Tatarian Aster Root and Rhizome

Tatarian Aster Root and Rhizome

Asteris Radix et Rhizoma
Functions:Moistens lung, downbears qi, transforms phlegm, relieves cough. Apply to cough and panting with excessive phlegm, acute and chronic cough, strained cough and hemoptysis.
Redroot Gromwell

Redroot Gromwell

Arnebiae Radix
Functions:Cools blood, invigorates blood, resolved toxin, outthrusts measles. Apply to heat and toxins in blood, purple dark macular eruptions, and measles without adequate eruptions, burns and scalds, and eczema, burns caused by hot liquids or fires. Clears heat, cools blood, apply to measles, maculopapular eruptions in warm disease, eczema, hematuria, blood strangury, sore, erysipelas, burn, constipation due to heat.
Coral Ardisia Root

Coral Ardisia Root

Ardisiae Crenatae Radix
Functions:Moves blood, dispels wind, resolves toxin, eliminates swelling. Apply to upper respiratory tract infection, throat swelling pain, diphtheria, tonsillitis, bronchitis, rheumatic arthritis, waist and leg pain, injury from falls, erysipelas, lymphadenitis, externally use to traumatic injury, fracture, poison snake bites.
Common Anemarrhena

Common Anemarrhena

Anemarrhenae Rhizoma
Functions:Clears heat, drains fire, engenders fluid, moistens dryness. Apply to exterior heat diseases, high fever and polydipsia, lung heat with cough, stomach heat and diabetes, dryness of lung and cough, constipation due to dry intestines, bone steaming and hot flashes.
Chekiang Fritillary Bulb

Chekiang Fritillary Bulb

Fritillariae Thunbergii Bulbus
Functions:Clears heat, transforms phlegm, disperses bind, resolves toxin. Apply to wind-heat cough, lung abscess and throat impediment, scrofula, swelling and pain of sore and ulcer.
Oriental Waterplantain Tuber

Oriental Waterplantain Tuber

Alismatis Rhizoma
Functions:Promotes urination, percolates dampness, drains heat, frees strangury. Apply to difficulty in urination, difficulty and pain while urinating induced by pyretic stranguria, edema and tumescence, diarrhea, dizziness induced by phlegm and retained fluid and emissions. Leaves: consumptive disease, cough, infrequent lactation, swellings and sores.
Fragrant Solomonseal Rhizome

Fragrant Solomonseal Rhizome

Polygonati Odorati Rhizoma
Functions:Nourishes yin, moistens lung, nourishes stomach, engenders fluid. Apply to dry cough, strained cough, dry throat and thirst due to damage of yin and fluid caused by febrile disease, diabetes due to inner heat, and exterior disease due to yin deficiency, dizziness and vertigo, spasm pain of sinew.
Broadleaf Globethistle Root

Broadleaf Globethistle Root

Echinopsis Radix
Functions:Clears heat, resolves toxin, expels pus, stops bleeding, eliminates swelling, descends breast milk. Apply to sore and abscess wind, mammary abscess and swelling pain, lack of lactation, scrofula and sore toxin, also apply as expelling ascarid medicine.
Wenchow Turmeric Root Tuber

Wenchow Turmeric Root Tuber

Curcumae Radix
Functions:Moves qi, transforms stasis, clears heart, resolves depression, promotes gall bladder, abates jaundice. Apply to painful menstruation and amenorrhea, thoracic and abdominal swelling and costal pains, hot disease and coma, vesania and frightened epilepsy, jaundice and hematuria.
Thinleaf Milkwort Willd.

Thinleaf Milkwort Willd.

