Glossy Privet Fruit

Glossy Privet Fruit

Ligustri Lucidi Fructus
Functions:Enriches liver and kidney, brighten eyes, blackens hair. Apply to vertigo and tinnitus, relative weakness in the loins and knees, early greying of beard and hair, darkened vision, inner heat and diabetes, bone steaming and hot flash.
Great Burdock Fruit

Great Burdock Fruit

Arctii Fructus
Functions:Dispels wind heat, diffuses lung and outthrusts rashes, resolves toxin and benefits throat. Apply to wind-heat type common cold, cough with phlegm, measles and rashes, throat swelling and pain, mumps erysipelas, abscess and sore swelling and toxin.
Orange Magnoliavine Fruit

Orange Magnoliavine Fruit

Schisandrae Sphenantherae Fructus
Functions:Inducing astringency, benefiting qi-flow engendering liquid, tonifying kidney and calming the heart. Apply to lingering cough and dyspnea due to deficiency, nocturnal emissions and spermatorrhoea, anischuria and urinary frequency, lingering diarrhea, spontaneous perspiration, night sweat, hydrodipsia due to depletion of body fluids, shortness of breath and feeble pulse, feverish dysphoria and diabetes, palpitation and insomnia.
Wild Carrot Fruit

Wild Carrot Fruit

Carotae Fructus
Functions:Kills worms, removes accumulation. Apply to roundworm, pinworm and teniasis, enterozoic abdominalgia, retarded growth in infants due to malnutrition.
Indian Trunpetflower Seed

Indian Trunpetflower Seed

Oroxyli Semen
Functions:Clears heat, promotes throat, soothes liver, harmonizes stomach. Apply to cough due to lung heat, throat impediment, duck voice, pain of liver and stomach qi.
Common Floweringquine Fruit

Common Floweringquine Fruit

Chaenomelis Fructus
Functions:Calms liver, soothes the sinews, harmonizes stomach, transforms dampness. Apply to damp arthralgia and contractions, heavy feeling and pain in the waist and knee joints, vomiting and diarrhea, muscle spasms, beriberi and edema.
Cochinchina Momordica Seed

Cochinchina Momordica Seed

Momordicae Semen
Functions:Disperses bind, reduces swelling, attacks toxin, treats sores. Apply to sore and swelling toxin, acute mastitis, scrofula, anal fistula, psoriasis, and favas of the scalp.
Nux Vomica

Nux Vomica

Strychni Semen
Functions:Frees channels, stops pain, disperses binds, reduces swelling. Apply to wind-damp impediment, numbness and paralysis, injury from falls, abscess swelling pain, sequelae of infantile paralysis, rheumatoid arthritis.
Sinplelaef Shrub Chastetree Fruit

Sinplelaef Shrub Chastetree Fruit

Viticis Fructus
Functions:Dispels wind heat, clears and promotes head and eyes. Apply to wind heat common cold and headache, swelling pain in the gums, conjunctival congestion and delacrimation, dark and blurred vision, lightheadedness and dizziness.
Barley Sprout

Barley Sprout

Hordei Fructus Germinatus
Functions:Moves qi, digest food, promotes spleen, opens appetite, returns milk, eliminates swelling. Apply to food accumulation and indigestion, abdominal swelling and pain, deficiency of spleen and little food intake, stagnation of milk and sweat, distention and pain of the breast, ablactation. Unprocessed mai ya can promote spleen and harmonizes stomach and frees mammary. Apply to deficiency of spleen and little food intake, stagnation of mammary and sweat.
Slender Dutchmanspipe Fruit

Slender Dutchmanspipe Fruit

Aristolochiae Fructus
Functions:Clears lung, downbears qi, stops cough, calms panting, clears intestines, eliminates haemorrhoid. Apply to use for dyspnea and cough due to lung-heat, bloody sputum, hemorrhage due to intestinal heat and hemorrhoids and pain due to swelling.
Lohanguo Siraitia Fruit

Lohanguo Siraitia Fruit

Siraitiae Fructus
Functions:Clears heat, moistens the lung, promotes throat, opens voice, moistens intestines, frees stools. Apply to cough due to lung heat, throat pain and aphonia, constipation due to intestine dryness.
Beautiful Sweetgum Fruit

Beautiful Sweetgum Fruit

Liquidambaris Fructus
Functions:Dispels wind, boosts blood, promotes urination, frees channels. Apply to joint impediment, numbing and convulsion, edema and swelling fullness, location deficiency, amenorrhea.
Dried Longan Pulp

Dried Longan Pulp

Longan Arillus
Functions:Supplements heart and spleen, nourishes blood, calms spirit. Apply to deficiency of qi and blood, palpitation and convulsion, amnesia and insomnia, yellow skin due to blood deficiency.
Lotus Plumule

Lotus Plumule

Nelumbinis Plumula
Functions:Clears heart, calms spirit, connects heart and kidney, astringes essence, stops bleeding. Apply to heat attacking pericardium, coma and delirium, disharmony heart and kidney, insomnia and emissions, hematemesis due to blood heat.
Lotus Seed

Lotus Seed

Nelumbinis Semen
Functions:Supplements the spleen, stops diarrhea, promotes the kidney, astringes essence, nourishes heart, calms spirit. Apply to splenasthenic diarrhea due to spleen deficiency, emissions, leukorrhea, palpitation and insomnia.
Weeping Forsythia Fruit

Weeping Forsythia Fruit

Forsythiae Fructus
Functions:Clears heat, resolves toxin, eliminates swelling, disperses stasis, dispels wind heat, also called ‘premier of sore medicines’. Apply to warm heat diseases, erysipelas, rashes, abscess swelling pain, scrofula, pyretic stranguria and uroschesis, heart fire.
Garden Radish Seed

Garden Radish Seed

Raphani Semen
Functions:Digest food, resolves fullness, downbears qi, resolves phlegm. Apply to food stagnation, abdominal swelling and pain, constipation, accumulation and diarrhea, phlegm stasis and cough and panting.
Ansu Apricot Seed

Ansu Apricot Seed

Armeniacae Semen Amarum
Functions:Downbears qi, stops cough, calms panting, moistens intestines, frees stools. Apply to coughing and dyspnea, excessive phlegm due to chest distention, hemopenia due to consumption of fluid, constipation induced by dryness of the intestine.
Sickle Senna Seed

Sickle Senna Seed

Cassiae Semen
Functions:Clears heat, brightens eyes, moistens intestines, frees stools. Apply to swelling pain induced by conjunctival congestion, intolerance of light and hyperdacryosis, headache and dizziness, lightheadedness, constipation. Belongs to liver, kidney and large intestine channels. It has effect of lose weight. Apply to conjunctival congestion with wind and heat, optic atrophy, night blindness, hypertension, hepatitis, abdominal dropsy due to cirrhosis, habitual constipation.
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