HomeTraditional Chinese Medicine Herbs
Common Vurculigo Rhizome

Common Vurculigo Rhizome

Curculiginis Rhizoma
Functions:Warms kidney yang, strengthens sinew and bone. Apply to impotence and cold sperm, aconuresis, metrorrhagia and metrostaxis, heart and abdomen cold pain, waist and feet cold impediment, ulcer, scrofula, cold diarrhea caused by yang deficiency. Impotence and cold sperm, wind-cold of waist and knees, flaccidity of extremities.
Hairyvein Agrimonia Herb

Hairyvein Agrimonia Herb

Agrimoniae Herba
Functions:Astringes and stops bleeding, relieves diarrhea, kills worms. Universally apply to various hemorrhage, for example. hematemesis, hematuria, hematochezia, metrorrhagia and metrostaxis, hemoptysis, epistaxis, red and white dysentery, over strained and fatigue, carbuncle, injury, traumatic bleeding and so on.
Medical Citron Fruit

Medical Citron Fruit

Citri Fructus
Functions:Courses liver, rectifies qi, expands the middle, transforms phlegm. Apply to chest and abdominal fullness, chest swelling and pain, cough with excessive phlegm.
Coralhead Plant Seed

Coralhead Plant Seed

Abri precatorii Semen
Functions:Clears heat, resolves toxin, relives vomiting, kills worms. Externally apply to tinea and ulcer, abscess and sore, eczema.
Chinese Mosla Herb

Chinese Mosla Herb

Moslae Herba
Functions:Promotes sweating, resolves summerheat, moves water, disperses dampness, warms stomach, adjust the middle. Apply to affection of exotenous wind-cold in summer, headache and fever, aversion to cold without sweat, chest fullness and abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea, edema, beriberi.
Chinese Silkvine Root - bark

Chinese Silkvine Root - bark

Periplocae Cortex
Functions:Promotes urination, eliminates swelling, dispels wind-damp, strengthens sinew and bone. Apply to edema of lower extremity, palpitation and shortness of breath, wind-cold and damp impediment, weakness of waist and knees.
Nutgrass Galingale Rhizome

Nutgrass Galingale Rhizome

Cyperi Rhizoma
Functions:Moves qi, resolves depression, regulates menstruation, relieves pain. apply to stagnation of qi due to live depression, chest and abdominal swelling pain, indigestion, irregular menstrual periods, amenorrhea and dysmenorrheal, cold hernia pain, painful swollen breasts.
Common Selfheal Spike

Common Selfheal Spike

Prunellae Spica
Functions:Clears fire, brightens eye, disperses binds, eliminates swelling. Apply to pain in the eyeball, headache, scrofula, gall, mammary abscess swelling pain.
Medicinal Evodia Immature Fruit

Medicinal Evodia Immature Fruit

Euodiae Fructus
Functions:Disperses cold, stops pain, downbears counterflow, stops vomiting. Apply to deficiency cold of liver and stomach, headache or abdominal pain induced by inversed yin turbid.
Combined Spicebush Root

Combined Spicebush Root

Linderae Radix
Functions:Moves qi, stops pain, warms kidney, disperses cold.
Chinese Magnoliavine Fruit

Chinese Magnoliavine Fruit

Schisandrae Chinensis Fructus
Functions:Astringes and secures, boosts qi, engenders fluid, supplements kidney, calms heart. Apply to lingering cough and dyspnea due to deficiency, nocturnal emissions and spermatorrhoea, anischuria and urinary frequency, lingering diarrhea, spontaneous perspiration, night sweat, hydrodipsia due to depletion of body fluids, shortness of breath and feeble pulse, feverish dysphoria and diabetes, palpitation and insomnia.
Black Soake

Black Soake

Functions:Dispels wind, frees channel, stops convulsion. Apply to wind-damp impediment, convulsion, and stroke with facial paralysis, hemiplegia, convulsion, tetantus, leprosyand tinea, scrofula and evil sore.
Smoked Plum

Smoked Plum

Mume Fructus
Functions:Astringes lung, astringes intestines, engenders fluid, calms worms. Apply to pulmondeficiency due to long term cough, lingering dysentery and diarrhea, asthenic fever and diabetes, vomiting and abdominal pain due to ascariasis, ascariasis of creeping figary tract.
SlenderstyleAcanthopanax Root - bark

SlenderstyleAcanthopanax Root - bark

Acanthopanacis Cortex
Functions:Dispels wind, eliminates dampness, supplements liver and kidney, strengthens sinew and bone, promotes urination, eliminates swelling. Apply to wind-damp impediment, flaccidity of extremities, delayed walking ability in children, weakness and debilitation, edema, beriberi.


Functions:Extinguishes wind, calms convulsion, attacks toxin, disperses binds, frees channel, stops pain. Apply to infantile convulsion, convulsion, stroke with facial paralysis, paralysis, tetanus, wind-damp impediment, sore, scrofula, and poison snake bites.
Chinese Nut-gall

Chinese Nut-gall

Galla Chinensis
Functions:Astringes lung, stops sweating, astringes intestines, secures essence, stops bleeding, resolves toxin. Apply to chronic cough due to lung deficiency, sweating and night sweating, chronic dysentery and diarrhea, prolapse of the anus, emissions, gonorrhea, various hemorrhage, abscess swelling and sore.
Chinese Clematis Root and Rhizome

Chinese Clematis Root and Rhizome

Clematidis Radix et Rhizoma
Functions:Dispels wind-damp, frees channels. Apply to wind-damp impediment, limb numbness, contracture of tendons and vessels, hypertonicity of the sinews and impaired extension of the joints.
Chinese Cinquefoil Herb

Chinese Cinquefoil Herb

Potentillae Chinensis Herba
Functions:Clears heat, resolves toxin, cools blood, stops diarrhea. Apply to hematodiarrhoea and stomachache, lingering dysentery, piles and hemorrhage, anthracia and sores.
Cowherb Seed

Cowherb Seed

Vaccariae Semen
Functions:Invigorates blood, frees channels, resolves swelling, relieves pain, catalases delivery, descends milk. Apply to irregular menstruation, lack of milk, dystocia, swelling boil toxin, important clinical medicinal material use to descending milk.
Ark Shell

Ark Shell

Arcae Concha
Functions:Eliminates phlegm, resolves stasis, softens hardness, disperses binds, controls acidity, relives pain. Apply to chronic phlegm stasis, hard to cough out thick phlegm, scrofula, gall, abdominal mass, stomachache and acid regurgitation.
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