Fortune's Drynaria Rhizome

Fortune's Drynaria Rhizome

Drynariae Rhizoma
Functions:Supplements the kidney, strengthens the bones, heals injuries, relieves pain. apply to lumbago due to deficiency of the kidney, tinnitus and deafness, tooth mobility, falls, sudden sprains and contusions, wounds and fractures of muscles and bones respectively; externally applied to treat alopecia areata, leucoderma.
East Asian Tree Fern

East Asian Tree Fern

Cibotii Rhizoma
Functions:Dispels wind and dampness, supplements the liver and kidney, strengthens waist and knees. Apply to win and damp impediment, weakness in the loins and knees, weakness of the lower limbs, frequent urination, enuresis, leukorrhagia; externally used to trauma and bleeding.
Lobed Kudzuvine Root

Lobed Kudzuvine Root

Puerariae Lobatae Radix
Functions:Resolves exterior, abates heat, engenders fluid, outthrusts measles, raise yang, relieves diarrhea. Apply to fever and headache caused by exogenous pathogens, stiffness of the neck due to hypertension, hydrodipsia, diabetes, measles without adequate eruptions, dysentery of heat type, diarrhea.
Lesser Galangal Rhizome

Lesser Galangal Rhizome

Alpiniae Officinarum Rhizoma
Functions:Warms stomach, disperses cold, digests food, stops pain. Apply to abdominal cold pain, vomiting due to cold stomach, ructation.
Chinese Ligusticum Rhizome

Chinese Ligusticum Rhizome

Ligustici Rhizoma et Radix
Functions:Dispels wind, disperse cold, eliminates dampness, stops pain. Apply to cold induced by pathogenic wind-cold, parietal headache, rheumatic arthralgia of limbs.
Gansui Root|Kansui Root

Gansui Root|Kansui Root

Kansui Radix
Functions:Drains water, expels rheum, removes swelling, disperses stagnation. Apply to edema, tumescence, dropsy in thoracic and abdominal cavities, phlegm and retained fluid, shortness of breath due to adverse rising of qi, unsmooth urine and stool, externally used to swelling carbuncle and sore.
Chinese Nardostachys Root and Rhizome

Chinese Nardostachys Root and Rhizome

Nardostachyos Radix et Rhizoma
Functions:Regulates qi, relieves pain, relieves constraint, arouses the spleen. Apply to cold and qi stagnation of middle-jiao, disharmonized spleen and stomach, anorexia, vomiting, externally used to toothache.
Dried Ginger

Dried Ginger

Zingiberis Rhizoma
Functions:Warms the center, disperses cold, returns yang, frees the vessels, dries dampness, disperses phlegm, warms the lung, eliminates phlegm. Apply to abdominal cold pain, vomiting, diarrhea, yang exhaustion and acute thoracic pain, dyspnea with cough due to cold fluid-retention, Rheumatic arthralgia due to cold hygrosis.
Liquorice Root

Liquorice Root

Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma
Functions:Supplements the spleen, boosts qi, clears heat, resolves toxin, dispels phlegm, relieves cough, relaxes tension, relieves pain, harmonizes the nature of other medicinals.
Prepared Common Monkshood Daughter Root

Prepared Common Monkshood Daughter Root

Aconiti Lateralis Radix Praeparata
Functions:Returns yang, rescues counter flow, supplements fire, assists yang, dispels cold, relieves pain. ‘First medicinal material of returns yang and rescues counter flow’. Apply to excessive yin refusing yang, loss of yang due to profuse perspiration, vomiting and diarrhea, counter flow limbs, cold limbs and faint pulse, chest and abdominal cold pain, cold diarrhea, beriberi and edema, wind-cold and damp impediment, impotence, cold uterine, vomit and diarrhea due to deficiency and cold, edema due to yin cold, exterior cold due to yang deficiency, yin carbuncle and sore, and all the diseases of chronic cold.
Hypoglaucous Yam Rhizome

Hypoglaucous Yam Rhizome

Dioscoreae Hypoglaucae Rhizoma
Functions:Promotes urination, dispels wind, promotes removing damp. Apply to wind and damp impediment, pain of waist and knees, dysuria, stranguria with turbid discharge, spermatorrhea, sore toxin due to damp and heat.
Edible Kudzuvine Root

Edible Kudzuvine Root

Puerariae Thomsonii Radix
Functions:Resolves flesh, abates heat, outthrusts measles, engenders fluid, relieves thirst, raises yang, relieves diarrhea. Apply to fever caused by exogenous pathogens, rigid and pain of head and neck, early period of measles, measles without adequate eruptions, thirst due to heat disease, diabetes, diarrhea, dysentery, hypertension, coronary heart disease.
Fourstamen Stephania Root

Fourstamen Stephania Root

Stephaniae Tetrandrae Radix
Functions:Promotes urination, reduces swelling, dispels wind, relieves pain. apply to edema and beriberi, difficulty in micturition, wind-damp impediment, rheumatic arthralgia, hypertension. According to common views, Han fang ji has stronger effect of promotes urination and reduces swelling; Mu fang ji has stronger effect of dispels wind and relieves pain.
Divaricate Saposhnikovia

Divaricate Saposhnikovia

Saposhnikoviae Radix
Functions:Dispels wind to release the exterior pattern, dispels dampness and relieve pain, arrests convulsions. Apply to exterior syndrome due to wind-cold, headache, dizziness, rigid neck, rheumatic arthralgia with wind-cold, joint pain and sour, convulsion of limbs, tetanus.
Blue Turmeric Rhizome

Blue Turmeric Rhizome

Curcumae Rhizoma
Functions:Breaks blood, disperses accumulations, moves qi, relieves pain.
Doubleteeth Angelicae Root

Doubleteeth Angelicae Root

Angelicae Pubescentis Radix
Functions:Dispels wind, eliminates dampness, frees cold, stops pain. apply to wind-cold and damp impediment, pain of waist and knees, subside wind of Shao Yin and headache, headache and toothache.
Longleaf Garden Burnet Root

Longleaf Garden Burnet Root

Sanguisorbae Radix
Functions:Cools blood, stops bleeding, relieves toxin, astringes sore, eliminates heat of lower-jiao. Apply to hematuria and hematochezia.
Adhesive Rehmannia Root Tuber

Adhesive Rehmannia Root Tuber

Rehmanniae Radix
Functions:Xian di huang: Clears heat, engenders fluids, cools blood, stops bleeding. Sheng di haung: clears heat, cools blood, nourishes yin, and engenders fluids. Shu di huang: nourishes yin, supplements bloods, boosts essence, and fills the marrow. Apply to yin deficiency and hectic fever, diabetes, hematemesis, non-traumatic hemorrhage, metrorrhagia, irregular menstruation, threatened miscarriage, diarrhea due to yin damage.
Dan - shen Root

Dan - shen Root

Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix et Rhizoma
Functions:Invigorates the blood, regulates menstruation, dispels stasis, relieves pain, cools blood, relieves ulcer, clears the heart, eliminates vexation, nourishing the blood and calming mental state. Apply to irregular menstrual period, amenorrhea and painful menstruation, abdominal mass and food accumulation, chest and abdominal sting, pyretic arthralgia and pain, anthracia and swelling pain, dysphoria and insomnia, live and spleen swelling, angina pectoris.
Pilose Asiabell Root

Pilose Asiabell Root

Codonopsis Radix
Functions:Supplements the center, boosts qi, fortifies the lung, boosts the spleen. Apply to weakness of spleen and lung, short breath and palpitations, anorexia and loose stool, dyspnea and cough due to deficiency of the lung, feverish dysphoria and diabetes.
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