HomeTraditional Chinese Medicine Herbs


Functions:Adjusts qi, invigorates blood, calms pain, disperses toxin. Apply to stagnation of qi and blood, heart and abdominal pain, swelling pain of abscess and sore, traumatic injury, dysmenorrheal, postpartum blood stasis and pain.
Cassia Bark

Cassia Bark

Cinnamomi Cortex
Functions:Supplements fire, assists yang, conducts fire to return to its source, scatters cold, relieves pain, invigorates blood, frees channels. Warms spleen and stomach, eliminates cold accumulation, frees blood and veins. Apply to decline of vital gate-fire, cold limbs and weak pulse, yang exhaustion and general exhaustion, diarrhea and stomachache, cold hernia and renal mass, cold pain of waist and knees, menostasis and abdominal mass, dorsal furuncle, multiple abscesses, upward floating of yang in deficiency condition, upper heat and lower cold.


Myristicae Semen
Functions:Warms the middle, astringes intestines, moves qi, resolves food. Apply to diarrhea of deficiency type, cold dysentery, gastric and abdominal swelling pain, poor appetite and vomiting, indigestion.
Desertliving Cistanche Herb

Desertliving Cistanche Herb

Cistanches Herba
Functions:Supplements kidney yang, boosts essence and blood, moistens the intestines and frees stools. Apply to weakness deficiency of kidney yang, lack of essence and blood, impotence, emissions, cold pain of waist and knees, tinnitus and blur vision, turbid vaginal discharge, frequent urination, menstruation delay, metrorrhagia and metrostaxis, infertility, constipation due to dry intestines.
Ginseng Root

Ginseng Root

Ginseng Radix et Rhizoma
Functions:Greatly supplements original qi, restores the pulse, secures desertion, supplements the spleen, benefits the lung, engenders body fluids, stops thirst, quiets the spirit, promotes intelligence. Apply to complete exhaustion due to physical weakness, cold limbs and weak pulse, poor appetite due to splenic deficiency, coughing with asthma due to pulmondeficiency, hydrodipsia due to depletion of body fluids, feverish dysphoria and diabetes, deficiency and weakness due to invalidism, palpitation and insomnia, impotence and uterus cold, cardiac failure, cardiogenic shock.
Japanese Honeysuckle Stem

Japanese Honeysuckle Stem

Lonicerae Japonicae Caulis
Functions:Clears heat, resolves toxin, dispels wind, frees channel. Apply to epidemic febrile disease and pyrexia, hemafecia due to pyretic toxicity, abscess and sore swelling, wind-damp heat impediment, arthritis.
Fringed Pink Herb

Fringed Pink Herb

Dianthi Herba
Functions:Promotes urination, frees strangury, breaks blood, frees channels. apply to Pyretic stranguria, bloody stranguria, stranguria caused by urinary stone, difficulty in micturition, dripping and pain during micturition induced by pyretic stranguria.


Functions:Extinguishes wind, relieves convulsion, attacks toxin, disperses stasis, frees channels, stops pain. Apply to infantile convulsion, convulsion, stroke with facial paralysis, hemiplegia, tentanus, wind-damp impediment, headache, sores, scrofula.
Bistort Rhizome

Bistort Rhizome

Bistortae Rhizoma
Functions:Clears heat, calms fright, resolves dampness, eliminates swelling. Apply to convulsion due to heat, tetanus, dysentery, swelling abscess, scrofula. Clears heat, promotes urination, cools blood, stops bleeding, resolves toxin, and disperses stasis. Apply to cough due to lung heat, convulsion due to heat, dysentery, heat diarrhea, hemoptysis, epistaxis, hemorrhoids hemorrhage, abscess swelling and sore toxin.
Long-nosed Pit Viper

Long-nosed Pit Viper

Functions:Dispels wind, frees channels, stops convulsion. Apply to wind-damp impediment, numbness spasm, stroke with facial paralysis, hemiplegia, convulsion, tetanus, lepra and scabies and tinea.
Ash Bark

Ash Bark

Fraxini Cortex
Functions:Clears heat, dries dampness, clears liver, brightens eyes, astringes and stops diarrhea, stops vaginal discharge. Apply to diarrhea due to heat toxin, vaginal discharge and itching, swelling pain induced by conjunctival congestion due to liver heat, conjunctival congestion.
Largeleaf Gentian Root

Largeleaf Gentian Root

Gentianae Macrophyllae Radix
Functions:Dispels wind-damp, comforts sinews, clears deficiency heat. Apply to wind-damp impediment, contracture of bones and muscles, sour pain of bone and joint, afternoon tidal fever, infantile malnutrition with fever.
Feather Cockscomb Seed

Feather Cockscomb Seed

Celosiae Semen
Functions:Clears liver, drains fire, brightens eyes, eliminates eye screen. Apply to liver heat with dry mouth, conjunctival congestion, blurred vision, dizziness due to liver fire.
Immature Tangerine Fruit

Immature Tangerine Fruit

Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium Viride
Functions:Courses liver, breaks qi, eliminates stagnation, resolves stasis. Apply to chest and flank and abdominal fullness and pain, acute mastitis, colic, food stagnation and qi stasis.
Biotite Schist

Biotite Schist

Chloriti Lapis
Functions:Downbears phlegm and qi, calms liver, settles fright. Apply to chronic phlegm stasis, coughing and panting, epilepsy, irritability and chest tightness, and convulsion. Often produced in pills.
Sweet Wormwood Herb

Sweet Wormwood Herb

Artemisiae Annuae Herba
Functions:Clears deficiency heat, cools blood, eliminates steaming, interrupts malaria. Apply to fever due to summerheat evil, fever due to yin deficiency, night fever and bring down in the morning, bone steaming and consumptive fever, malaria with cold and heat, damp-heat jaundice.
White Canarytree Fruit

White Canarytree Fruit

Canarii Fructus
Functions:Clears heat, promotes throat, engenders fluid, resolves toxin. Apply to throat swelling pain, cough, polydipsia, fish and crab toxin.
Ovientvine Stem

Ovientvine Stem

Sinomenii Caulis
Functions:Dispels wind-damp, frees channels, promotes urination. Apply to wind-damp impediment, joint swelling, paralysis and itching.
Natural Indigo

Natural Indigo

Indigo Naturalis
Functions:Clears heat, cools blood and eliminates spots, resolves toxin, clears liver, drains fire, calms fright. Apply to warm disease with heat, macula, nosebleed, vomiting of blood, infantile fright epilepsy, sore swelling, erysipelas, snake and insect bites.
Gordon Euryale Seed

Gordon Euryale Seed

Euryales Semen
Functions:Supplements kidney, secures essence, supplements spleen, relieves diarrhea, eliminates dampness, relieves vaginal discharge. Apply to spermatorrhea, enuresis, frequency of urination, chronic diarrhea due to spleen deficiency, gonorrhea, and vaginal discharge.
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