Polygalae Radix
Functions:Calms spirit, boosts mental faculties, dispels phlegm, disperses swelling. Apply to insomnia and dreaminess due to cardionephric disharmony, morbid forgetfulness and terror, absent-minded, uncomfortable expectoration, burns and scalds and swelling, mammary abscess and swelling pain.
Lanceolate Dichotomous Starwort Root

Lanceolate Dichotomous Starwort Root

Stellariae Radix
Functions:Clears heat, cools blood. Apply to steaming bone, chronic malaria with yin deficiency, infantile malnutrition and emaciated.
Yanhusuo Tuber

Yanhusuo Tuber

Corydalis Rhizoma
Functions:Invigorates blood, disperses stasis, moves qi, stops pain. Apply to chest impediment and heart pain, flank and abdomen pain, headache, waist pain, hernis pain, sinew and bone pain, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, postpartum blood stasis and abdominal pain, injury from falls.
Asper - like Teasel Root

Asper - like Teasel Root

Dipsaci Radix
Functions:Supplements liver and kidney, strengthens sinew and bone, adjusts blood vein, continues broken injury, stops metrorrhagia and metrostaxis. Apply to aching pains in the loins and back, atrophy and arthralgia spasms of limbs and joints, injuries from falls, damage of tendons and fractures, fetal movement and bloody show, profuse uterine bleeding, emissions, leukorrhea, superficial infections, swelling sores. Wine xu duan often apply to wind-damp impediment, injuries from falls. Salt xu duan often apply to aching pains in the loins and back.
Paniculate Swallowwort Root or Herb

Paniculate Swallowwort Root or Herb

Cynanchi Paniculati Radix et Rhizoma
Functions:Dispels wind, transforms dampness, stops pain, stops itching. Apply to wind-damp impediment, stomachache and swelling fullness, toothache, waist pain, injury form falls, urticaria, eczema.
Figwort Root

Figwort Root

Scrophulariae Radix
Functions:Clears heat, cools blood, drains fire, resolves toxin, nourishes yin. Apply to damp evil entering construction and the pericardium, warm toxin inducing eruptions, heat disease damaging yin, dark red tongue and vexation, damage of fluid and constipation, bone steaming and over-strained cough, red eye, throat pain, scrofula, diphtheritic, swelling abscess and sore toxin.
American Ginseng

American Ginseng

Panacis Quinquefolii Radix
Functions:Supplements qi, nourishes yin, clears heat, engenders fluid. Apply to deficiency of vital energy and yin-fluid, calor internus, coughing with asthma, bloody phlegm, thirst and fatigue due to asthenic fever, diabetes, dry mouth and pharynx. Anti-fatigue, anti-oxidation, anti-stress, inhibit platelet aggregation, reduce blood coagulation, besides that it also has effect of adjusting blood glucose to diabetes patients.
Manchurian Wildginger Herb

Manchurian Wildginger Herb

Asari Radix et Rhizoma
Functions:Resolvers exterior, disperses cold, dispels wind, stops pain, warms lung, transforms fluids, frees nose. Apply to exterior disease induced by pathogenic wind-cold, headache, toothache, wind-damp impediment, dyspnea with cough due to phlegm and retained fluids, nasal obstruction, rhinorrhea with turbid discharge, mouth sore.
Longstamen Onion Bulb

Longstamen Onion Bulb

Allii Macrostemonis Bulbus
Functions:Frees yang, disperses binds, moves qi, guides stagnation. Apply to chest impediment and heart pain radiating to the back, chest and abdominal fullness, cough with excessive phlegm, abdominal pain, diarrhea tenesmus, leucorrhea, sore and boil swelling and pain.
Common Vurculigo Rhizome

Common Vurculigo Rhizome

Curculiginis Rhizoma
Functions:Warms kidney yang, strengthens sinew and bone. Apply to impotence and cold sperm, aconuresis, metrorrhagia and metrostaxis, heart and abdomen cold pain, waist and feet cold impediment, ulcer, scrofula, cold diarrhea caused by yang deficiency. Impotence and cold sperm, wind-cold of waist and knees, flaccidity of extremities.
Nutgrass Galingale Rhizome

Nutgrass Galingale Rhizome

Cyperi Rhizoma
Functions:Moves qi, resolves depression, regulates menstruation, relieves pain. apply to stagnation of qi due to live depression, chest and abdominal swelling pain, indigestion, irregular menstrual periods, amenorrhea and dysmenorrheal, cold hernia pain, painful swollen breasts.
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