HomeTraditional Chinese Medicine Herbs
Colored Mistletoe Herb

Colored Mistletoe Herb

Visci Herba
Functions:Supplements the liver and kidney, strengthens sinew and bone, dispels wind-damp, calms the fetus.
Black Pepper Fruit

Black Pepper Fruit

Piperis Fructus
Functions:Promotes the stomach, digest food, warms the center, disperses cold, stops pain; Apply to deficiency cold of spleen and stomach, vomiting, diarrhea.
Figwortflower Picrorhiza Rhizome

Figwortflower Picrorhiza Rhizome

Picrorhizae Rhizoma
Functions:Clears heat, cools blood, dries dampness. hectic fever due to yin-deficiency, hectic fever and night sweat, retarded growth in infants due to malnutrition, hygropyretic diarrhea and dysentery, jaundice, hematemesis, non-traumatic hemorrhage, swelling pains induced by conjunctival congestion, furuncles and ulcers, hemorrhoids and swelling toxicity.


Functions:Promotes urination, frees strangury, clears heat, resolves summerheat, dispels dampness, closes sores. Apply to heat strangury, stony strangury, hot and astringent pain during urination, polydipsia due to summer-dampness, diarrhea due to damp heat, externally used to eczema, heat rash.
Baikal Skullcap Root

Baikal Skullcap Root

Scutellariae Radix
Functions:Clears heat, dries dampness, drains fire, resolves toxin, stops bleeding, calms fetus, reduces blood pressure. Apply to damp-warm diseases, chest retention and vomiting due to summer-warm, retention and fullness due to damp and heat, diarrhea, jaundice, cough with lung heat, polydipsia with high fever, hematemesis and non-traumatic hemorrhage due to blood heat, abscess and sore toxin, fetal movement.
Mongolian Milkvetch Root|Membranous Milkvetch Root

Mongolian Milkvetch Root|Membranous Milkvetch Root

Astragali Radix
Functions:Supplements qi, secures the exterior, promotes urination, outthrusts toxin, expels pus, closes sore, engenders flesh. Apply to deficiency of vital energy causing debilitation, anorexia and loose stools, collapse of middle-warmer energy, anal prolapse due to long term diarrhea, hemafecia, metrorrhagia and metrostaxis, continuous persipiration due to superficial deficiency, persistent superficial infection, persistent ulcers, wilting due to blood deficiency, internal heat dispersion-thirst.
Chinese Goldthread Rhizome

Chinese Goldthread Rhizome

Coptidis Rhizoma
Functions:Clears heat, dries dampness, drains fire, resolves toxin. Damp-heat distention and fullness, vomiting and acid regurgitation, diarrhea, jaundice, dizziness with high fever, excess of heart fire, insomnia due to vexation, haematemesis and epistaxis due to blood heat, red eye, toothache, diabetes, abscess, sore and boil swelling, externally used to eczema, ear pus.
Siberian Solomonseal Rhizome

Siberian Solomonseal Rhizome

Polygonati Rhizoma
Functions:Nourishes the kidney, moistens the lung, fortifies the spleen, supplements qi. Apply to cough due to deficiency of yin, dry cough due to dryness of lung, spleen deficiency and fatigue, low food intake and dry mouth, diabetes, weakness of waist and knees due to deficiency of kidney, impotence and emission, tinnitus and dim vision, prematurely grey, thin and weakness of body and deficiency, leprosy and tinea.
Amur Corktree Bark

Amur Corktree Bark

Phellodendri Chinensis Cortex
Functions:Clears heat, dried dampness, drains fire, eliminates steaming, resolves toxin, treats sore. Apply to dysentery due to damp-heat pathogen, jaundice, leukorrhea, pyretic stranguria, beriberi, osteopyrexia, night sweat, emissions, burns and scalds and swelling, eczema and pruritus.
Tomentose Pummelo Peel

Tomentose Pummelo Peel

Citri Grandis Exocarpium
Functions:Disperses cold, dries dampness, promotes qi, eliminates phlegm. Apply to cough due to wind-cold, itching throat with phlegm, dyspepsia and chronic alcoholism, vomiting, nausea, painful abdominal mass.
Bunge Pricklyath Pericarp

