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Medicine Terminalia

Chebulae Fructus
Functions:Astringes the lung and intestines, downbears qi, promotes throat, clears coolness and resolves toxin. Apply to lingering diarrhea, lingering dysentery, anal prolapsed, cough and dyspnea with phlegm, aphonia due to lingering cough.
Hindu Lotus Leaf

Hindu Lotus Leaf

Nelumbinis Folium
Functions:Clears heat, resolves summer heat, sending up the lucid yang, cools blood, stops blood. Apply to constant thirst due to summer hygrosis, diarrhea due to summer hygrosis, diarrhea due to deficiency of spleen, haematemesis and epistaxis due to blood-heat, hematochezia and metrorrhagia and metrostaxis.
Walnut Meat

Walnut Meat

Juglandis Semen
Functions:Supplements the kidney, warms the lung, moistens the intestines. Apply to deficiency of kidney yang, soreness and weakness of waist and knees, impotence, emissions, constipation induced by dryness of the intestine.
Tuber Fleeceflower Root

Tuber Fleeceflower Root

Polygoni Multiflori Radix
Functions:Resolves toxin, disperses swelling-abscesses, stops malaria, moistens intestines, frees stools. Apply to sores and abscesses, scrofula, wind rash and pruritus, deficiency due to chronic malaria, constipation induced by dryness of the intestine.
Common Carpesium Fruit

Common Carpesium Fruit

Carpesii Fructus
Functions:Kills worms, clears heat, resolves toxin, promotes spleen, harmonizes stomach. Apply to stomach pain due to worm accumulation, trichomonas vaginalis.
Silktree Albizia Flower

Silktree Albizia Flower

Albiziae Flos
Functions:Resolves dampness, regulates qi, calms, spirit, boosts channel, nourishes blood, moistens kidney yin, clears heart, brightens eyes.


Functions:Soften hardness, disperses binds, disperses phlegm, promotes urination. Apply to goiter, scrofula, testis pain and swollen, retained phlegm and fluid, edema.


Sepiae Endoconcha
Functions:Astringes to stop bleeding, astringes essence, relieves vaginal discharge, controls acidity, closes sores. Apply to stomach pain and acid regurgitation, hematemesis, epistaxis, metrorrhagia and metrostaxis, hematochezia, spermatorrhea, red and white vaginal discharge, ulcer, externally used to traumatic bleeding, sore and purulence.
Kellogg’s Seahorse

Kellogg’s Seahorse

Functions:Warms kidney, invigorates yang, disperses binds, reduces swelling. Apply to impotence, enuresis, panting due to kidney deficiency, abdominal mass accumulation, traumatic injury, externally used to abscess, furuncle and sore.
Japanese Climbing Fern Spore

Japanese Climbing Fern Spore

Lygodii Spora
Functions:Clears damp-heat, frees strangury, relieves pain. Apply to pyretic stranguria, sandy stranguria, stranguria caused by urinary stones, bloody stranguria, stranguria marked by chyluria, unsmooth pain in the urinary tract.
Foxtail Millet Sprout

Foxtail Millet Sprout

Setariae Fructus Germinatus
Functions:Disperses food, resolves stagnation, promotes the spleen, open appetite. Apply to dyspepsia and stagnation, feeling of fullness and diarrhea, spleen deficiency and anorexia, beriberi and general edema.
Fortune's Drynaria Rhizome

Fortune's Drynaria Rhizome

Drynariae Rhizoma
Functions:Supplements the kidney, strengthens the bones, heals injuries, relieves pain. apply to lumbago due to deficiency of the kidney, tinnitus and deafness, tooth mobility, falls, sudden sprains and contusions, wounds and fractures of muscles and bones respectively; externally applied to treat alopecia areata, leucoderma.
Buerger Pipewort Head

Buerger Pipewort Head

Eriocauli Flos
Functions:Expels wind, clears heat, improves eyesight, removes superficial visual obstruction. Apply to visual obstruction, night blindness, head pain, teeth pain, throat impediment, epistaxis.
Cassiabarktree Twig

Cassiabarktree Twig

Cinnamomi Ramulus
Functions:Promotes sweating, resolves the flesh, warms and frees the channels and vessels, assists yang in transforming qi, downbears qi. Apply to wind-cold type of common cold, abdominal cold pain, amenorrhea due to cold blood, joint impediment, phlegm and retained fluid, edema, palpitations, renal mass.
Tortose's Carapae and Plastron

Tortose's Carapae and Plastron

Testudinis Carapax et Plastrum
Functions:Enriches yin, subdues yang, boosts the kidney, strengthens the bones, nourishes the blood, supplements the heart. Apply to yin deficiency and hot flashes, bone steaming and night sweat, dizziness, endogenous deficient wind, limp wilting sinews and bones, heart deficiency and amnesia.
Chinese Corktree Bark

Chinese Corktree Bark

Phellodendri Amurensis Cortex
Functions:Clears heat, dry dampness, removes fire, eliminates steaming, resolves toxin, treats sores. Apply to dysentery due to damp-heat pathogen, jaundice, leukorrhea, pyretic stranguria, beriberi, osteopyrexia, night sweat, emissions, burns and scalds and swelling.
Snowbellleaf Tickclover Herb

Snowbellleaf Tickclover Herb

Desmodii Stracifolii Herba
Functions:Clears heat, eliminates dampness, promotes urination, frees strangury. Apply to pyretic stranguria, sandy stranguria, stony strangury, and astringent pain during urination, edema and oliguria, jaundice, reddish urine, lithangiuria.
Cablin Potchouli Herb

Cablin Potchouli Herb

Pogostemonis Herba
Functions:Aromatically transforms turbidity, harmonizes stomach, relieves vomiting, resolves summerheat, resolves exterior. Apply to painful abdominal mass due to damp blockage of middle energizer, poor appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, headache due to chills and fever by summer hygrosis, pyrexia and fatigue at onset of hygropyrexia, chest distress and nausea, persistent turbid nasal discharge, ringworm in feet.
Mongolian Snakegourd Fruit

Mongolian Snakegourd Fruit

Trichosanthis Fructus
Functions:Moistens the lung, transforms phlegm, disperses binds, moistens the intestines. Apply to cough due the heat phlegm, chest impediment, thoracic obstruction, consumptive lung with hemoptysis, diabetes, jaundice, constipation, early welling-abscess swelling.
Sharpleaf Uncaria Stem with Hools

Sharpleaf Uncaria Stem with Hools

Uncariae Ramulus cum Uncis
Functions:Clears heat, calms the liver, extinguishes wind, relieves tentany. Apply to infantile frightened epilepsy, night cry, exuberating heat stirring wind, eclampsia, dizzing due to liver yang, head swelling pain due to liver fire.
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