw, head wind, inveterate wind evil, throat impediment, panting with phlegm, distention and fullness accumulation, blocking orifices, swelling abscess, ulcer, tinea, head sore.
Coral Ardisia Root

Coral Ardisia Root

Ardisiae Crenatae Radix
Functions:Moves blood, dispels wind, resolves toxin, eliminates swelling. Apply to upper respiratory tract infection, throat swelling pain, diphtheria, tonsillitis, bronchitis, rheumatic arthritis, waist and leg pain, injury from falls, erysipelas, lymphadenitis, externally use to traumatic injury, fracture, poison snake bites.


Functions:Clears heat, calms fright, calms spirit, resolves toxin. Apply to fright, insomnia with nightmares, convulsion, infantile convulsion, blur vision, mouth sore, throat impediment, swelling toxin of sore and ulcer.
Bamboo Shavings

Bamboo Shavings

Bambusae Caulis in Taenias
Functions:Clears heat, transform phlegm, eliminates vexation, stops vomiting. Apply to phlegm-heat cough, cholic fire with phlegm, feverish dysphoria and vomiting, shock and insomnia, aphasia with stiff tongue, vomiting due to gastric heat, morning sickness and restless fetus.


Functions:Promotes urination, leaches out dampness. Apply to difficulty in micturition, edema, diarrhea, strangury, vaginal discharge.
Glabrous Scrcandra Herb

Glabrous Scrcandra Herb

Sarcandrae Herba
Functions:Anti-bacteria, dephlogisticate, dispels wind, frees channels, invigorates blood, disperses binds. Apply to Pneumonia, appendicitis, cellulitis, wind-damp impediment, injury from falls, tumor.
Common Gardenia Fruit

Common Gardenia Fruit

Gardeniae Fructus
Functions:Drains fire, eliminates vexation, clears heat, promotes urination, cools blood, resolves toxin. Apply to deficient restlessness due to pyreticosis, conjunctival congestion due to liver fire, headache, jaundice due to damp-heat, strangury, hematodiarrhoea, hematuria, mouth and tongue sore, swelling pain of sore and ulcer, swelling pains caused by sprains.
Immature Bitter Orange

Immature Bitter Orange

Aurantii Fructus Immaturus
Functions:Breaks qi, resolves accumulation, transforms phlegm, disperses focal distention. Apply to inner stagnation, fullness and distention and swelling pain, constipation, diarrhea and tenesmus, chest stasis, ptosis of the stomach; uterine prolapse; prolapse of the anus.
Submature Bitter Orange

Submature Bitter Orange

Aurantii Fructus
Functions:Moves qi, expands the center, moves stagnation, eliminates swelling.
Common Anemarrhena

Common Anemarrhena

Anemarrhenae Rhizoma
Functions:Clears heat, drains fire, engenders fluid, moistens dryness. Apply to exterior heat diseases, high fever and polydipsia, lung heat with cough, stomach heat and diabetes, dryness of lung and cough, constipation due to dry intestines, bone steaming and hot flashes.


Functions:Calms liver, subdues yang, downbears counterflow, stops bleeding. Apply to dizziness and tinnitus, vomit, belching, hiccups, panting, hematemesis, epistaxis, metrorrhagia and metrostaxis.


Margaritifera Concha
Functions:Calms liver, subdues yang, settles fright, brightens eyes. Apply to headache and dizziness, vexation and insomnia, liver heat and red eye, liver deficiency and blur vision.
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