Bunge Pricklyath Pericarp

Zanthoxyli Pericarpium
Functions:Warms the center, stops pain, kills worms, stops itching. Unprocessed Hua jiao has slightly toxin, and strong warm and acrid nature, externally used to kill worms and stop itching, sore, eczema, and Itch of skin.
Japanese Pagodatree Fruit

Japanese Pagodatree Fruit

Sophprae Fructus
Functions:Clears heat, drains fire, cools blood, stops blood. Apply to hemafecia due to intestinal heat, piles and hemorrhage, headache due to hepatic heat, vertigo and conjunctival congestion.
Black Locust Flower

Black Locust Flower

Sophorae Flos
Functions:Cools blood, stops blood, clears the liver, drains fire. Apply to hemafecia due to intestinal wind, hemorrhoid hemorrhage, hematodiarrhea, hematuria, bloody stranguria, metrorrhagia and metrostaxis, hematemesis, non-traumatic hemorrhage, headache due to live fire, conjunctival congestion ans swellingpain, throat impediment, aphonia, abscess and sore.
Officinal Magnolia Bark

Officinal Magnolia Bark

Magnoliae Officinalis Cortex
Functions:Moves qi, disperses stagnation, dries dampness, eliminates fullness, downbears qi, calms panting. Apply to dyspeptic disease and qi stagnancy, abdominal distention and constipation, dampness stagnates the middle-jiao, vomiting and diarrhea, accumulation of phlegm and reversed qi, cough and panting due to fullness of cheat.
Red Ginseng

Red Ginseng

Ginseng Radix et Rhizoma Rubra
Functions:Greatly supplements original qi, secures desertion, engenders fluid, calms spirit. Apply to injury due to exhaustion, lack of food intake, lassitude, nausea and vomiting, loose of stools, cough due to deficiency and panting, sweating and acute prostration, palpitate with fear, amnesia, dizziness and headache, impotence, frequent urination, diabetes, metrorrhagia and metrostaxis, infantile convulsions, discovery of chronicly deficiency, and all the diseases of deficiency of qi and blood and fluid.
Manyinflorecenced Sweetvetch

Manyinflorecenced Sweetvetch

Hedysari Radix
Functions:Supplements qi, secures the exterior, promotes urination, expresses toxin, expels pus, closes sores, engenders flesh. Apply to deficiency qi and fatigue, low food intake and loose stools, sinking of qi of the middle, chronicly diarrhea and rectal prolapse, hematochezia, metrorrhagia and metrostaxis, deficiency exterior and sweating, edema due to deficiency of qi, unexpressive abscess and ulcer, skin expresses yellow due to deficiency of blood, diabetes induced by inner heat, chronicly nephritis proteinuria, diabetes.
Kirilow Rhodiola Root and Rhizome

Kirilow Rhodiola Root and Rhizome

Rhodiolae Crenulatae Radix et Rhizoma
Functions:Promotes qi, boosts blood, frees pulse, calms panting. Apply to blood stasis due to deficiency of qi, cardiac pain due to thoracic obstruction, stroke and hemiparalysis, lassitude and breathlessness.


Carthami Flos
Functions:Boosts blood, frees channels, disperses stasis, stops pains. Apply to menostasia, painful menstruation, retention of the lochia, abdominal mass, chest impediment and pain, abdominal stagnation and pain, chest and flank sting, traumatic injury, sore swelling pain.
Galanga Galangal Fruit

Galanga Galangal Fruit

Galangae Fructus
Functions:Warms center, dries dampness, dispels cold, arouses the spleen, disperses food. Apply to abdominal cold pain, food stagnation and fullness, vomiting and diarrhea, over drinking, dysphagia and nausea.
Konxia Root

Konxia Root

Knoxiae Radix
Functions:Drains water, expels rheum, resolves toxin, disperses stagnation. Apply to chest and abdominal hydrocele, difficulty in urination and defecation, abscess and sore toxin, scrofula and gall.
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