HomeTraditional Chinese Medicine Herbs
Lobedleaf Pharbitis Seed

Lobedleaf Pharbitis Seed

Pharbitidis Semen
Functions:Drains water, frees stools, eliminates phlegm, clears fluid, kills worms, attacks stagnation. Apply to edema and fullness, fecal and urinary stoppage, inverse qi and panting, worm stagnation and abdominal pain, ascariasis, taeniasis.
Obscuteed Homalomena Rhizome

Obscuteed Homalomena Rhizome

Homalomenae Rhizoma
Functions:Dispels wind-damp, comforts sinew, invigorates channels, stops pain, eliminates swelling. Apply to wind-damp impediment, arthralgia, and flaccidity of extremities, traumatic injury, stomachache, abscess and sore swelling.
Caper Euphorbia Seed

Caper Euphorbia Seed

Euphorbiae Semen
Functions:Drains water, eliminates swelling, breaks blood, resolves mass. Apply to edema, fluid retention, dyspepsia and feeling of fullness, unsmooth urine and stool, amenorrhea due to stagnation of blood, externally applied to treat verruca warts, refractory tinea.
Whiteflower Hogfennel Root|Common Hogfennel Root

Whiteflower Hogfennel Root|Common Hogfennel Root

Peucedani Radix
Functions:Disperses wind and heat, downbears qi, resolves phlegm. Apply to wind-heat common cold, cough with phlegm, yellow phlegm.
Incised Notopterygium Rhizome and Root

Incised Notopterygium Rhizome and Root

Notopterygii Rhizoma et Radix
Functions:Disperses exterior cold, dispels wind damp, promotes joints, stops pain. Apply to exterior wind cold, headache without sweating, wind-cold and damp impediment, wind edema, sore and ulcer swelling toxin.
Indian Madder Root

Indian Madder Root

Rubiae Radix et Rhizoma
Functions:Cools blood, stops blood, eliminates stasis, frees channels, calms cough, eliminates phlegm. Apply to hematemesis, non-traumatic hemorrhage, metrorrhagia and metrostaxis, traumatic bleeding, menostasia and stagnation, joint impediment, injury with swelling and pain. Modern study proved: apply to hemorrhagic disease, chronic bronchitis, chronic diarrhea, rheumatoid arthritis, soft tissue injury, and leucopenia.
Cattail Pollen

Cattail Pollen

Typhae Pollen
Functions:Stops bleeding, resolves stasis, frees strangury. Apply to hematemesis, non-traumatic hemorrhage, hemoptysis, metrorrhagia and metrostaxis, traumatic bleeding, amenorrhea, dysmenorrheal, abdominal pain, injury swelling and pain, blood strangury with dampness and pain.
Mongolian Dandelion Herb

Mongolian Dandelion Herb

Taraxaci Herba
Functions:Clears heat, resolves toxin, resolves swelling, eliminates binds. Apply to upper respiratory tract infection, conjunctivitis, mumps, hyperglycemia, acute mastitis and swelling pain, gastritis, diarrhea, hepatitis, cholecystitis, acute appendicitis, urinary tract infections, pelvic inflammatory disease, abscess, boils, furuncle, sore, pharyngitis, acute mastitis, lymphadenitis, scrofula, furuncle toxin and swelling sore, acute conjunctivitis, cold fever, acute tonsillitis, acute bronchitis, urinary tract infection.
Loquat Leaf

Loquat Leaf

Eriobotryae Folium
Functions:Clears lung, stops cough, downbears qi and stops vomiting. Apply to cough due to lung heat, inverse qi and panting, vomiting due to stomach heat, hiccup.
Ussuri Fritillary Vulb

Ussuri Fritillary Vulb

Fritillariae Ussuriensis Bulbus
Functions:Clears heat, moistens lung, transforms phlegm, stops cough. Apply to dry cough sue to lung heat, dry cough without phlegm, cough due to yin deficiency, cough with bloody phlegm, scrofula, acute mastitis.
Fortune’s Eupatorium Herb

Fortune’s Eupatorium Herb

Eupatorii Herba
Functions:Aromatically transforms dampness, arouses the spleen, increases the apprtite, releases the exterior and resolves summerheat. Apply to dampness stasis in middle-jiao, abdominal retention and fullness with vomiting, sweet and greasy taste, kakostomia, ptyalism, summerheat and damp exterior, early stage of damp and heat, fever and lassitude, chest oppression.
Boat - fruited Sterculia Seed

Boat - fruited Sterculia Seed

Sterculiae Lychnophorae Semen
Functions:Clears heat, moistens lung, promotes throat, resolves toxin, moistens intestines, frees stools. Apply to hoarse voice due to lung heat, cough without phlegm, throat dry and pain, heat stasis and constipation, headache and conjunctival congestion.
Glossy Privet Fruit

Glossy Privet Fruit

Ligustri Lucidi Fructus
Functions:Enriches liver and kidney, brighten eyes, blackens hair. Apply to vertigo and tinnitus, relative weakness in the loins and knees, early greying of beard and hair, darkened vision, inner heat and diabetes, bone steaming and hot flash.
Common Achyranthes

Common Achyranthes

Achyranthis Bidentatae Radix
Functions:Supplements liver and kidney, strengthens sinew and bone, invigorates blood, frees channels, conducts the blood to move downward, promotes urination. Apply to sour pain of waist and knees, tired and soft of lower limbs, blood stasis and amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, abdominal pain after giving birth, aggregation-accumulation, retention of placenta after giving birth, heat strangury, blood strangury, injury of trauma, abscess swelling and sore, throat swelling and pain.


Bovis Calculus
Functions:Clears heart, sweeps phlegm, opens the orifices, cool the liver, extinguishes wind, resolves toxin. Apply to coma due to heat, stroke with phlegm, convulsion, epilepsy, throat swelling and pain, mouth and tongue sore, abscess swelling, furuncle and sore.
Great Burdock Fruit

Great Burdock Fruit

Arctii Fructus
Functions:Dispels wind heat, diffuses lung and outthrusts rashes, resolves toxin and benefits throat. Apply to wind-heat type common cold, cough with phlegm, measles and rashes, throat swelling and pain, mumps erysipelas, abscess and sore swelling and toxin.
Chinese Azalea Flower

Chinese Azalea Flower

Rhododendri Mollis Flos
Functions:Dispels wind, eliminates dampness, removes swelling, stops pain. Apply to wind-damp impediment, injury from falls, anal fistula, tinea and sore.
Orange Magnoliavine Fruit

Orange Magnoliavine Fruit

Schisandrae Sphenantherae Fructus
Functions:Inducing astringency, benefiting qi-flow engendering liquid, tonifying kidney and calming the heart. Apply to lingering cough and dyspnea due to deficiency, nocturnal emissions and spermatorrhoea, anischuria and urinary frequency, lingering diarrhea, spontaneous perspiration, night sweat, hydrodipsia due to depletion of body fluids, shortness of breath and feeble pulse, feverish dysphoria and diabetes, palpitation and insomnia.
Fourleaf Ladybell Root

Fourleaf Ladybell Root

Adenophorae Radix
Functions:Nourishes yin, clears lung, promotes stomach, engenders fluid, supplements qi, resolves phlegm. Apply to supplement lung and spleen qi, qi deficiency of spleen and lung, exhaust and fatigue, lack of food intake, sweating, pale color of tongue, weak pulse.
Wild Carrot Fruit

Wild Carrot Fruit

Carotae Fructus
Functions:Kills worms, removes accumulation. Apply to roundworm, pinworm and teniasis, enterozoic abdominalgia, retarded growth in infants due to malnutrition.
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