HomeTraditional Chinese Medicine Herbs
Chinese Ephedrs Herb

Chinese Ephedrs Herb

Ephedrae Herba
Functions:Promotes sweating, disperses cold, diffuses the lung, calms panting, promotes urination, reduces swelling.
Slender Dutchmanspipe Fruit

Slender Dutchmanspipe Fruit

Aristolochiae Fructus
Functions:Clears lung, downbears qi, stops cough, calms panting, clears intestines, eliminates haemorrhoid. Apply to use for dyspnea and cough due to lung-heat, bloody sputum, hemorrhage due to intestinal heat and hemorrhoids and pain due to swelling.


Lasiosphaera Calvatia
Functions:Portioned stops bleeding, clears the lung, promotes throat, resolves heat.
Chinese Pyrola Herb

Chinese Pyrola Herb

Pyrolae Herba
Functions:Supplements deficiency, promotes kidney, dispels wind, eliminates dampness, invigorates blood, adjusts menstruation, supplements kidney, strengthens bone, spots cough, stops bleeding. Apply to kidney deficiency and waist pain, wind-damp impediment, flaccidity of extremities, lingering cough, hematemesis, non-traumatic hemorrhage, metrorrhagia and metrostaxis, hemorrhage caused by trauma.
Hairy Antler Pilose Antler

Hairy Antler Pilose Antler

Cervi Cornu Pantotrichum
Functions:Strengthens kidney yang, supplements essence blood, strengthens sinew and bone, adjusts chong and ren channels, raises sore toxin. Apply to impotence and spermatorrhea, infertility due to ovary cold, skinny body, exhausted spirit, fear of cold, dizziness, tinnitus, deaf, waist cold pain, weakness of sinew and bone, metrorrhagia and metrostaxis, morbid leucorrhea, yin abscesses.
Chinese Starasmine Stem

Chinese Starasmine Stem

Trachelospermi Caulis et Folium
Functions:Dispels wind, frees vessels, cools blood, eliminates swelling. Apply to wind-damp impediment, contracture of meridian and vessels, sour pain in the waist and knees, throat impediment, swelling abscess, injury from falls.
Lohanguo Siraitia Fruit

Lohanguo Siraitia Fruit

Siraitiae Fructus
Functions:Clears heat, moistens the lung, promotes throat, opens voice, moistens intestines, frees stools. Apply to cough due to lung heat, throat pain and aphonia, constipation due to intestine dryness.
Dogbane Leaf

Dogbane Leaf

Apocyni Veneti Folium
Functions:Calms the liver and spirit, clears heat, promotes urination. Apply to dizziness due to liver yang, palpitation, insomnia, edema and oliguresis, hypertension, neurdeficiency, edema due to nephritis.
Beautiful Sweetgum Fruit

Beautiful Sweetgum Fruit

Liquidambaris Fructus
Functions:Dispels wind, boosts blood, promotes urination, frees channels. Apply to joint impediment, numbing and convulsion, edema and swelling fullness, location deficiency, amenorrhea.


Functions:Clears liver heat, frees stools. Apply to constipation, malnutrition of children, infantile convulsions, externally used to damp tinea.
Reed Rhizome

Reed Rhizome

Phragmitis Rhizoma
Functions:Clears heat, engenders fluid, eliminates vexation, stops vomiting, promotes urination. Apply to pyreticosis and dipsesis, vomiting due to gastric heat, cough due to lung heat, and vomit pus induced by lung abscess, heat stranguria and astringent pain.


Functions:Resolves toxin, brighten eyes, eliminates eye screen, astringes dampness, stops itching, astringes sore. Apply to eye screen and swelling pain, blepharitis cililiaris, nebula, sore not closing, excessive pus, damp sore, skin itching.
Common Swisscentaury Root

Common Swisscentaury Root

Rhapontici Radix
Functions:Clears heat, resolves toxin, eliminates abscess, frees milk, comforts sinew, frees veins. Apply to mammary abscess, abscess on back, scrofula and sore toxin, lack of lactation, damp impediment and spasm, arthritis, dysentery with bloody stool due to heat toxin, hemorrhoids hemorrhage.
Dried Longan Pulp

Dried Longan Pulp

Longan Arillus
Functions:Supplements heart and spleen, nourishes blood, calms spirit. Apply to deficiency of qi and blood, palpitation and convulsion, amnesia and insomnia, yellow skin due to blood deficiency.
Chinese Gentian Root|Rough Gentian Root

Chinese Gentian Root|Rough Gentian Root

Gentianae Radix et Rhizoma
Functions:Clears heat, dried dampness, drains the liver, calms fright. Apply to jaundice due to damp-heat, stranguria, genital itching, hydrothermal leucorrhea, head swelling and pain induced by liver and gall bladder fire, conjunctival congestion and swelling pain, deaf and swelling, hypochondriac pain and bitter taste, convulsion due to heat.
Lucid Ganoderma

Lucid Ganoderma

Functions:Supplements qi, calms spirit, stops cough, calms panting. Apply to dizziness and insomnia, palpitations and panting, cough due to exhaustion.
Antelope Hom

Antelope Hom

Saigae Tataricae Cornu
Functions:Calms the liver, extinguishes wind, clears the liver, brightens eyes, resolves blood stasis, resolves toxin. Apply to fright epilepsy with high fever, coma and convulsion, eclampsia, epilepsy, headache and dizziness, eye screen, heat toxin with skin eruption, sore and abscess toxin.
Chinese Trumpetcreeper

Chinese Trumpetcreeper

Campsis Flos
Functions:Moves blood, eliminates stasis, cools blood, dispels wind. Apply to amenorrhea and abdominal mass, postpartum mastitis, reddish wind rashes, skin itching, acne.
Lotus Plumule

Lotus Plumule

Nelumbinis Plumula
Functions:Clears heart, calms spirit, connects heart and kidney, astringes essence, stops bleeding. Apply to heat attacking pericardium, coma and delirium, disharmony heart and kidney, insomnia and emissions, hematemesis due to blood heat.
Lotus Seed

Lotus Seed

Nelumbinis Semen
Functions:Supplements the spleen, stops diarrhea, promotes the kidney, astringes essence, nourishes heart, calms spirit. Apply to splenasthenic diarrhea due to spleen deficiency, emissions, leukorrhea, palpitation and insomnia.
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